Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1398: Chaos (28)

   Chapter 1398 Chaos (28)


  The [Life Forms] given this title have an innumerable number in the infinitely vast [Multiverse].

   Among them, in different [space-time] or [regions].

  The actual definition of [God] also has various differences.

   In some places, whether it is a human being or a ghost, as long as you have a little power, you can call yourself a [God].

  Even if that bit of strength pales in comparison to ordinary people...

  The prominent ones are pulling the crotch and the waste.

   In some places, [God] is more sacred and powerful, and it is more in line with the imagination of ordinary people.

   Powerful, wise, kind, longevity...

   It can move mountains and reclaim the sea, and it can also live for a long time.

   In short, in the relevant definition of [God], in this aspect.

  【Toril World】This place can barely be classified as the latter option.

  1: [God] is powerful.

  2: [God] is immortal.

  3: [God] is something mortals cannot fight against.

  4: [God] is sacred and inviolable.

  5: [God] can do things that ordinary people cannot.


   The above information is the most simple, direct and fundamental understanding of [God] by all living beings here.


   Under normal circumstances, the so-called [Mortal Slaughtering God]?

   Here it can basically be regarded as a fantasy like crazy...

   No one will believe,

   No one really takes it seriously.

   That is total courting death...

   is not the boast of 【God】.

   is not false propaganda either.

   In this [Toril World], there is a huge gap between the normal [True God] and the living beings below it...


The existence of   [Mortal Level], whether it is [Human], [Orc], or [Dragon] or something like that.

   None of them have the ability to kill the [Normal State True God]!

   Even if the body of the [God] is really scattered.

   The opponent will also be resurrected very quickly, leaving no wounds at all.


  Because of the blessings of [Godhood], [Divine Occupation], and [Divine Power], [True God] has the power of life and death over the existence of [Mortal Level].

   As long as they want.

   No matter what strength the opponent is in, as long as they don't have [Divinity], they can instantly kill them!

   is as simple as killing some software with antivirus software...

   In minutes, you can ko each other.

  So, in general, in front of the existence of the [mortal level], [True God] can be said to be holding the [strongest spear] at the same time as holding the [strongest shield], with a resurrection hanging attached.


  Your death will definitely be beyond imagination...

Even the [Great Arcanist – Karthus], who claimed to have killed the [True God] and killed the [Powerful Divine Power – The First Goddess of Magic] by himself, in essence, it was only through the opponent’s own power and The responsibility to kill the other party is definitely not through its own actual strength.

   At that time, as long as the [First Generation Goddess of Magic] was ruthless, most of the [Spellcasters] in [Toril World] were given up by default, plus some [Magic Web Nodes].

   Then, she can wait for the situation to completely collapse before taking over the situation.

   instead of trying desperately to clean up the mess.

   caused himself to be taken in.

   The personality after [reincarnation] has shifted a little...

   In short, the biggest reason for [the first-generation Goddess of Magic] is actually because she was too careless and forced to clean up the mess.

The actual role played by   [Kalthus] in that is more of a fuse.

   is like a handicapped party who forcibly opened the cabin door on the way of the plane. No matter whether he dies or not, others will definitely be implicated...

   is also for this reason.

   In the end, [Kalthus] will be particularly miserable in the street.

   in some [parallel time and space].

   Even [AO], with helpless thoughts after the incident, gave him the title of [God of Stupidity] to mock his death.

   On the premise that there is a huge gap between [Gods] and [Mortals].

  【Slaughter God】, it has become almost impossible.

   does not break defenses, kills in full screen, and revives with spring water.

   is really difficult...


   Facing the coming of 【Saint Catastrophe】.

   Countless [mortals] regard this as the only chance!

   And in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

   In order to fight for the future.

   As a guy who just got lucky.

   Even though he has already got the ticket to the summit, [Kallad] still decided to give it another go...

after all.

   He really doesn't want to change from [Combatant] to [Blacksmith]...

   And this is the case.

   In the eyes of many beings, there is no doubt that they are not satisfied and too ambitious...


   Even he himself felt that way.

   However, despite this.

   in a confrontation with an opponent.

   Feel the power of your opponent by yourself.

   The kind of power that is different from [Forging], [Guarding Dwarves], [Smelting Metal]... these [Auxiliary Priesthoods].

   In [Kallad]'s heart, greed and intentions still emerged from the bottom of his heart.

   'It's a really good [Holy]...'

   'I need them...'

   Then, some dazzling red rays of light flowed from his eyes.

   They are like blood-colored flames, without any temperature, and they do not make the opponent feel any discomfort.

   However, with their appearance, a creepy feeling instinctively emerged in the heart of the other party...

   Let him understand that [Kaled] used his real skills.

  I'm going to start really working hard...

   made his eyes freeze, and there was no more sarcasm.

   and at the same time period.

   Hundreds of kilometers underground.

  Thousands of [Felin Magic Kwai] and [Drow Elf] are quickly digging tunnels under the shielding effect of [Special Spell], and they are continuously approaching the battlefield.

   in more distant places.

  In a dark room full of blood.

   Accompanied by high temperature and sulphur smell.

   Surrounded by a large number of [Magic Runes].

  【Demokogan】, that bizarre figure with two heads also appeared in front of 【Ms. Evernight - Shar】.

   "I think, we can make a deal."

   Listening to the other party's words, the [Dimogogan] who had just been summoned immediately showed a little emotion and sigh.

   "What a rare visitor..."

   "Then, let's hear it."

   "Perhaps, I might be really interested."

   In this regard, [Shar] just smiled and said:

   "Kill the [God of Justice—Tyr] while the chaos, are you interested in this proposal?"

   At that moment, the two heads and four eyes of [Demokogan] showed excitement at the same time.

   without any hesitation.

   He responded directly:

"it is good!"

   "For this matter."

   "I am very interested!!!!"

   (end of this chapter)

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