Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1333: fragile partnership

   Chapter 1333 Fragile Partnership


  Why are [Bane], [Bal], and [Melko] so sure that [Slate of Destiny] contains a big secret?

   1. This matter has an endorsement from [God on God].

  【God on God】He personally said that this thing is very important and has a big secret.

   Second, the shape of this thing is very unique, it is an indescribable feeling...

Anyone, no matter who they are, will instinctively feel that this is a treasure when they see it. The lines, every stroke, every stroke, contain an indescribable rhythm, like the embodiment of natural laws... …

   Even if you don't understand it at all, it still gives people a feeling that this thing is very hanging!

   At least, [Ban] and even other [Gods] think so.

   Therefore, now that they have something in their hands, but the three of them really don’t understand the predicament, they can only reveal the word uncomfortable.

   I just feel that the biggest reason for the current predicament is that I am not capable enough, so I cannot crack the secret.

   Don't know at all.

   These are all traps and tricks!

The [Stone of Destiny] in front of    is not even a [Wordless Book], and there is no real **** in it.

  This thing, in addition to being hard enough, the biggest feature is that its appearance is cool enough, and it has a special enchantment effect that makes people feel unclear immediately after seeing it.

Not to mention [Ban] and the three [martial arts] guys, even if the most knowledgeable [God] is found, it is impossible to find any useful information from them. The biggest possibility is that the more you look, the more you think this It's a cool thing, and it's very likely that there's a big secret in it, and then it falls into an endless loop of repeatedly exploring the secret.

in this regard.

  Whether it was Olshaga who came up with the idea, or 【AO】who turned the idea into reality, they all had an indescribable wickedness.

  'Let me come to Kangkang, what hapless people will be fooled...'

  It’s okay to walk the dog with a bone, the bone is still a clinker bone with only smell, and there is no taste at all when biting.

   is really hard to top...

At this time, [Ban], who was completely ignorant of the truth of the matter, after relaxing his brain a little, felt the pain in his brain due to long-term operation, and became slightly more comfortable, but he could only relax. Taking a breath, he sighed:

"Although we didn't get any useful information, we've been hiding for so long, and it's time to show up, otherwise, it's not just the group of ambitious [believers] who won't be able to settle down, some [gods] should There will also be bad guesses.”

   As [Powerful Divine Power], and he is also the more notorious guy among them, the identities and circumstances of the three of them are indeed a bit dazzling.

  If you don’t show up for a long time, it will inevitably make people doubt the reason.

   This is especially true when the external situation is chaotic.

  Normally speaking, the current stage outside is suitable for them to engage in storms, and there should be no reason for them to delay showing up.


   In the face of [Bane]'s remarks, [Melko] and [Baal] did not object to anything, just said:

   "Then what about [Slate of Destiny]?"

   "Is it stored here?"

   After nodding to confirm the conjectures of the two, [Ban] replied directly:

   "This kind of treasure, if you take it out, it's really too dazzling."

   "It's usually better to put it here."

   "I think the three of us can work together to put a seal on this place, and come here every once in a while to gather here, work together to open the seal, and study the mysteries together."

   Hearing the words, [Barr] added:

   "So how often do we get together?"

   "How long do you study each time?"

   After thinking about it for a while, he asked himself tentatively and said, "Get together once a month? Study for five days at a time?"

   Knowing that all of this can’t be careless, and that it won’t be a short-term activity, but after listening to it, I didn’t deny anything, and I felt that it was almost like that.

   So, he nodded in approval and said:

   "That's it, get together once a month and study for five days at a time."

   "The seal is made by our three [Godheads] as a necessary opening thing!"

   "In this way, the seal can only be opened if the three of us gather here, or if there is a powerhouse stronger than the three of us in the combined state of strength at this time, the seal can be opened."


   After tens of minutes.

   Looking at the other two who left first, [Ban] who was standing outside the underground palace, looking at [Underground Palace] that was completely sealed, and even he could not open it independently, there were a little complicated emotions flowing in the depths of his eyes.

  There is reluctance, greed, and some ruthlessness and hesitation...

   For his two partners, he is completely at odds with face and heart.

   As the leader of the theft of the [Stone of Destiny], the reason why he pulled the other two guys to join is only because everyone knows the bottom line, plus the same ambition and adventure.

   has nothing to do with so-called friendship at all.

  Especially the fact that the power of the three of them comes from the [Gift] of the [Ancient Death].

   even made a special connection between the three of them.

While    is independent of each other, there is also a little connection.

   Therefore, if possible, whether it is [Bane] or [Melko] and [Baal], they will be eager to devour the other two.

   Only then will their strength reach the true peak.

   It is infinitely close to the [Ancient Death God - Jaeger], which was in full state back then.

   However, because the strength is almost the same and they know each other well.

   devour each other.

   This kind of thing is a bit difficult for the three of them.

   It's hard for each other to be fooled by each other!

  Especially when [God] has a very high fault tolerance rate.

  Therefore, they devoured each other hopelessly, and they joined forces to steal the [Stone of Destiny].

However, at the moment, at the same time that the [Stone of Destiny] was stolen, all the gods were also knocked down from the mortal world. While they were quite surprised and a little bit in deep trouble, it also provided them with an opportunity, a You can take the opportunity to devour the opponent...

   Compared with the past, they were completely in a state of undefended. It was said that it was the best time in thousands of years, and there was no problem at all.

   However, whether it is [Ban] or the other two guys, they are not sure about the one-hit kill of the other two.

   In addition to stealing the [Slate of Destiny], they are like grasshoppers on a rope, and it is not easy to turn their faces.

   Therefore, the three of them are reluctantly at peace with each other.

  This is extremely fragile, like the relationship between plastic sisters. Once there is a suitable opportunity, it is no problem to say that it will be broken when touched...

   at this point.

   All three of them knew this.

   (end of this chapter)

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