Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1374: Chaos (5)

   Chapter 1374 Chaos (5)

   A desolate hillside thousands of kilometers away from the battle between [Dragon Gods] and [Elves].

A man with a luxuriant beard on his chin is a bit short, but he has strong muscles like armor, which fully reveals the existence of powerful force in this body. The red sharp blade, the unfamiliar figure standing in the way that he must pass, frowned and looked rather serious:

   "So, are you trying to stop me?"

   He roared loudly and asked:

"answer me!"

   "Bold [Guith]!"

   "Who gave you the courage to challenge the great [Dwarf God King] as a mortal!"

   It was like an enraged beast roaring at an ant who dared to provoke him.

   When his roar spread.

  The majestic power surged directly into the sky.

   Let the originally clear sky change suddenly.

   becomes a scene of wind and rain.

   Even the lightning turned into a Razer, constantly hovering and wandering.

   as the object of his reprimand and questioning.

  [Kaled] holding [Slaughter of All Living Beings] in his hand, but there was no change in his expression.

   just said very calmly and slowly:

   "Respected [His Royal Highness] Moradin."

   "Although it is indeed a bit presumptuous to act under."

   "But it's also impossible, please forgive me..."

"After all, in order for [Gith Empire] to officially enter [Toril World], a large number of sites and resources are always unavoidable and necessary factors, and [Dragon God System] can just create this for us. There is an opportunity to make many lands that should have been occupied by the [Elves] become unowned things."

   Speaking of which.

   After taking a look at the various [Dwarf Spirits] who were also blocked by different [Ghith], he continued calmly:

   "So, if possible, I hope you and the [Dwarf Spirits] can go to support you later."

   This is an excuse.

   is just what it sounds like.

   From a theoretical point of view, it is actually extremely reasonable.

   is also in line with the existing needs of 【Gith Empire】.

   Even after listening to [Moradin], he felt that the other party was telling the truth.

   Subconsciously, I thought that this group of [Githians] who were trying to invade [Toril World] really wanted to take advantage of the fire and rob the [Elves].

   Be the beneficiary of the [Dragon God System] and the [Elf God System] in the rumble event.

   To be honest, if only to delay the rescue time.

   Change [God] to talk to him.

  【Moradin】, not necessarily unacceptable.

   After all, he also hoped that [Elf God System] would suffer some losses.

   However, when the guy who stopped him and negotiated terms with him was just a mortal, and he was also a mortal from [another world]...

   That would be a bit more provocative.

   makes him extremely unhappy!

   And, another point is that he doesn't know much about the details of the 【Gith Empire】.

   In case it was agreed, it was just to delay the rescue time, but the other party’s real intention was to take the opportunity to destroy the [Elf God System], and even other conspiracies, such as trying to invade [Toril World] on a larger scale...

   That's not much fun...


   can only say, although the other party's suggestion seems to sound okay.

   But 【Moradin】can’t believe it.

   for fear of being played by the other party.

In the end, [Moradin] raised his hand solemnly, a short-handled metal warhammer appeared in his hand, pointed directly at [Kaled] and said, "Mortal, I can't believe your proposal, nor can I believe yours. position, so you'd better get out of the way immediately, otherwise the result will not be as you wish."

   As for the rest, the [Dwarf Gods], who were very unhappy about their being intercepted by mortals, also took out their own weapons one after another, threatening them without saying a word.

   saw this scene.

  【Kaled】 wearing 【Full Body Armor】, sighed in a low tone:

   "What a pity, it seems that things have fallen apart..."

   Before he finished speaking, he was greeted by a warhammer that was smashing fast!

   That is a [Special Artifact] called [Soul Hammer].

  Even though the effect is limited, its most basic effect remains.

   For example: unusually hard, extremely fast when thrown, automatically returned to [Moradin]'s hand, almost indestructible, breaking physical defense and magic defense.

  So, if it was really smashed, it would be solid.

   Even if it is the [Legendary Dragon Species] of the [Taigu Dragon Stage], it has to be smashed into pieces!

   is far more difficult to deal with than the so-called supernova warhammer!

   Just felt the power of the [Soul Hammer] approaching rapidly.

   has already made [Kaled]'s instinctive cold hair stand upright!

   without any hesitation.

   with his will and thoughts.

   The [Slaughter of All Living Beings] that he held in his hand immediately showed a bright blood light.

   The blood-like streamer formed a streamer blade in an instant, slashing straight towards the [Soul Hammer]!

   turns into overlapping resistance.

   Mandatory, slowed it down.

   Then, without waiting for [Moradin] to show surprise, the [Divine Power Enchantment - Completely Block] of [Slaughter of All Living Beings] also played a role.

   An indescribable [special field] is formed with a wave that is invisible to the naked eye.

   Makes a five-kilometer radius as if it had been given the [Forbidden Magic Effect].

   The expression of [Moradin] who was the [Dwarf God King] changed slightly.

   During the same time period, the weapon in [Kaled]'s hand stabbed out instantly!

  【Divine Power Enchantment - Infinite Killing】, activate!

Following the connection of [Cause and Effect], the edge of [Slaughter of All Living Beings] skipped the process and directly arrived at the result of [Hit], with an indescribable trajectory, separated by a distance of tens of meters, like a hot knife cutting butter , instantly pierced [Moradin]'s armor!

   But that biting edge was about to cut through the opponent's flesh and pierce the opponent's body the moment before.

  【Moradin】 his eyes widened and he let out a sudden roar.

  The invisible sound wave turned into a shock, forcibly shaking the space in front of him, slowing down the enemy's offensive.

   thus bought him a paltry amount of time.

   makes it possible to stagger the sharp blade that can definitely pierce his body at a small price.

   Ignore the bleeding wound on his chest.

  [Moradin], who was lucky enough to escape the blow, looked at the [Slaughter of All Living Beings] in the hands of [Kaled], and said with lingering fears:

   "[Absolute Hit] and [Energy Closure]?"

   "Furthermore, I can also receive my [Soul Hammer] head-on..."

   "What an unparalleled treasure..."

   "It seems that the [Gods] you believe in are really bound to win this plan..."

   Thanks: Bookmate 141201104029669's 100 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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