Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1370: Chaos (1)

   Chapter 1370 Chaos (1)

  【Time】and 【Space】.

   These two powers are things that mortals cannot see or touch.

   Even knowing that both exist.

   also understands that the two exist in every part of all things, including themselves.

   However, the naked eye cannot observe their specific structure, and the body cannot feel their feedback…

   After all, there is an invisible barrier between the mortal body and the naked eye.

  When mortals explore the two, all they can do is to have various fantasies about the two through their heads, or they can repeatedly conduct various experiments and inferences, as if they were looking at flowers in the fog.

   Even a lot of [Spellcasters] who are superiors, are more than enough in the face of those two powers!

   is also for these reasons.

   The [Time Dragon], which holds the power that mortals cannot touch, let alone resist, will be in awe!

   Even if they are in the [Legendary Dragon Race], their status is slightly higher than the other [Legendary Dragon Race].

   But, as the opponent of the [Prime Time Dragon], the target that he needs to look up to, how can the [God of Elf Bows and Arrows - Soronor Shanlanderui] be an ordinary person?

   Even if [Divine Power] is restricted, even if [Divine Status] is affected, even if [Divine Position] is put on the shelf...

   Under this [Saint Form] that has been weakened heavily.

   His [body] and [soul] still have many [traits] that mortals do not have.

   Even if it is extremely weak compared to its heyday, it is like an insignificant candle...

   But it was still enough for him to face the life that had never set foot in the [Divine Realm].

   Even if the so-called life is not well-known, it usually only exists as the [Time Dragon] in the story!

after all.

  The so-called [Legend], or [Epic], or [Myth], the real protagonist is usually [God]!

   Under the influence of 【Divinity】.

  [Time] has become something that can be touched in front of [Solonor Shanlanderui].


   is the real impact!

   Intangible and intangible, forcibly altered by that pure force.

   That feeling, like the lightning in the sky has become mud, and the endless light has become rain.

[Expelling the Cone of Time], this should be able to make tens of thousands of human beings disappear at the [End of Time], and the [Dragon Breath] that cannot be left behind is also like a thick fog that has been pierced by violence. Break open!

At that moment, as the spouter of the [Dragon Breath], the [Prime Time Dragon] clearly sensed that when the energy arrow crossed, it was the counterpart of [Time]—[Space] , an invisible distortion has also occurred, just like the [world] has been scratched with a scar, in an instant, some [matter] and [energy] are exiled by the chaotic [power of space] into an unknown number of millions of miles. outside the area.

   Once, when he was wandering in certain [worlds], he saw a similar phenomenon.

   It was a huge black swirl and a white swirl.

  When they just exist, the special force field attached can affect [Spacetime].

   For example: teleporting objects to a distance, or affecting the [time passing speed] in the surrounding area.

   Such a marvelous scene, even as a [Time Dragon], I can't help but be amazed by it.

  After the fact.

  He cut a part of the structure from those stars and used it as his own collection.

  Occasionally take it out and look at it.

   Or, as a precious material, it is sold to certain [Spellcasters], and it is said that they are made into [Magic Constructs], that is, [Magic Puppets].


  Compared to those naturally formed stars, the [God] who was demoted in front of him, [Soronor Shanlanderui], is naturally more powerful!

   There is no doubt about it.

   After all, the opponent can better control his own power.

   instead of meaningless random releases.

   "It's really powerful..."

   "Even if my strength is limited... but if I only rely on my own strength, I'm afraid I may not be able to defeat you..."

   After the tentative strike.

   Facing the final result, he couldn't help but sigh.

  【Prime Time Dragon】turned and said with a smile:

   "But luckily, I'm not just fighting alone."

The voice of    just fell.

   Not far from him, the [Space-Time Channel] appeared again, and several equally huge [Legendary Dragon Species] were drilled out one after another.

   And above the sky, those [giant dragons] who were watching the situation slowly opened their dragon mouths as if they had received an order.

  In there, the power of being extremely hot, extremely cold, or corrosive to all things...is constantly accumulating, and the [beam cannon] that looks like a [space battleship] makes the hair stand upright.


  From the very beginning, that [Prime Time Dragon] didn't plan to fight [Solonor Shanlan Derui] one-on-one at all.

   Because it doesn't make sense like that.


   As he said.

   He was not sure of the outcome.

   does not want to embarrass himself.

   The power of [time].

   Not only is [Time Dragon] very familiar, but [God] is also familiar.

  Each [God] within the current [World] can perform [Single Space Teleportation] at will to teleport himself to any area.

   also has the power to manipulate [time] to a certain extent.

   For example, watching something that happened before in a certain area.

   Or, you can convey some information to the 【Past】 through 【Divine Power】, although it is unlikely to change the outcome of things.

   Even, you can peep into the [future] to a certain extent through [divine power].

   In addition, they also have a strong [Time Resistance].

  【Immunity time suspension】.

   means that all [Gods] are capable!


   To a large extent, [God] actually restrains [Time Dragon]!

   is extremely incompatible!

   And the drawbacks of the [Time Element] power are also clearly manifested from this.

   Bullying the weak will never be beneficial.

   But in the face of a strong person who can use both [time-related abilities] more or less, the actual effect will be greatly reduced, and it is not much better than other abilities.

   Therefore, even if [Solonor Shanlan Derry] is downgraded, it still leaves [Prime Time Dragon] no bottom.

   made him wisely choose the righteous siege of the dragons!

   And looking at the sarcastic enemy, [Solonor Shanlanderui] felt a little helpless in his heart.

   He is now.

   I'm really afraid of being surrounded...

   This is especially true when the surrounding [Dragon God] and [Dragon]'s large-scale spells block their [Space Teleportation Spell]!


  Allies cannot reach.

   And it's hard to escape...

   The moment when the [Dragon Breath] in the dragon group's mouth was about to be spit out.

   He could only glance at the other [Elf God] beside him helplessly.


   'Let's fight to the death, at least, we must also perish in glory...'

   Although there is no communication between words.

   But they both understood each other's thoughts and raised their weapons at the same time...


   is a dazzling [Dragon Breath], spitting out from all directions at the same time!

   Makes the originally dim sky become colorful!

   It is as if all the rays of light are blooming at the same time!

   (end of this chapter)

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