Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1345: 【God on God】stance

   Chapter 1345 The position of [God on God]

   For [Ms. Pain], the gain or loss of one or two [Worlds] is actually not a problem.

   Because that is a limited loss.

   Even if the [World] itself is destroyed.

   can be replenished on the spot.

   doesn't need a second.

   What she cares about is the development prospects of the entire group or the entire [planet].

   Under this premise, in order to achieve the goal, it is not a big deal to kill or injure a living body.

   No matter if it is male or female or human or ghost or old or young.

   All makes no difference.

   Mercy? evil?

   is just a meaningless noun.

   It is impossible to describe her or even the rest of the [Gods and Gods].

  After all, everything in this [plane] was created by them.

  The cost of eating and drinking also comes from them.

   Therefore, they naturally have the highest processing power.

The words    good and evil are not suitable to describe them.

  The heaven and the earth treat all things like a cud.

   This sentence sounds a little cruel and ruthless.

   But in fact, it also represents fairness.

   Fairness based on [days].

The position of   【God on God】is usually neutral.

   They don't care whether you are good or evil, beautiful or ugly, poor or rich, they only care about your existence, whether there is anything worth mentioning about [plane] itself.

  Your value, in their eyes, will not change because of any appearance.

   Useful is useful, useless is useless.

   This is undoubtedly a huge fairness for many people who are discriminated against!

   Even if you are 160 centimeters tall and weigh 160 pounds, you need to be mosaic.

   But [God on God] will still treat you with Gao Fushuai and Bai Fumei equally.

   will not discriminate against you at all.

  How is it, are you impressed?

   At least, Olsaka was very moved when he thought about it.

   Duration is about 0.1 second.

   Of course, if we bring the topic back to 【Toril World】.

   Those guys who were arranged with the [Invasion of Another World] would not necessarily be so moved.

  Especially those guys who may suffer property damage or even have relatives and friends die because of the incident.

   It is very likely that he will also blame others, or be extremely angry and angry.

   Even, if you know that [Invasion from Another World] was created by [Ms. Pain].

   They will still be dead and alive, and they may try to figure out something similar to the [Slaughter God Project].

  After all, there are guys everywhere who don't count, not even three or two.

   Furthermore, the anger and other emotions of intelligent beings are always irrational.

  Even if they know the gap between the two sides, the lower-ranking person will still have a plan to kill the fish and break the net for the existence of the higher-ranking.

   In this regard, Olsaka expressed his delight.

  The atmosphere has to be uplifted.

   Even in his own [Crimson Heaven], there was a large group of guys who had bitter hatred against him and had to pretend to surrender.

   Every time he sees each other, Olshaga's mood becomes much better.

   Especially the behavior of the other party who was obviously unhappy and wanted to vomit blood, but still had to greet him with a smile, kowtow like garlic, and recite prayers day and night, which made him extremely satisfied.

   In general, [Ms. Pain] is not as bad taste and neurotic as Olsaka.

   is not as hateful and coquettish as he is, just doing what he should do.

   But there is no doubt that as long as her identity is leaked, there will definitely be a lot of guys who hate her.

   Countless people will feel that all the misfortunes they have experienced originate from her.

   There are countless people who feel that everything is her intention.

  Especially those guys who are having a particularly bad day.

   For their unfortunate misfortune, they have to find some reason.

   It can only be said that everything in the world is not a pure and flawless fairy tale.

  Everything has its own flaws and clouds.

  Some people are happy, then some people will be sad.

   If someone gains, someone loses.

  Some people live a happy life without extra effort.

  Some people will end up in ruins no matter how hard they struggle.

  Everything seems unfair.

   is full of irony.

  So, for this kind of thing, [Ms. Pain] is there anything they can do?

   Naturally there is a way!

As [Gods and Gods], they can completely create a [world] where no one will be born, old, sick and die, all live with the heaven and the earth, and will be happy every day, but that is meaningless, because it is not only thankless, Not very sound.

The most intuitive question of    is, if there is no misfortune as a foreshadowing.

   Then how can the so-called happiness be eye-catching and precious?

  If everyone can eat and drink without having to work hard, they can have no worries about food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

   Then will they still struggle and use their brains?

  I don’t even raise pigs that much.

   And it has been raised for countless years.

   Therefore, happiness will be complemented by misfortune, joy will be accompanied by sadness, and everything has positive and negative aspects.

   As for who will be more unlucky, draw a bad lottery and become the unfortunate unlucky person, then it can only depend on fate.

   Everyone says the Great Wall is magnificent.

   But the slave laborers who moved bricks and the corpses who filled the foundations always had to be filled with people.

   It is impossible to say that things are built by themselves.

  Thinking about it, someone stepped on the Great Wall built on his own blood, sweat and corpse, saying it was magnificent and majestic.

   The unfortunate people underground, although they will be dissatisfied, they will also be very pleased.

  There is no other reason.

  The dead can't speak again.

   If you say they feel very relieved, then they are probably very relieved.

at the moment.

  In the distant [Toril World], there are a large number of unlucky ghosts who have drawn the bad lot from [Fate].

   They need to act as slave laborers to fill the grand plan in the heart of [Ms. Pain] that must be experienced for the better development of many [worlds].

   becomes a brick on the vast [Great Wall] invisible to the naked eye, or an inch foundation.

   Suffer for a better future that belongs to someone else.

   Find out why.

   Talk and go.

   is still the fault of being too weak.

   Insufficient strength, so unlucky, so unfortunate.

   This is a very stable relationship chain.

  There is no use in being dissatisfied.

   In fact, there will never be any substantial changes due to the incompetence of the weak.

   Even if the weak are all gathered together.

   After all, even the so-called bottom uprisings in history can only be accomplished if the strong take the lead.

  There is no qualified leader, no matter how many rabble people get together, they can only give it for nothing.

   At most, it will get a historical evaluation that a mob riot occurred in a certain place every month in a certain year.

  The strong should be strong enough, so they will be lucky.

   They are 【Destiny】.

   (end of this chapter)

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