Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1299: Descendants and past

   Chapter 1299 Descendants and the past

   "Are you in a good mood?"

   Hearing the questioning voice in a soft tone, Orshaga turned her head and looked at the figure walking not far away.

   A smile appeared on his calm face: "There are some pretty good gains."

   That figure was none other than Glaner.

   his wife.

After    stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around the opponent's waist, Olsaka's palm lightly placed it on the opponent's lower abdomen.

   There, he could feel that life was being conceived.

   His descendants, the descendants of him and Glaner, are constantly growing in it...

   is like a seed that is changing.

   Although still young.

   But as a [direct blood descendant] of [Demon Lord].

   The life characteristic of that young life is still as majestic as the scorching sun!

   Even the young heart that has not yet fully developed seems to be a black hole engine, flowing with majestic power.

   in order to provide nutrition to each other.

  Graner as the mother body, as the existence of the strength of the [Great Demon], is naturally at all costs.

  Basically, every second, an amount of energy equal to the sum of the energy released by several stars in a lifetime is poured down.

   And, the quantity and quality of those 'nutrients' are still showing an exponential upward trend with the development of embryos.

  Right now, there is only so much nutrition available.

   Just because the other party is too young to eat too much.

   Wait until it matures later.

   There are also various [tributes] and [nutrition], waiting for the cubs...

   And at this moment, he felt Olshaga's movements.

  Glaner also said with a chuckle:

   "Is it a good harvest?"

   "That's a rare evaluation..."

   as 【Abyss Demon】.

  Although Orshaga has always been able to create offspring.

   But due to some concerns and thoughts, he never did that.

For example: the madness that comes with the race will make the brain or temperament of the descendants likely to have some problems, and the immortal person does not really need the descendants to inherit, and the most important reason is that he is too paranoid about the family, and thinks that the family members There should be feelings between him, and he has a personality defect, he doesn't know how to put his feelings into the new members of the family, or he is basically inhuman when facing other guys other than his wife, the so-called Of course, it is completely impossible to talk about the emotion, even if it is like Ruwanwan, there is only a familiar guy in his heart, and it is far from being close. This kind of awkward rebuttal makes him, this existence, do not agree with his descendants very much, thinking that it is a dispensable thing...

   However, after thinking for a long time.

   In the time that I do not know how many billions of years.

   This kind of boring question, after repeated communication with Glaner, he finally figured it out.


  The rest of the problems are no longer problems.

   After all, with his power, it is not difficult to make his descendants have a normal head.

   Even if you want to create an absolutely rational 【Pure Blood - Abyss Demon】, it is just a matter of raising your hands.

   The real question.

   For him, who is almost omnipotent, it has always been his own character flaw.

   He does not identify with his family, what new members are joining.

  Sick, cruel, crazy, and somewhat awkward warmth.

   As an [Abyss Demon], his body and mind are full of [Demon nature].

  His heart and thoughts, in many cases, are completely different from ordinary people...

   However, when he figured out the problem.

   Soon, there were signs of life of the offspring in the stomachs of Glaner and the others.

   Then, face the long-awaited offspring of himself and others.

  Graner and the others rejected Olsaka's proposal.

   That proposal that was spawned directly through [Time Ability].

   Very stubborn choice to adopt the oldest method of conception.

  You know, in terms of their power.

   That kind of breeding is really a time-consuming and labor-intensive behavior...

  Especially when Olshaga, as his father, was too powerful, even more so...

  I don’t know how many rounds of the Big Bang will take before their offspring can be conceived…


   With the smooth pregnancy, they also began to indulge in the question of how to be a good mother.

  Perhaps, for them, this is a manifestation of motherhood.

   It can only be said that it is different from Olshaga, who has some emotional problems.

  As mothers, they undoubtedly look forward to offspring even more.

   And in this regard.

   Fiera who has some experience.

   Many times, it will be the object of advice from Glaner and the others.

   After all, she had conceived Elsa, another wife of Orshaga.

   For this reason, Olshaga also recalled an old thing.

   In the past.

   He is still a [Chaos God].

   When the [Warhammer Plane] has not been destroyed.

   He used to [countercurrent time] and went to the [time point] more than ten years ago before he first arrived at that [plane].

   is also the [time point] when [Ferra] was not yet married.

   Wants to erase her ex-husband and revise related matters.

  Men's possessiveness makes him not allow his wife to have contact with other heterosexuals.

   As for her ex, what will happen to Elsa, her daughter?

   That's not a problem.

  【Sympathetic Asexual Reproduction of Heaven and Man】, 【Meeting Virgin Pregnancy in a Dream】…

   It really doesn't work.

   Anyway, there is also the 【Near Future Era】.

   So, is there nothing wrong with engaging in an [independent conception technique]?

   There are always many ways!

   In a word, it is very stable.

   Even various myths and stories gave answer templates early!

   Just copy it right...

   But, soon, Olshaga discovered the problem.

  Fiera's ex-husband, in fact, is still himself...

   In other words, it was precisely because of that that Ferra fell in love with him inexplicably at first sight.

   And he will be inexplicably very concerned about it.

   Otherwise, as normal.

   Running with his pants up is what he would do.

   As a bad guy who is proficient in eating, drinking and gambling, that is not a joke...

   In short.

   That matter is a very complicated issue.

   Just like his previous plug-in, the source of the so-called [Evolutionary System] that has been offline for hundreds of chapters is a question that does not need to be entangled...

  You must know that when he ate the [Evolutionary System], he also discovered secret information there.


   is just a few simple unpretentious words.

   clearly described a lot of inside stories, which made Olsuga suddenly realize!


  [Evolutionary system: core database reserved information...]

  【Insider? secret? 】

  【Want so many to have a hang? 】

  【It's all over! ! 】

  【Pull it down if you don't need it! ! 】


   So, the so-called big secret is a bit simple and unpretentious.

   Olshaga gave up thinking about it for a second.

  I plan to talk about it later.

   He felt that all of this, when his strength was not enough, he probably couldn't figure it out.

   And after the strength is enough, one thought should be able to understand all the situation.

   Furthermore, his character is also determined, he won't be too obsessed with things he really doesn't understand...

   (end of this chapter)

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