Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1246: Own [merit], earn it yourself.

   Chapter 1246 Own [merit], earn it yourself.

  When that huge metal palm came down successfully.

   is similar to electromagnetic waves, but has a vastly different invisible energy that can’t stop surrounding it.

   did not wait for the arm to move.

   Those invisible energies automatically expand.

   covers the entire area that is hundreds of millions of miles in radius.

next moment.

   in the throbbing of those energies.

  Metal has directly become the only thing in that world.

  Whether it is a variety of soil plants, or a variety of different creatures, after encountering that kind of energy, the only outcome is to become a complete metal structure.

   And as those energies spread, a special information channel was successfully established.

  All the metal lifeforms, at the same time, heard a sound in the depths of their hearts, and they couldn't help but let out their own roar...

at the same time.

   in the outside area.

  The thunder in the sky is frantically restless.

   The strong wind that was enough to split the space formed a pitch-black barrier of wind, slowly shrinking towards the interior.

   On the way, both the metal lifeforms and the land whose structure has been completely changed were all destroyed by the wind without discrimination and torn into powder.


  Deeply stimulating 【Tao of Heaven】.

   is intending to completely destroy the area that has been invaded, leaving not even a single wreck...

   in the very center of that area.

   That huge metal palm didn't care at all about it.

   is still struggling to tear apart the heavily blocked space around him.

   Intent to let his power come fully here...


   Even the insignificant power remaining between the two sides.

   is enough to cause turbulence in time and space, making countless [Qi Refiners] feel frightened from the heart.

   Even [Hongjun] at this moment.

   In the battle between [Heavenly Dao] and [Information Electronic Heavenly Dao], it is only a trivial amount of dust, and it cannot have any effect on the overall situation at all.

  A vain attempt to intervene.

   will only be wiped out by the aftermath of the shocks caused by both sides when approaching...


   In the face of such a huge power gap.

   They were also quite horrified.

There are also some existences. When observing the battle between the two sides, according to some special abilities, along the huge pieces of information scattered from the [Information Electronic Heaven], I saw some strange things, some of which came from [the future] Snippets of information…

   That is the distant 【future】.

   It's been so long since now that words are indescribable.

   A billion years from now?

   Ten billion years later?

  100 billion years later?

   No one can tell.

   is extremely long anyway.

At that time.

   After countless rounds of evolution and repeated elimination of the weak.

  The so-called "immortal gods", as things that have been eliminated, have already died out.

   Even [Hong Jun], the [Taoist], has already been swallowed up by [Heavenly Dao], thus giving him autonomy in the true sense.

at the moment.

   In this 【World】.

   raised his eyes and looked around.

   In the sky, gloomy clouds are simulated by mimic information flow.

And on the metal earth, the metal sea made of liquid metal, surrounded by current and flames, roared and rolled continuously, and every surge would produce a strange shock wave, making the surrounding space chaotic .

   From time to time, you can also see sharp giant towers standing in the depths of the metal ocean, continuously projecting bright beams of light into the depths of the sky...

It can be said.

   At this time, the [Prehistoric World] has become a [Metal World]…

   Or, it should be said.

   It has become a whole.

  A living giant metal lifeform.

  It can be called [He]…

   And that.

   is 【Information Electronic Heaven】!

  【Future】's 【Prehistoric World】…

   After seeing here.

   All the observers were astonished in their hearts at the same time.

   Outside, the huge flow of information has also risen to its peak.

   Facing the [Tian Dao] occupying the geography, they were forcibly erased one after another.

   Let the things observed by each observer be forcibly cut off, and they cannot continue to understand [Information Electronic Heaven]…

   made them only with a little regret, raised their heads and looked up at the real fight between gods in the distance...

   and in a corner.

   stared at [Tian Dao] who was concentrating on solving the main opponent.

  【Aigul】's face was filled with unstoppable excitement.

   He understood.

   The opportunity you need has come...

   Not much to say.

   immediately started several plans that he had already prepared.

   That moment.

  A series of distorted beams of light, or violent explosions, appeared in the [Honghuang World] at the same time.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   In the sound of huge explosions and shaking.

  The [Buzhou Mountain], which was as tall as a pillar of the sky, was hit by dozens of beams of light at the same time.

  The solid mountain immediately began to shake violently in the face of the well-prepared deliberate attack.


   Even though multiple defenses have been set up on the outside of [Buzhou Mountain] due to the recent attacks, it still doesn’t help.

   After all, [Aigul] those long-planned attacks.

  Each path has been specially debugged and has gone through tens of millions of rounds of deduction…



   "You damn..."

   In the roar of a large number of [Qi Refiners] and [Aboriginal Creatures].

   In the midst of the earth shaking, hundreds of millions of miles of land crumbled at the same time.

   In the shocking scene that seems to have come to the end of the world, [Buzhou Mountain] finally began to collapse...

   Stones bigger than stars fell from them to the ground.

   A violent impact.

   Let the large pieces of land rise up from the ground like a collapsing puzzle.

  The unattainable cloud layer has cracked countless gaps one after another.

  Silver-white water of the Milky Way.

   is dripping out of it, watering the boundless earth, submerging all things…

   and like a similar sight.

   at this moment.

  In [Prehistoric World], many things happened at the same time.

   Among them, in countless witnesses.

   was most excited by a giant tortoise living in the depths of the North Sea.

  “I XXXX…”

   As the existence of knowing some [prehistoric settings].

   He understood, in this brief moment.

   There must have been a guy who paid attention to his limbs.

   wants to use himself to support the sky, so as to earn merit for them.

   At that moment, there was no hesitation.

   He chose to commit suicide on the spot.

   and actively manipulated his limbs to act as a temporary 【Tianzhu】…

no way…

  Since you can't escape this disaster.

  Then, it is better to earn this merit by yourself...

   Witnessing his actions, many guys immediately covered their heads and sighed.

   Very regretful that since I already knew the relevant settings, why didn't I kill the giant tortoise earlier...

   (end of this chapter)

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