Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1399: Chaos (29)

   Chapter 1399 Chaos (29)

   "...it smells like [Blood War]..."

  Since the traces of [Gods] were officially discovered.

   There are more and more ambitious [adventurers], and [believers] who are under the command of the [gods], trying to rescue them.

   also had a tacit understanding, and they rushed over one after another.

   As a force with a very high sense of existence, the [Ghis Army]'s actions and behaviors that meet people and cut people and cut gods are still stable and continuous.

   As an existence blessed with abilities related to Orshaga.

  The act of slashing people can really make them stronger quickly!

   Even if most of the time, that kind of strengthening is only a temporary thing, it is still a precious thing, making them especially suitable for the atmosphere of war!

   Right now, although their numbers have inevitably declined compared to when they first entered the arena, a large number of casualties have forced many [Githians] to withdraw from the arena.

   But their overall strength has risen instead of falling under a snowball-like offensive!

   is getting more and more tricky!


Since then, various figures from [Nine Layers of Hell] and [Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)] are also like bloodthirsty sharks who smell blood, and they can't wait to hear the news from all directions. .

   Chaos, madness, cruelty, greed…

   under the interference of those guys.

   All kinds of negative emotions and blood directly dyed the pale snow into various colors.

   is a very beautiful and seductive color.

   makes many fighters become more and more crazy!

   It is precisely because of this that there is the exclamation at the beginning of this chapter.

   Such a meat grinder.

   In this [plane], that is really rare.

The [Blood Battle] composed of [Devil of the Abyss (dnd plane)] and [Devil of Hell] is the most representative one among them. It symbolizes some kind of radical reaction of chaos and disorder, and many times it seems to be famous. The characteristic scenic spot has attracted many people to participate in it from thousands of miles away...

   He looked at the smile on Orsaga's face while he sighed.

  【Ms. Pain】After retracting her gaze, she just shook her head indifferently:

   "Isn't this little scene seen everywhere, what can I sigh?"

It can be seen everywhere here. Although the scope of the reference is a bit large, it is not limited to the interior of [Toril World] and even the current [World Line]. It may all go to [Parallel World], but the distance and the space-time gap , For her or Orshaga, it is obvious that it is nothing, as long as you think about it, you can still look at it at a glance.


   She couldn't understand, there was nothing to be happy about witnessing such a sight that she could see at any time if she wanted to.

   In that boundless [time and space].

   As long as they want, there are as many similar sights as they want.


The scenic area mentioned earlier by Orshaga - [Blood War], the actual origin and reason for its appearance in this [plane] are only the boring [Asmodeus] and Orshaga, in this [plane]. In the long past, out of the idea of ​​​​relieving boredom, it was just something that was easily facilitated.


   those who die in it.

   Although it is very likely that each individual has completely different ideas and goals, or lofty, or selfish.

   But the biggest effect of the whole thing is actually to make fun of the two of them...

   And while [Ms. Pain] and Orshaga were casually communicating.

   In the distant battlefield.

   As the battle situation became more and more intense, there were also new movements.

   without warning.

   One after another, the towering and sharp thorns suddenly stretched out from the flat ground!

When a large number of people were caught off guard, they were pierced into meat skewers, and at the same time, they piled up together and formed a hard barrier, turning the originally too flat battlefield into a somewhat special labyrinth. Time is a little lost.

   Then, with the ground, there appeared one after another that went straight to the ground.

   A large number of [Drow Elves] wearing special armor drove out a larger group of monsters, and ran out of them one after another, setting off a new round of fighting.

   The already chaotic situation has become even more turbid.

   And, vaguely.

   There is also a special feeling in the whole battlefield.

   I don't know how many participants in the battle, and somehow felt that their physical strength loss was a little serious.

   The energy that was originally very active was also a little tired.


   Even the [Magic Element], which was originally extremely active, had an inert reaction, making it somewhat difficult to call.

   Among the many beings who felt that the situation was wrong, the [Goddess of Magic—Mystra] who was slaughtering the Quartet by transforming into a magic turret was the first to notice the signs of something wrong.

   Therefore, although there is nothing to say.

   But after the battle.

   Between her slender brows, her eyes were constantly checking the situation.

  Even if there were enemies that were constantly pouring in, there was absolutely no way to make them one and the same.

  Everything looks easy!

   Not long after.

   Along with a slender thunderbolt, it shot out again.

   Turned a [Arrow] and the [Gith Dragon Knight] on it into a half-rare state.

  In the chaotic energy trend on the battlefield, 【Mystra】 finally captured the information she needed!

next moment.

   Under the combined effect of [Magic] and [Spell].

  The earth started shaking!

The    strong earthquake of about tenth magnitude directly shattered the towering thorns at a lightning speed, and also shattered the surface of the earth composed of mud and rocks.

   Let the bottomless gaps suddenly be torn apart!

   I do not know how many millions of tons of soil.

   was even lifted abruptly, making the original flat land appear rugged, like the sharp teeth of beasts!


   in those dark crevices.

   A figure who was hiding in the depths of the ground was also in a state of embarrassment. He quickly escaped from it before he was buried by the gravel.

   That's a lot of 【Ferrin Demon Sunflower】!

   Originally wanted to secretly use [Sucking Magic] to massacre those who were present in the melee.

   at this moment.

  Under the power of 【Mystra】, he was nothing like a mouse that was blown out of a hole.

As soon as    appeared, he was directly involved in a chaotic battle.

  High-intensity hand-to-hand combat and close quarters are waiting for them there...

   This is for the 【Felin Demon Kwai】as the 【caster group】.

   is really bad news.


As soon as    entered the arena, many guys who were lucky enough to escape from the underground were immediately hacked to death.

   And their opponents, the guys who are slashing and killing them, most of them don't know what race the guy in front of them is, and they don't even know that these [Fei Lin Mo Kui] originally wanted to be vicious in secret...

   (end of this chapter)

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