Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1375: Chaos (6)

   Chapter 1375 Chaos (6)

   didn't pay much attention to [Moradin's] sigh.

  【Kaled】just casually responded:

   "That is nature, the mighty power of my Lord, how can it be understood casually?"

   "Even if you are a real [God], I still think that there is still a huge gap between you and my lord."

   is even a hostile faction.

   Out of respect for the dual identities of [True God] and [God King].

  【Kaled】, still using honorifics for him.

   Of course, let’s talk about it.

When    was talking, the movements of his hands were still not slow at all.

   was still waving the [Slaughter of All Living Beings] there.

   Although it looks like a sword flower is dancing in place.

   But in fact, every time it is swiped, the [Divine Power Enchantment - Infinite Killing] is playing a role.

  Forcibly offset the distance between 【Moradin】and 【Moradin】.

   The extremely sharp blade continuously penetrated the armor of 【Moradin】, piercing his skin and superficial muscles.

   Even, if it weren't for the power of [Slaughter of All Living Beings], it was severely weakened in [Toril World].

   Plus [Moradin] also has some means and background.

   Even if you are down, you can distort the attack target of [Kaled] to a certain extent.

   I am afraid that 【Moradin】has been slashed by a sword long ago, and even his head was cut off on the spot.

   After all, those wounds that don't seem to be fatal now, the initial targets are the neck, head, heart... and the like.

   Really want to have no ability.

   In the first round of attack, [Moradin] had to die on the spot.

   However, even so, in the face of [Kallad]'s attack that was almost impossible to defend, he could only use tricks to reduce the damage.

  【Moradin】is still extremely difficult.

  If it wasn't for the [Soul Hammer] that was thrown out in time.

   As the [Dwarf Divine System—God King], there is a high probability that he has already lost this battle in an inexplicable way...

   For him, I have to say, it was extremely embarrassing.

  If you are at your peak.

   In the face of the ability to hit with a swing and the ability to forcibly interfere with energy in a large area, he naturally has a way to deal with it.

  Because, [Divine Power] itself is omnipotent.

   As long as there are enough numbers, all kinds of incredible things can be done!

   Even dodging an attack that would otherwise be impossible to dodge is not difficult.

   But the cruel reality did not give [Moradin] so many choices at all.

   He is now.

   Due to limited strength, various means are basically unavailable.

   Facing the unreasonable weapon of [Kallad], I was really anxious.

   Even reluctantly defending is a bit too laborious.

   was simply unable to fight back.

   However, thanks to past combat experience.

   Even though he was in danger, [Moradin] still maintained the most basic calm.

   Even if the body is constantly injured.

   He also calmly observed the surrounding situation.

   intends to find a flaw in each of the opponent's attacks.


The unknown [Divine Artifact] in the hands of the [Githman] in front of him may have a mighty power that even he cannot understand in terms of its real effect. If the weapon does not reach the realm of [God on God], then it will inevitably be affected by the [Prohibition] of [AO], resulting in various flaws that should not be present.

   This is a must!

   It is a fact that he has no choice but to fall into such a field as a [Powerful Divine Power]...


  【Moradin】all he needs to do is to find out what the other party's problem is.

  Find out the shortcomings of the [artifact] that did not have in its heyday, so as to overcome the difficulties!

   As for the [Artifact] that has already touched the domain of [Gods and Gods], was it not affected by the [Prohibition]?

The possibility of   , [Moradin] never thought about it.

   Because if that's the case, he probably won't be able to resist even a single blow, so how can he think of countermeasures...

at the same time.

  【Moradin】also thinks of something.

   That was the scene when [Gods and Gods—AO] knocked down all [Gods] to the ground.

   does not have any [Divine Power Fluctuation], and does not use any [Power].

   is really just random words and thoughts.

  The [Gods] were knocked down from the mortal world without any resistance.

   Even the [Magic Goddess] who is the [strongest deity] is no exception.

   In addition, 【Toril World】 also automatically changed the environment.

   forcibly limited the power of all [True God Level].

  Everything is as simple and random as blowing a grain of sand...

   Such a fact.

  Let 【Moradin】in the following time.

   Continue to have a lot of doubts about a certain idea in the past.

   That idea is...

Is the level after   【Powerful Divine Power】is really 【God on God】?

   He began to feel unconfident about this matter.

   After feeling a little bit of the power that [God, God] really possesses.

   He couldn't feel the [Powerful Divine Power] at all, and he had the hope of reaching the [God, God]...

   As if, there are countless gaps between these two levels.

   was very direct, so he was confused...

   But right now.

   looked at [Kaled]'s [Slaughter of All Living Beings].

  【Moradin】Besides feeling tricky.

   But there are new ideas.

  'If...get that [artifact]...'

  ‘Perhaps, we can really get a glimpse of some higher-level mysteries, maybe…’

   Even if only for a while.

   But the power contained within that [Artifact].

   still aroused his curiosity.

   even made him see something that he hadn't touched in the past.

   This fact made him feel a little bit of joy in his heart.

   'The creator of that [Sacred Tool] is really stupid. Just because he was afraid of [God's Prohibition], he gave that treasure to a mortal...'

In his opinion.

The reason why [Kaled] was able to use [Slaughter of All Living Beings] was entirely because the unknown [True God of Another World] did not dare to reach [Toril World] in person due to the effect of [God's Prohibition]. .


   That unknown [artifact] was used by its true owner.

  【Moradin】Did not dare to peep in his heart, he only thought about how to escape.

   But when those terrifying treasures fell into the hands of a mortal who could never perfectly exert the power of [Slayer of All Living Beings].

   Even with great risk.

  【Moradin】, still got a little excited right away.

   It's like seeing a child walking through the market with a treasure.

   As a [Powerful God of Divine Power] in charge of some [forging] [divine] and [domain].

   As long as he can grab the [Artifact] temporarily.

   Then, he has the confidence to use the effect of the [God's Prohibition] to forcibly tamper with the other party's ownership in the [Toril World] where the [Artifact] is restricted!

   Face temptation.

   for a while.

   While trying to resist the attack of [Kaled].

  【Moradin】also began to rack his brains to think about how to capture the opponent's 【Artifact】...

   to this.

  [Kaled], who had the upper hand in the battle, didn't know it at all.

   I never thought that the other party would be hacked to death by me at the moment, and the biggest thought would be how to **** the [Slaughter of All Living Beings] that I was holding tightly in my hand...

   Even the distant Orshaga, after sensing the thoughts of [Moradin].

   all laughed a little dumbly.

   What greed is this?

   However, it did not tarnish the reputation of [Dwarf] for being greedy for money and miserly...

   (end of this chapter)

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