Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1300: relationship between husband and wife

   Chapter 1300 The relationship between husband and wife

  【Elsera Elf Country】.

   Or, it can also be said to be [Elsera Elf Plane], [Elsera Elf Space and Time].

   The Elsera Elf Country, which Orshaga had relocated to back then.

  The hometown of Golan and Alison.

   is developing very well here.

   At least, as early as many years ago, in the age that is too long to describe, they have undoubtedly become the absolute rulers here.

no way.

   The so-called [Destiny] was predestined long ago.

   When Olshaga was the [Great Demon], he tampered with everything.

   Neither the local forces nor the [Planar Consciousness] that should be so high are powerless to change that.

  Absolute violence, equal to absolute power, is greater than all words, efforts, resistance...

  【Central Star Region】.

  【Lalmeifa Sector】.

   As one of the private plots of Glaner and Alison.

   The diameter here is about one hundred light-years.

  Even though time has passed for countless years.

  The outside world is full of various spaceships.

   Huge star stairways are scattered all over the place.

  It still maintains the most primitive environment.

   On that vibrant planet, all kinds of primitive ecological environments are perfectly preserved.

   In this vast starry sky whose diameter has expanded to five trillion light-years.

   There is no existence, dare to approach this place before receiving the edict.

   In other words, even if someone who is not afraid of death tries to get close, the invisible predators who are wandering in the multi-dimensional space will completely eat it before they touch this place.

   Flesh, metal creations…

   or something else.

   All are treated equally.

   Right now, on a living planet with a surface area roughly the size of a regular red giant.

   Olsaka stepped on the soft green virgin vegetation community and took two breaths of air.

   looked up at the few shining stars above his head that were providing light with a calm expression, pondered for a few seconds, and sighed casually:

   "That thing... looks like it tastes okay..."

   Of course, after all, he wouldn't really take a bite.

   He can still hold it for the time being.


After listening to   , Alison, who knew her personality, immediately shook her head helplessly:

   "Can't you just think of something a little more normal..."

   But, after all, it’s been so many years.

   She didn't expect Orshaga to really recover.

   That's a deep-rooted problem...

   In her opinion, as long as the situation doesn’t get worse, it’s already a big victory.

   In the face of his wife's complaints, as a habitual object of complaints, Olsaka didn't care too much, and accepted the other party's lectures calmly.

Of course.

   Listen and listen.

   He will say that next time...

   By the way.

   In this regard, he has always regarded each other's remarks and complaints as friendly exchanges between husband and wife.

   Its origins go back as far back as when the two of them first met…


   Since that time, as an abnormal guy, he has been complained about by the other party...

   And knowing that he was indeed a little abnormal, Olshaga was completely accepting it with a calm attitude, accepting all those complaints without making any refutation at all.

   After all, it's different from those guys who have no self-awareness.

   As a bad guy who has known himself to be a bad breed since the first chapter of this novel, he has always been self-aware and understands that Allison's complaints are completely restrained and euphemistic...

   Therefore, he will not deny that he likes to do bad things, nor will he set himself any lofty goals, and then try to clarify his legitimacy and make his actions more rational.

   He doesn't do that.

  He does bad things mostly because he wants to do it, and it's okay to be idle anyway...

  It's not like some guys at all, he's clearly doing bad things, and he has to find a way to make himself appear to be doing good deeds, and even make himself look aggrieved, and give himself some righteous reasons...

   I do bad things in order to correctly establish a beautiful world view for everyone, I do bad things in order to talk about the injustice of the world and the sinister nature of human nature... They are all obscure things...

   What superhero in the dark?

  Where did the social philosopher come from?

can only say.

  Those boring things, a little bit not suitable for him.

  It is not necessary to deceive yourself.

   And the so-called reason is also unnecessary.

   He's the kind of guy who can't justify himself!

   Even a lot of times.

   He didn't even know what he was doing.

   But when I think of myself as the mainstay of [Chaos Faction], then the situation suddenly makes sense...

   As the villain, when you go out for a walk, you kill a few passers-by. Is there any problem?

   Obviously, no problem.

  Similarly, when he was sleeping at home, he swallowed the fruit he had eaten at noon after only chewing twice, so he felt resentful and suddenly wanted to go out and destroy the world, which was equally no problem.

  I came here, I killed everyone, I suddenly want to eat some souls, I slept well at noon, I want to drink some drinks tomorrow...

   In short, anything can be a reason.

   Bad guys do bad things.

   is very reasonable in itself!

   And this time.

   looked at Olsaka's expression of 'You said, I'm listening, but I'll forget it right away'.

   That cooperative but not cooperative look.

  Alison also shook his head helplessly.

  Thinking about the situation when the other party usually does bad things.

  Suddenly, after many years, she felt a little melancholy again.


   She stretched out her left hand and touched her stomach lightly.

   That kind of feeling is almost the same feeling of unease that the heroine in the TV series expresses when she thinks of the hero's daily life full of swords, lights, swords and shadows.

   Originally, Alison had taken lightly on the daily life of Orsangana's sins.

   Even though he is kind by nature, he has seen a lot of those things.

   But with new family members.

   may be due to motherhood, or some mysterious psychological changes after pregnancy.

   After a lapse of many years, she felt a little uneasy again in her sentimentality about Orsangana's sinful daily behavior.

   However, even so, she didn't say much after all.

   She understands that even Olshaga, at some point, more or less, will still be a little helpless...

   Furthermore, letting an [Abyss Demon] do less evil is the same as letting ordinary people breathe less air. It is indeed a sign of serious illness.

   And, in this cruel and **** [Multiverse].

   A guy like Olsaka who is still alive and kicking after committing crimes everywhere will make people feel awe.

   (end of this chapter)

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