Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1288: Abnormal

   Chapter 1288 Abnormality

  [Tang San Burial] was still thinking about why his strength increased.

   is also the time when [Dari Tathagata Buddha] stretched out his hand.

   With the action of 【Dari Tathagata Buddha】.

  Golden light diffuses directly and automatically.

   Above [Lingshan], dazzling golden lotuses are in full bloom in an instant.

  2 Their blooming is like some kind of signal.

At the top of the    dome of the sky, the blood-colored vortex that only [Guanyin] and [Dari Tathagata Buddha] noticed, immediately reacted.

The    coverage area swelled many times in an instant.

   At such extreme speed that no one can observe the process at all.

   then shrouded the boundless sky of the [Prehistoric World], which is enough to accommodate all the borders of the entire regular [Universe]!

   All the residents didn't have time to react at all.

   Looking up, everything around is blood red!

   Even the scorching golden sun above his head was forcibly dyed with blood, as if it was kneaded from blood and flesh.

   is full of a weird feeling.

   Even that body is in [different space], not in the normal sense of the [netherworld] in this world.

   was inevitably affected!

   for a while.

   I don’t know how many [humans], [gods], [demons], [demons], [immortals], [ghosts], and [beasts] raised their heads in astonishment.

  Lian ascended to the [Holy Throne] in this round of restarts, and according to the established [Fate], [Joint Way with Heaven], became the [Hongjun] of the [World Regulator].

   was also in a daze that couldn't help it.

   said with a sad and inexplicable expression:

   "Extraterritorial Demon..."

   "Ominous omen..."

   Although the strength is not good.

   However, as an existence linked to the [Heavenly Way].

   He can still judge clearly.

   Right now, the existence that burrows out of the shadows and reveals a little bit of power at the end is definitely not a life form bred in this [world].

   Seeing this situation, the expression of [Dari Tathagata Buddha] is still extremely indifferent.

   lightly squeezed his outstretched palm.

   Under that mighty power.

  Across a long distance, [Tang San Burial] and [Sun Wukong], who had yet to react at all, were immediately ingested by an invisible force.

   was dragged into his palm without any resistance.

   At that moment, under shock and anger.

   The unruly 【Tang San Burial】 even though he knew that he was far from the opponent of the hands-on man, he was still furious and roared:

   "[Great Power Heavenly Dragon - The Book of Eight Demonic Dragons]!"

  's cassock immediately shattered countless fragments.

   turned into an infinite sharp blade, and slashed towards the palm that caught him.

   As for his body, the eight dark dragon tattoos have also completely changed from virtual to real, and eight dragons have evolved, which are perfectly superimposed on him, making his power usher in a skyrocket!

   In this regard, 【Dari Tathagata Buddha】 did not care at all.

   just whispered indifferently:

   "The villain, are you still awake?"

   Although the words are neither arrogant nor impetuous, they are like the whispers of ordinary people.

However, when the sound suddenly exploded in Tang Sanfu's ears, as its direct face, [Tang Sanfu] seemed to have heard the sound of the [Big Bang] billions of times. The indescribable power is like the ultimate prelude to the destruction of all things. It immediately wiped out the fragments of the cassock that went to the [Dari Tathagata Buddha], and let the soul and will of [Tang San Burial] at this moment, in an instant. , as if it were some kind of fragile product, it was churned into sporadic pieces.

   And then, that power still did not dissipate, but irrigated into the depths of those soul fragments.

   distorted the brand in it, distorted the information in it, and followed the records of [time], forcibly restored those fragments to a perfect state.

   is still in the state of the [Golden Chanzi] period.


  When the somewhat confused [Jin Chanzi] recovered as before.

   In his mind, those things about [Tang San's Burial] also poured into his brain immediately.

   made the expression that was a bit dazed to quickly turn blue in the blink of an eye.


   Some are extremely angry, some are regretful.

   In short, in a simple expression.

   is mixed with many meanings.

   In three words, it is impossible to explain clearly.

   Incidentally, he involuntarily used the corner of his eye to glance at the [Monkey King] who was beside him with a face full of unknown reasons.

   looked at the appearance of the pointed-mouthed monkey cheeks.

   It can be said that [Jin Chanzi] is the exquisite Buddha heart that should remain unchanged for thousands of years.

   Immediately ushered in a loss of mind…

   His face turned pale and gray...

   His mentality also collapsed...

   And the [Great Sun Tathagata Buddha] who restored his state.

   At this moment, he has no time to worry about his thoughts.

With a wave of   , he threw [Jin Chanzi], [Monkey King], and [Guanyin] into the safe area.

   The blood-red ominous omen above his head.

   Right now, more movements have been generated.

  A huge round object is constantly floating in it.

   is like the center of all worlds, and like the sum of everything.

   Endless dharma principles, constantly changing and changing.

   just casually glanced there.

   Countless creatures could not help falling into ecstasy.

  Because, they feel they have witnessed the infinite truth…

The power of    is also skyrocketing wildly beyond control.

   However, in contrast, their bodies and souls are also changing rapidly.

   became extremely weird and ferocious.

   became extremely evil...

   One by one, the gods and demons couldn't help but let out harsh laughter in the sight of blood from the seven orifices.

   However, things did not change further.

   Many extremely bad influences disappeared without warning, and only various leftover phenomena remained.

   caused one creature to fall into genuine consternation and panic.

   "What just happened..."

   I don’t know how many things exist, so I subconsciously asked such a question.

   raised his head in astonishment, intending to seek answers from the vision in the sky.

   Then, they discovered that some strange objects like blood vessels had appeared on the circular object at the top of the sky, and they were constantly stirring, and they looked quite evil...

at the same time.

   A mournful wailing, resembling a scream, emerged in the depths of the hearts of every native creature.

   requires no evidence and no reason.

   In their hearts, inexplicably at that moment, the same idea emerged.

  ‘This is the scream of [Tian Dao]…’

   is also at the same moment.

   The blood-colored sphere above the dome of the sky slowly cracked from the middle.

   reveals what is hidden in it.

   That vertical pupil filled with infinite light circles…

   Every moment, with the disillusionment of every aura, all beings peep from it to see that the infinite [world] is being destroyed...


   A sound that destroys all things.

   also reverberates in every corner of the world.

   This is an invitation and a celebration.

   Thanks: 100 starting coins for the sky over the rain! The ghost's 500 starting coins!

   ps: One chapter today.



   (end of this chapter)

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