Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1332: The Mystery of [Slate of Destiny]

   Chapter 1332 The mystery of [Slate of Destiny]

   Another few days passed.

  【Toril World】.

   Facing the [God] wandering everywhere.

   Maybe it's because the current [God] is a bit unworthy of virtue, or maybe it's because of some [God]'s self-deprecating thoughts.

  【Saint Form】, this title was also brewed, specifically to refer to the current state of 【God】.

   is stronger than the class of [Mortal], but cannot reach the class of [True God].

   Now, even though they are all in the realm of [under the real body], the essence of belonging to [the real god] cannot be revealed...

at the same time.

   During this time, due to unknown reasons, a battle between [Saint] and [Saint] suddenly broke out in a certain marginal city without warning.

  Even if the strength of both sides is very low.

   But the city with a population of only 30,000 burst apart under the power of two unknown [Gods]...

   Ninety percent of the buildings were completely demolished on the spot and became the site of a single site.

The population of    residents also directly lost most of the population due to the storm, and only the lucky ones with a total of less than 2,000 survived.

   In addition, there are many injuries among them, and there is a high probability that they will die in the following days based on the severity of the injuries.

  So, in general, the city can basically be described as dead and wounded.

   However, due to the gameover of a large population, a large number of new populations rushed over to the blank land, especially when the remains of the local deceased could be picked up nearby...

  The deceased, the family members of the deceased, and the people who made money from the dead come from different positions. It is true that there is no way to share joys and sorrows.

   I have to say, the atmosphere in which one group of people sighed and washed their faces in tears, while another group of people was happy, has a sense of mockery of reality...

   also since then.

   is like being officially kicked off.

   A name [God] who fell into the mundane world.

   After all, he began to gradually step onto the bright side of the stage in [Saint Form].

   is no longer bound by the invisible shadow.

   Even some [Gods] began to slowly constrict their [Believer Resources].

   gradually integrated the various forces in the mortal world and turned them into spears and shields that they can use.

Therefore, many [Church forces] and even [Demigods] with [God Blood] flowing in their bodies also received orders one after another, and began to secretly make different preparations, making the already chaotic situation even more chaotic. turbid.

   And the intensifying state of affairs has benefited some [Gods] and [Churches] representing [War], [Murder], [Conspiracy]….

   In the same way, some [Gods] and [Churches] that need peaceful soil to develop steadily also suffered inevitable losses due to the chaos of the situation, such as [Money], [Art], [Abundance]...

  After all, in the chaotic times, everyone loves peace even though they say it.

   But the body will still hold the murder weapon honestly, and it is true that there is not much time to do things that cannot increase the combat effectiveness.

  Gou, life is important...

   This simple concept, although no one has directly stated it, everyone still understands it.

   as one of the beneficiaries.

   [God of Tyranny - Ben], that is, one of the three guys who were lucky to be gifted by [Ancient God of Death - Jaeger] and became [Powerful Divine Power].

   Right now, there is absolutely no time to take care of the outside world.

He is hiding in the deep underground palace, and he and his two collaborators, that is, the other two lucky ones of the year [Lord of the Dead - Melkor] and [Lord of Murder - Baal], earnestly study together The culprit behind all the developments, the [Great Treasure—Slate of Destiny] that the three of them managed to steal.

  Underground is an area that exists on the edge of [Toril World].

  The vast ground is full of snow and cold winds, and there is no sign of life.

  The deep underground is even more deadly, except for some small animals and insects, there is nothing worth mentioning.

   Therefore, in general, if there are Tibetans here, it is really a good place.

  Even if [God] wants to find something in this impoverished area, it is not easy.

   But this kind of ghost place where you can't even find a few pieces of bird **** is really a bit difficult for [Bane], [Melko], and [Bal] who are used to living a good life.

   Especially if you can't even bring a single minion in order to ensure enough concealment!

   However, in the face of sufficient interests and the wrath of [God, God], all of this is obviously not a problem at all.

   Right now, after a long period of hard thinking, [Ban], who has not rested for dozens of days, his eyes that were supposed to be full of perseverance were involuntarily full of bloodshots.

   Of course, it is worth mentioning that, even so, his gaze was stubborn and unwilling to back down, staring at the [Slate of Destiny] full of mysterious patterns not far in front of him.

The feeling of    is like carrying a scanner and scanning the target back and forth.

  In the depths of his brain, the various knowledge and accumulations accumulated over the thousands of years also constantly collided with sparks of wisdom, racking his brains to analyze the various secrets that [Slate of Destiny] may contain.

In the end, due to the multiple limitations of [God Body], [God Power], [Godhead], and [God Soul], the brain was running at full power for dozens of days, and since it was knocked down from the world, I have been researching [Slate of Destiny]. He, after all, can't bear it anymore...

   Decades of hard work...

  Let him now feel that his brains are not enough...

   is like an engine about to be overloaded.

   is only one step away from the explosion of the cylinder.

at no choice.

   He could only slowly close his eyes, and then heaved a deep sigh:

   "As expected of the [Secret Treasure] of [Gods and Gods]..."

   "Even if the mystery is already visible to the naked eye, but with my wisdom, I just can't find a way to get a glimpse of the mystery..."

   "It seems that my accumulation is not enough after all..."

   "Perhaps, these mysteries need the assistance of the [Holy] of [knowledge] to decipher..."

Hearing that, beside him, because of the painstaking study of the mysteries of the [Stone of Destiny], [Mirko] and [Bal], who had made themselves a little haggard, also closed their bloodshot eyes unwillingly. .


"too difficult……"

   "I can't find any clue..."

   (end of this chapter)

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