Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1305: turbulent beginning

   Chapter 1305 The beginning of turmoil

  【Multiverse】(DND plane).

  【Sigil City】inside.

"What's up?"

   looked at Orshaga who suddenly sighed in front of him.

  【Ms. Pain】The face that was covered by the mask showed a little bit of confusion.

   She didn't understand why Olshaga, who was fine just now, suddenly looked a little melancholy.

   "It's okay, I'm just going to be a father, I'm a little complicated for a while..."

  Even if Olshaga is only a clone here.

   But his consciousness is connected with the body.


   They themselves are a consciousness.

  Everything is just multitasking.

   is equivalent to multi-line operation.

to him.

   Communicating with countless beings at the same time, and thinking about countless things at the same time, is not a troublesome thing, it has long been accustomed to it.


   He was naturally a little worried about the issue of the heir.


   However, for his answer.

   The somewhat unexpected [Ms. Pain] also fell into an unspeakable silence.

   as a single guy.

   The problem Orshaga is facing right now really involves her blind spot of knowledge.

   However, after holding back for a while.

   She still said truthfully:

   "Descendants... that sounds a little troublesome..."

   in her opinion.

   Just dealing with all kinds of messy experimental creations is a waste of time.

   And the so-called descendants.

   is a little unnecessary…

   After all, that thing is not like an experimental creation that can be pinched to death.

   It takes real dedication.

   To her point of view, Olsaka naturally nodded in agreement:

   "It's really a little troublesome."

   "I'm thinking about how to be a good father..."

   "If you accidentally raise your offspring, you can't just delete the number and start again..."

   "It's really hard to read scriptures..."

   For a while, while talking to himself.

   Olshaga also held his hands behind his back and swayed back and forth, inexplicably having a middle-aged sense of sight.

  The mood has become a little more complicated...

   All I can say is that he, who was soaring to the sky, had something he cared about after all, and his heartless performance was restrained.

   Of course, that's not a bad thing either.

   In terms of his personality.

  If it weren't for the presence of Glaner and the others as a concern and a limiter, they would have allowed him to control his illness to the greatest extent possible, making him more or less human.

I am afraid…

   He had been completely insane long ago.

   And the real 404 trip is nothing more than that...

  When the time comes, the whole book and the whole chapter will be indescribable things...

   Even now, his normality is only relative…

at this time.

   stood beside him and listened to his muttering.

In the heart of   【Ms. Pain】, she was not only curious about what the family of Orshaga was like, and how curious it would be, but also a little curious about what kind of aptitude his descendants would have and whether they could reach the realm of the other party.


   Every now and then.

   She also casually asked two questions.

   He chatted with Olsaka around the topic of 【Family】.

   Just…these two.

  One is an abnormal mental patient with a slightly abnormal brain.

   One is a classic super single dog. He has been alone since he was born, with no relatives or friends. Only a few subordinates and acquaintances can barely communicate.

  No one understands what the two have to talk about on the topic of [family]...

  Two elementary school students got together to study [calculus], which is almost the feeling.

I do not know how long it has been.

  Suddenly, strange fluctuations appeared inside the entire [plane], interrupting the metaphysical communication between the two.

   That kind of feeling...how to say...

   is a bit like a complete puzzle piece that was suddenly removed.

   This piece of [space-time], the originally stable structure, immediately had signs of chaos.

   In the face of such changes.

   Countless beings with sufficient strength immediately raised their heads in astonishment, feeling unexpected about the change in things.

at the same time.

   The interior of this 【Plane】.

   Countless [worlds] are also constantly shaking.

   Even above the [Sigil] city, which is a transit point for thousands of [worlds].

  The bright sky, I don’t know when, is also filled with all kinds of strange light streams.

   Clouds that should have been calm.

   is like an ocean with a storm coming.

   is rolling fiercely.

   Innumerable thunders made a harsh roar.

   It is like [Time and Space] itself is raging.

   Face this situation.

   Numerous beings are subconsciously disturbed.

   Even some beings with good power feel the same as the general public.


   for this case.

   The conversation was interrupted by Olshaga and [Ms. Pain], but there was no surprise on their faces.

  Some are just calm and indifferent.

   as the guy behind the scenes.

   One of them is a senior soy sauce party, who just wants to sit and watch the storm.

  The other is the existence of the game, which can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

   Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for the two to panic.

After    shook his head, Olsaka said calmly:

   "Looks like, that plan is about to start..."

   The so-called plan actually refers to the [punishment mechanism] or the [screening mechanism] that Olsaka once mentioned to [AO] when he was idle.

   is in this 【Plane】.

   If it is said that the [plane] itself is equivalent to a computer.

   Then the so-called [God] is similar to the secondary maintainer of [Computer], whose duty is to stabilize [Rules].

   Generally speaking.

   As a guy with an iron rice bowl.

  Because the strength is very different from the rest of the superhumans in the lower level.

The treatment of   【God】can basically be described as having peace of mind!

   As long as you don't die, you won't die.


  Those [Gods] who succeeded in [Ascension to God], because of their good treatment, are like civil servants who have successfully landed ashore, and sometimes they will inevitably become lazy.

   In order to cultivate them, so that they will not be too idle and too lack of a sense of crisis.

   Originally, Orshaga directly proposed to [AO] to give them some trouble and come out to encourage them.

  It is best to have a famous teacher.

for example:

   Deliberately tempted them to stab them, so that they could not find anything wrong while swallowing the consequences...


[AO], who felt that Orshaga was right, also pinched the [Stone of Destiny] that had no use for anything except that it looked pretty cool, and threw it in the [Pantheon]. Tell the gods, this thing is very powerful and mysterious. You must not touch it. If you are not careful, it will cause chaos...

   Thus began the fishing operation.

  Sit and wait for the unlucky guy to take the initiative to hit the mine...

at the moment.

   looked at the mighty movement.

   Knowing that everything is [AO] playing tricks on Orshaga, I know very well in my heart that the gods in the sky are about to be cleaned up by [AO]...

   Those guys who have been having fun for a long time.


   There will be many casualties...

   Just thinking about it, he wanted to laugh out loud...

   (end of this chapter)

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