Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1289: 【Beyond Time】

   Chapter 1289 [Those who transcend time]

   Consciousness is rising.

   The influence of the material world is being surpassed.

   With the echo of that call.

  I don’t know how many souls of life are being forced into turmoil.

   is like a candle in the wind.

It can be said.

   Even though the opponent's target is not them at all.

   But, even if it was only a slight effect.

   That power still gave their souls a sign that it was about to be extinguished.

   and see this.

  The [Dari Tathagata Buddha] didn't say much.

   just raised his silent palm, and slashed out a hand knife in the air.

   That blow has not yet fully landed.

The [concept] of   [world] has already been divided.

   was stretched for a brief moment.

   Countless golden lights gushed out from the golden lotus on the ground and flowed upstream to the top of the sky, directly entangled with those blood lights.

   Hundreds of millions of Buddha sounds, like chants, are sacrifices, filling every place in the world.

   Then, the two forces collided strongly!

   in their collision and touch.

   at this moment.

  [World] itself, that vast territory, has become a small thing.

   Like a canoe forced to follow the current in that monstrous wave.

   There is no sense of existence at all!

at the same time.

Just when the [world] was about to be torn apart, the power of Orshaka and the [Dainian Tathagata Buddha] had already penetrated the [space-time barrier] of the [world], and flowed toward the boundless and wider time and space. , so that I don't know how many things are affected...

  Even the surrounding [World] started shaking violently.

   That kind of scene, as if a wave that was enough to drown the earth spewed out from a bubble.

   And the huge power of time and space, under the pulling of two wills, directly formed a huge void!

   A huge [Space-Time Void] that attracts and destroys everything!

   As if the time to wipe out everything has come!

   is also in such a scene.

  Bright golden light and dazzling blood light penetrated from the center of the huge void at the same time.

   is like a sharp blade that cuts through the truth.

   met in an indescribable sight.

   The invisible and intangible impact is also like a wave, which spreads further.

  Billions of worlds, the inherent structure of countless time and space, all seem to be disrupted puzzles.

  Various structures have ushered in changes.


   in a certain [plane].

  Hundreds of millions of fleets are traveling inside the galaxy.

   The next moment, the boundless starry sky turned into an endless sea of ​​fire.

The huge fleet of    became a group of people with pig heads.

  The dazzling stars have silently evolved into white clouds, making strange whistling sounds in the sea of ​​fire.


   in another [plane].

   The residents here are celebrating the huge power known as the [Great Unified Empire], which was officially established for 50 billion years.

As a huge force that spreads over 30 trillion [worlds], their power and authority have even surpassed the shackles of matter and extended to the invisible [space-time dimension]. Every inhabitant can ignite the stars with a single thought and let Gamma The ray burst is bathed on the surface of the body like a breeze, and it can easily travel through space, reducing the distance of hundreds of millions of light-years to one step, and it can calmly travel through the vast incomparable time and space, going to many [worlds], Act as a [God] in it, act as a [Lord] in it... Let your will work like the truth.

  Everything is just a doll in the palm of their hand.

   And when that shock like a wave came.

   This [planet] itself, the [time axis] like an infinitely divided tree graph, is directly shaken.

   The [World], which is as numerous as an immeasurable number, is also like a fruit that is shaken. radiating brilliance...

The inherent structure of    begins to change.

   For example: the order of [time] becomes a disorder.

In the endless [world] here, the last second might be 22:22:22 on February 2, 22222, the next second would be 17:14:11, 4745845, and the next second would be July 747141454, 11 minutes and 44 seconds before the last round of cosmic heat death...

The flow of   【time】has become an irregular thing.

   And all the conventional things have undergone indescribable changes.

   A powerful being, who may have been in the thousands of worlds in the last second, omniscient and omnipotent.

   The next second may have been dead for countless years.

The [Great Unified Empire], which originally ruled 30 trillion [worlds], is therefore between [existence] and [non-existence]. Every moment, it may still be built, or it may have been destroyed long ago. year……

   As for other [planes], various things are also happening.

  For example: an ordinary person takes a step forward, and it may appear dozens of kilometers behind, or it may appear on a bare alien planet, or it may directly travel through time to reach hundreds of millions of years ago.

  Their shape, strength, personality, memory...

   is also inevitably changing wildly.

   Every moment, I don’t know how many changes have occurred.

   Even some [space-time] were frozen directly because of this, and the time unit of each scale stopped running.

   what exists in it.

   All seem to be specimens sealed inside the amber, forever still!

   As for the Orshaka and 【Dainichi Tathagata Buddha】as the cause of the incident.

   Now as the fight progresses, the power they possess is expanding endlessly.

   As living beings that transcend [time], they possess [infinite energy], after stretching their respective time without limit.

   Every moment of [time], for them, can be an infinite time scale.

   And in that infinite time scale.

   As the manifestation of [Infinite Energy], it can generate energy by itself to strengthen its own existence.

   The energy they have.

   is also auto-enhancing every moment!

   thus continuously strengthens itself.

  Every second, every millisecond, every microsecond, every nanosecond…

  The energy of their clones at that moment will be many times stronger than the previous moment.

   That is to say.

  If in the beginning.

When the two of them just met, their energy intensity can be said to be 1, then after an infinite one-second, with the infinite stretching of the time scale, their energy intensity is equal to n times 1, 1 times n to the nth power, 1 times n times the nth power...as they keep stretching the time scale, increasing indefinitely...

   Therefore, their battle has reached a level that mortals can't even imagine...

   Thanks: 1500 starting coins for ghosts!



   (end of this chapter)

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