Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1306: [Stone of Destiny] Theft

   Chapter 1306 [The Slate of Destiny] Theft

  The interior of the [Divine Kingdom] of many [Gods].

   sensed the majestic power and strange signs that even a great [divine power barrier] could not block.

'what happened? ’

   in doubt.

  【Gods】have not had time to understand the specific situation.

   An invisible suction, as if from the depths of the soul.

   appeared out of nowhere.

   pulled their body and soul.

   made their consciousness a little dizzy.

   Then, maybe a second, maybe a minute, when they regained consciousness.

  Their [real body] had already appeared inside a palace that was decorated as luxurious as a dream god, and which was very familiar to them.

  This is no other place, it is the [Pantheon] that exists in the turbulent void, and is called a place that belongs to the [Gods].

  In the past, countless mortals regarded this place as the highest place.

   Every successful [Ascension to God] existence.

   Whether it is a [Good God] or a [Evil God], they will leave a [Divine Power Avatar] here, and get a [God Throne] with their own [Divine Power Mark] to symbolize that they have officially become a [God].


   Having said that.

   On weekdays.

Because of their different personalities, they often don't talk much, and there are many factions in [Gods], which are divided into [Good Gods], [Evil Gods], [Human Gods], [Elf Gods]... [God] will take the initiative to speak publicly, basically only in twos and threes.


  At the moment, they were all forcibly pulled here, and they were all forcibly divided together, and even their respective shrines that belonged to them in the past have disappeared at all, and now they are all in a state of punishment...

   for a while.

  Let's not say anything else.

   Just the rich [Divine Power] of the [True Body] of many [Gods] gave the surrounding space a sense of heaviness.

   It was as if the surroundings were in a deep sea where words were difficult to describe.

   as one of them.

   As the [God of Wanderers].

  Oli Damara, who was stabbed in the back by Olsaka in [Sigil].

   After regaining consciousness.

   Subconsciously, he took a step back.

   Hide yourself in a nearby corner.

   watched the situation secretly.

   Not long after.

   looked around him.

   Looking at those familiar or unfamiliar [Gods], the [Divine Power] only possessed by [True God], he frowned involuntarily.

   And those [Gods] who were pulled over were mostly the same as him in terms of expressions.

   All looked a little heavy.

   Even some guys who were extremely unreasonable in the past.

   Those radical [Good Gods] and [Evil Gods] or [Race Gods] who are opposed to [Race] did not choose to have any conflict at this moment, they all chose to silently stand on the sidelines and watch the situation.

   There are only a few guys who are probably ADHD patients who can't settle down.

   was walking back and forth restlessly there…

   After tens of seconds.

   In the solemn atmosphere where the [Gods] all looked at each other and said nothing.

   One after another, incomparably bright streamers descended from the top of the [Pantheon].

   surrounds the front of the [Pantheon].

   A certain statue is like the center of heaven and earth, which makes people feel unattainable on the towering throne.

   And a figure wearing a simple white robe, surrounded by little stars, also appeared on it.

   Judging from his appearance, it was an old man with a solemn expression.

   is neither handsome nor ugly.

   But the first time people look at it, they subconsciously condense.

   And, after watching it for a long time, the observer will feel that the other party is undergoing some kind of change, and it is a little blurry...

   And when he appeared.

   Even those who were originally a little restless stopped their actions immediately, and became self-disciplined like elementary school students who were being examined by their teachers.

  Because that is 【God on God】.

   The supreme ruler of the entire [time and space]!

   However, soon, the next words of [God, God-AO] made their hearts jump.


   also became more and more intense.

"…I am disappointed."

   "Among you, there is one or more [Gods] who have made a huge mistake."

   When that heavy voice echoed inside the vast [Pantheon].

   Listening to the other party's voice, the undisguised disappointment.

  The hearts of some [Gods] suddenly jumped, and there was an unpleasant feeling.

   is like mortals facing disasters.

   A little careless.

   There is a possibility of catastrophe!

   At the same time, they also understood the fact that they were implicated.

   In addition to being stunned, he also suddenly became a little angry.

  Some of the [Gods] who responded quickly immediately began to think about what the so-called huge mistake was.

   According to their understanding.

  【AO】But basically it doesn't matter.

   Few direct orders were given to them.

   Not to mention a serious matter like this one...

  Thinking about it...the eyes of some [Gods] also slowly looked towards somewhere in the [Pantheon].

   A place where [Stones of Destiny] should have been placed...

   There, it has been mentioned by 【AO】 more than once, so you must not act rashly!

   If you are not careful, it may cause big trouble!

   But, right now, that place is empty... nothing.

   The [Stone of Destiny] that was supposed to be there has disappeared...

   And a certain [God] who is the [Guardian] of the [Stone of Destiny], has been half-kneeling somewhere in the [Pantheon], and his expression is full of shame and self-pity...

   Look at this situation.

   Reminiscent of the turbulent time and space not long ago.

   That creepy strange feeling...

   Many [Gods] immediately understood the general situation in their hearts.

  ‘【Stone of Destiny】 was stolen by a 【God】? ’

  ‘Which [God] is so bold? ’

   in deep puzzlement.

   They also began to secretly guess who had this ability.

  You should know that even though 【Stone of Destiny】is not carried by 【AO】.

   That was also assigned a [Guardian], a [Guardian] whose strength reached [Strong Divine Power]!

  It is indeed an extremely difficult thing to steal treasures such as the [Slate of Destiny] in front of the opponent...


  The gazes of some [Gods] can't stop looking at some professionals...

   For example: [Oli Damara] as [God of Rogues], [Mask] as [God of Thieves]…

have to say.

   In terms of stealing chickens and dogs.

   These guys are extremely professional…

   (end of this chapter)

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