Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1346: 【Lady of the Night - Shar】

   Chapter 1346 [Lady Night - Shar]

   in a dark corner.


   "You mean, you want to help me now in exchange for my help in the future?"

   Facing the gentle questioning of the black-robed woman in front of him, [Eorem] nodded without hesitation:

   "That's right."

   "Although a bit pretentious."

   "But I think [His Royal Highness], you should need my strength more at this time."

  【Lady of the Night - Shar】, one of the 【Creation Gods】of 【Toril World】.

  Another 【Creation God】is her sister—【Ms. Silver Moon—Suren】.

  The entire [Toril World] was born because of the power of the two of them.

   Even, there are quite a few [Gods], who were able to ascend to the gods by picking up the fragments of their power.

  Even the [First Goddess of Magic—Mislin], who is [Powerful Divine Power], was born because of the power of both of them.

   Therefore, in the entire [Toril World], they undoubtedly have a very special status.

  Even though due to the split of power, the strength is no longer at its peak, and it cannot be called the most powerful [God] in [Toril World].

   But whether it's [Shar] or [Su Lun], they always have some strange means and trump cards, and they are the strongest in terms of self-protection. No matter what kind of turmoil there is no real threat to them!

   Not long ago, I came to [Netheril Empire] to look for [God] in distress, and wanted to follow [Eorem], who was close to the order, and only found [Shar] by chance.

Under normal circumstances.

   It's almost impossible for him to find someone who doesn't want to show up!

And, to tell the truth, even if you get the advice of [Ms. Pain], you need to find a [God] casually, but for the great **** [Ms. Evernight], at the beginning, [Eorem] is from the bottom of my heart. refused.

   The other side is not just powerful and high-status!

  The mind is also notoriously ruthless!

most of the time.

   The other side has the names of [Goddess of Conspiracy], [Goddess of Tricks]...

  【Eorem】I'm very worried about whether my wealth is enough for the other party to toss, or even more unlucky to be sold and need to count the money for the other party...


   I think of the [Ms. Pain], who has an unclear mind and even more incomprehensible motives, and He who doesn't want her to be completely controlled.

   After thinking about it.

   After all, he chose a method similar to devouring wolves. He wanted to find an existence with the same weight and balance the huge threat that he had...

   I have to say, [Ms. Evernight - Shar], this **** seems to be of great weight.

   In [Eorem]'s view, it is a good balance goal!

   He felt.

   As long as it is really attached to it.

  Then, even if [Ms. Pain] really intends to do something big, she has more or less a way out...

   didn't think about it.

   Is there a possibility for all of these developments and situations?

   Are they all arranged by [Ms. Pain]?

   In the eyes of 【Eorem】.

   It is your choice to come to the homeland [Netheril Empire] to find the traces of [God].

   Whether or not to join [Shar] is also a decision made by himself according to the situation.

But in fact.

   All of these things need to be marked with a question mark.

   even simply needs to be denied.

   What [Eorem] is thinking, how things develop and change, whether [Shar] will agree or not...

  Everything is determined by the silk thread in the hand of 【Ms. Pain】.

at the moment.

   as one of the puppets on stage.

  [Shar] looked at the [Great Arcanist] who automatically approached the door in front of him.

   Sensing the majestic power in the opponent's body, he was also lost in thought.

   In the early years.

   She used to hide behind the scenes and secretly paid attention to the [Netheriel Empire].

   It can be regarded as a deep understanding of this guy [Eorem].

   It is clear that this guy is indeed a rare talent.

At least.

  On the level of mortals, there are very few who can surpass the opponent.

   Especially in this chaotic time.

   The meaning of the other party is also becoming more and more precious!

   Even if the opponent can be worth half of the [True God] who is in distress, there is nothing wrong with it.

   But, on the other hand, [Shar] was puzzled as to why the guy in front of him would join her.

   As far as she knows.

   This is a real ambitious guy.

   Logically speaking.

   will not be subservient to others at all.


   Even if the other party really wants to rely on [God], he should go to [Goddess of Magic] who is more suitable for his professional skills...

   These kinds of things are not quite right, making [Shar] a little hesitant.

  'This guy...is it possible...is looking for an opportunity to backstab me? ’

   for a while.

   Used to backstabbing [Shar], he thought of many possibilities.

   She admits that the other party is a rare talent.

   Even she has to give each other respect.

   But I can't understand the other party's goal, and I don't understand what the other party is planning...

   But in the end, in the face of so many possibilities, [Shar], whose horse was really a bit of a waste, finally chose to accept the other party's inexplicable allegiance.

   "Then, let's sign the contract."

   Due to the limitation of [divine power], it is impossible to directly recruit them as slaves and establish a stable [divine power connection].

   In order to ensure the basic loyalty of the other party, [Shar] chose a relatively popular contract.

   to this.

  【Eorem】also has no objection.

   Immediately signed the [Contract] with Nayu [Styx] as the [Justice].

   The content is roughly that [Eorem] needs to serve [Shar] for a period of time, and in return, he will get the corresponding compensation from [Shar] afterwards.

   includes, but is not limited to, the opportunity to become the opponent's [God] with sufficient credit.

During the    period, neither party can betray the other party or intentionally hurt the other party.

   Violators will be thrown into [Styx River] and enjoy the supreme treatment of [Styx River Bathhouse], which is to die on the spot.

In general.

  This is a very good contract.

   As a 【Strong Divine Power】, 【Shar】's 【God】, it is not difficult to mix a 【Weak Divine Power】.

   This is a golden post for mortals.

[Shar] also has a beggar version of [Magic Weave]—[Shadow Magic Weave]. Although the effect is not comparable to the genuine [Magic Weave], that thing is more suitable for [Spellcaster], and it barely corresponds to [Magic Weave]. Eorem's expertise will not affect his development.

   In addition, as a [God] who prefers [Evil Alignment], [Shar] does not express disgust for some of his more extreme methods.

   Furthermore, the most important thing is to be a sufficiently ruthless [Ancient God].

  In the eyes of 【Eorem】.

   As long as you become the [God] of the other party, if [Ms. Pain] comes to trouble him in the future, then as the new boss of his own blood alliance, [Ms. Evernight] should also be able to keep himself.

  So, based on the above, [Eorem] thinks it is really good for this work~

   As for his employer, [Shar] saw that the other party didn't even hesitate, and immediately signed his contract.

   was full of puzzlement.

  ‘Is it so simple…’

  'What does he value...'

   No matter how she imagined it, she could never guess that the other party valued herself enough to be ruthless...

   In this case, it has already hit [Shar]'s blind spot.

   (end of this chapter)

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