Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1410: Chaos (forty)

   Chapter 1410 Chaos (forty)

   came quickly.

   comes with a grand appearance ceremony.

   But also go fast.

   And very unseemly.

   In this regard, 【Demokogan】and the unfortunate 【Devil Lord】 are called brothers and sisters.

   Originally, I thought well.

   came to make a fortune, plus revenge, plus they tried to stab [Ms. Evernight - Shar] in the back after standing firm, adding an extra glorious resume for themselves.

   After all, [Shar], who is not the [God of Betrayal] and the [God of Conspiracy], can strike [Quickly], [Stable], [Accurate], [Rough]...

   The opponent's backstab is as fast as lightning, and has no preconditions. It is an instant passive, which is completely unexpected!

  So, just at the beginning of the game, he backstabbed [Demokogan] who appeared like lightning.

   Stunned all the witnesses!

   And the second backstab that followed completely eliminated all friendly forces.

   is proving that no matter how well you think and how well you plan, you can’t be quick and accurate!

   caused many beings including [Tyr] and [Su Lun] to be amazed, so that they could only shout in their hearts that they couldn't understand...

at the moment.

   Looking at [Shar] standing quietly on top of [Devil Lord]'s corpse, a slowly beating heart is suspended in his left and right hands.

[Ms. Silvermoon - Su Lun], who stabilized the injury for [Mystra], looked at [Tyr], who was still fighting with the [Chaos Demon Hound] and had no time to care about the rest, and couldn't help but wrinkle tightly. There was a subconscious sense of unease in his brows and heart, so he asked aloud:

   "[Shar], what exactly do you want to do?"

   "First he released the vicious dog who was the [enemy of the gods], and then he personally killed the helper he summoned."


  Ask is a question.

   She was also not quite sure whether the other party would answer her question.

   After all, it’s a bit of a problem to have to explain your plan to the enemy.

  What classic villain?

   But, coincidentally, at the moment [Shar] doesn't mind explaining it.

   She looked at the two hearts that were floating in her hands.

   Feeling the [Evil Bloodline], [Dirty Mana], and the [Abyss Divinity] that is so depraved that it can corrupt all things...

  【Shar】After a soft smile on his face, he asked back:

   "[Su Lun], my dear sister."

   "How many years have we been fighting?"

   "Thirty thousand years?"

   "Fifty thousand years?"

   "One hundred thousand years?"

   "It's been a really long time, hasn't it?"

   "Looking at the beginning, in the past, in the confrontation between you and me, it was usually me who had the upper hand."

   "What do you think, why is that?"

   faced her rhetorical question.

  【Su Lun】 looked slightly condensed.

   However, she didn't answer, not knowing what the other party meant.

  【Shar】 asked and answered with a smile:

   "The answer is simple, because I am stronger than you."

   "Although not much stronger."

   Then, she went on to say:

   "But the last tens of thousands of years."

   "Why, I'm obviously better than you, but it's getting harder and harder?"

   "Like the mice in the gutter, every now and then, they will be targeted by you?"

   This time, [Shar] still did not wait for [Su Lun] to answer, but continued to choose to ask and answer:

   "The answer is equally simple."

   "Because you have a whole bunch of helpers."

   "And I'm the guy that people hate."

   "Among them, the blows and targets from our good daughter, the [Goddess of Magic], are even more varied, and I am overwhelmed."

   comes to this.

   While talking.

   On her white palm, some dark light slowly emerged, shrinking constantly there.

at the same time.

   also caused the surrounding air to have a strange atmosphere.

   Dangerous atmosphere!

  See this situation.

  [Su Lun] immediately scolded sharply while warning signs in his heart:

   "What the **** are you trying to say?"

   in her heart.

   had some bad premonitions.

   And beside her, [Earth Goddess - Chantia] also felt the same way.

  's expression became extremely solemn, and all the strength in his body was condensed.

   is ready to launch the strongest attack immediately.

   For this case.

  【Shar】 still had a smile on his face, without any urgency or anger at all.

   "What do I want to do?"


   With an expression that seemed to be lost in thought, after a few seconds of hesitation, she then smiled happier than before and said:

   "Of course to win an ally for myself~"

   "What do you think, let our daughter stand by my side from now on?"

   "After all, you've been helped by her for so many years, and it's time for her to change her filial goals..."

   The same moment.

   Above her palm.

   Those two **** hearts also beat violently suddenly.

  The massive evil essence is extracted from it.

   as the corresponding situation.

  The seriously injured 【Mystra】, but his injuries deteriorated immediately.

   cried out again...

   A black aura quickly overflowed from her wound...


   belongs to [Shar], that is, the power of her mother body, which is interfering with her fundamental essence...

   saw this scene.

  [Su Lun] immediately reacted, and shouted in a terrified voice:

   "Not good, stop [Shar]!!"

   "She wants to pollute the mind and essence of [Mystra] and make [Mystra] a [Evil God]!!"

this moment.

   It wasn't just that 【Su Lun】 and 【Santia】 suddenly changed color.

   Even farther away, the rest of the guys who were a little indifferent to the situation of [Mystra] couldn't help but suddenly change their expressions.

   As the undisputed [strongest god] in [Toril World].

   In its heyday, it was easy to hammer all 【Gods】 without exception!


   If you are changed by 【Shar】, you will become a real 【Evil God】.

   Then, it's not just [Ms. Silvermoon - Su Lun] who will suffer.

   The rest of the guys.


   Also don’t want to stay out of the way…

  One is not good, even [Demokogan] has to pay attention to whether his seat will be taken away...

after all.

  If the fallen [Goddess of Magic] really intends to throw herself into the embrace of the [Bottomless Abyss (dnd)]...


   As a real heavyweight guest, the power of [Abyss] will surely care for her unparalleled...

At that time, whether it is [Demon Lord - Demogogan], or [Undead Lord - Orchis], or that [Dark Lord - Grazt], or even lie in a corpse and pretend to be dead for tens of thousands of years The previous generation abyss carrying the handle - [Queen of Chaos] and [the first generation of demon prince - Miska], all will be without exception, in terms of status, will automatically drop one level...

  【Mystra】, it will also be logical to become the undisputed ruler there in the true sense...

  The real [Head of Demons]...


   That is really bad...

   for a while.

Not only did the [Gods] become excited, but even hiding in the [Bottomless Abyss (dnd)], secretly observing the situation, and planning to see jokes, it was a bit difficult to restrain myself, as if they could be caught by a large group of people at any time. It's just as hard as a **** **.

   What the **** is it that may parachute a supreme leader...

   (end of this chapter)

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