Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1369: [Elves - God of Bows and Arrows] and [Time Dragon]

   Chapter 1369 [Elf Race - God of Bow and Arrow] and [Time Dragon]

The    dragon roar echoed one after another.

  The mountains covered with plants are burning like never before.

   is not just 【Elf】.

   Even lifeforms of other races, as long as they are within this range.

   Then they are all being slaughtered indiscriminately.

   After all, [Dragon] and [Elf] are really bitter and bitter.

   is beyond words.

   And inside [Elf City], a certain house is burning with raging fire.

   Olshaga was lying comfortably in the fire, watching all this with a smile.

   Every now and then, a few of the bloodthirsty Autobots' favorite things to say.

   "The smell of blood is so fragrant!"

   "I just love the sight of rivers of blood!"

   can only say that it is right to make people not aware of it.

   And with his exclamation.

   There are also a few hot dogs that automatically emerged out of nothing. In the flames caused by [Dragon Breath], they automatically grill themselves, and they come with delicious sauces of various flavors, allowing Olsuga to eat at will.

In the    city, those remaining resistance forces are still struggling to resist, unlike Olsaka's leisure.

   As a large city of 【Elves】.

   The defensive power here is still somewhat golden.

There are nearly fifteen [Elves] of    [Legendary Level].

   And most of them are more in line with the development route of the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, which is in line with the specialties of [Elves].

   The strength is not weak at all among the powerhouses of the same level.

   is at least above average.

  Especially after adding the [Magic Equipment] collected by the [Elves] over the years!

   is enough for them to form a force that no one can underestimate!

   However, all of this is really meaningless at this moment.

When the thousands of [dragons] spread their wings at the same time, spitting out [dragon breath] recklessly, destroying everything visible to the naked eye, more than a dozen [legendary powerhouses] in the mere area were completely waiting to be slaughtered. The meat pig, even a little bit of spray can't come out!


   was completely overwhelmed by the enemy's absolute numerical superiority!

   However, when most of the [Dragon] felt that they had burned everything, they were ready to leave.

   Continue to move towards the ultimate goal, the [Spell Core] storage place of [Dragon Crazy Mystery Lock].


   A colorless and translucent special [Dragon Breath] penetrated the space without warning, and slammed into a place in the city that was originally very empty!

next moment.

   As if some kind of leather was being torn apart.

   There were several figures with ugly faces, revealing their own figure along with the shattering of the barrier.

Immediately, after noticing the movement, some of the [giant dragons] in the sky stopped moving forward, and turned their eyes towards those who had just been forced to show up. guy.

   His eyes were full of murderous intent and bloodlust.

   And the direction that spit out [Dragon Breath].

   Also from mid-air, with the distortion of the air, a grey-white [dragon] with a body length of about fifty meters emerged.

   A [Male Time Dragon] of [Tai Koo Dragon Stage].

   And, in terms of body size, the opponent is definitely the stronger one in the [Taigu Dragon Stage - Time Dragon].

   appeared behind him.

   That [Time Dragon] is not as violent as most of the other compatriots, but appears extremely calm.

   After taking a few glances at the [Elves] that showed their figures.

   Immediately, based on his own knowledge and knowledge, he judged that there are two 'flavors', which are very different.


   "And it's a familiar [God]..."

   "What an unexpected discovery..."

   After exclamation.

   Then, he grinned a little bit wickedly.

   He looked at one of the male [Elves] carrying a bow and arrow and said:

"I don't know if you still remember me, the great [Elf Race—God of Bow and Arrow], [His Crown Prince Soronor Shanlanderui], tens of thousands of years ago in this [world], [Dragon Crazy Fan Lock] 】Before it was established, I met with you a few times, and after the establishment of [Dragon Crazy Mystery Lock], I was lucky enough to escape your pursuit..."

  's words are full of nostalgia and killing intent...

   Even after so many years, the feeling of surviving by chance still made him remember it in his heart.

   as his object of inquiry.

With long blue hair, wearing a simple hollowed-out light armor, and a green cloak on his back, [Solonor Shanlan Derry], after being stunned for a while, also quickly recalled some extremely long-term memories. memory.

   First, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   Then, he looked around the dragons in the sky and the city that was burning with fire.

   said softly:

   "It turned out to be you, the little dragon back then..."

   "I didn't expect that the slightest carelessness in the past would cause today's calamity..."

   "Is this the [cause] and the [effect]..."

In the tone of   , there is sadness for the sudden death of many [Elves].

   also has strong regrets.

   I regret that I let go of the [Time Dragon] in front of me because of my carelessness.

   "[Cause] and [Result]?"

   "Maybe... that kind of thing doesn't really matter right now, does it?"

   "Until now, I still remember the compatriots who died in order to cover my escape..."

   Having said that, [Time Dragon]'s voice was also a little lower.

   "Originally, I thought there would be no chance for revenge..."

   "I really didn't expect that there is such a good thing as [Saint Catastrophe], and it really made me lucky enough to meet you under the fate..."

   "This is an unparalleled surprise..."

   "Super big surprise!!!"

   Next moment.

  The majestic [Dragon Breath] gushed out of his mouth!

  Under the power of [Taigu Dragon], the [Dragon Breath] that spread in a fan shape directly and neatly distorted the surrounding [time], like an ocean wave, rushing towards the opponent.

   That is the breath called the [Cone of Expelling Time].

   can send the hit person to the depths of [Time Turbulence].

   Let the other party sink in it and make it a thing that does not exist!

   And, due to the [Characteristic] of the power of [Time].

  [Physical Blocking] and [Energy Blocking] in the conventional sense are meaningless in front of him.

   Whether it is a delicate shield or an invisible energy shield, it will be penetrated by the power of [Time Dragon]!

   So, for mortals.

   This is a sure-fire blow!

   Just hit.

   Then there is basically no survival rate!

   However, in the face of this blow, as his main target of attack, the [Elves—God of Bows and Arrows] just calmly pulled his longbow without arrows.

   In a short and incomparable gap.

   An energy arrow gathered by the streamer has already shot out in a soft sound.

   is like the Trident of the Sea God that divides the ocean.

   Straightforwardly, it tore apart the mighty force that was gathered by [time]!

   And he nailed a [giant dragon] that couldn't dodge.

   Thanks: King Lance's 500 starting coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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