Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1245: A call across time

   Chapter 1245 The call across time

After a while.

  【God of Adamantium】The hinterland of the tribe.

   The [Mechanical Supreme] who felt helpless because of the repeated harassment of his [peers].

  Suddenly, he raised his head, which was temporarily lowered due to thinking.

   Just now.

   He clearly felt a special wave appear beside him.

   And, at an extremely fast speed, a large amount of data was transmitted to himself.

   The concealment of the opponent's action pattern.

   made him deeply surprised and amazed...

   There is no unnecessary hesitation.

   The [Mechanical Sovereign], who felt extremely unfamiliar with it, directly used a special spell, and wanted to try to observe the previous wave again, so as to find the person behind it.

   But soon.

   He who got nothing.

   can only helplessly disperse the spell.

   turned his attention to the information that was passed on.

  【Dear Mechanic Supreme...】

   Not long.

   He checked everything.

   A moment of hesitation flashed across his metal face.

  ‘[Cosmic Elder Council]…’

  'So, in that [real world], is there still such an organization hidden... But it's normal, after all, it has existed for hundreds of billions of years, no matter what is hidden...'

at the moment.

   in those messages.

  Though those guys who are hidden in the dark place, they just gave a relatively basic introduction to their own existence.

   However, the technology displayed by the other party before, still gave [Mechanical Supreme] an unfathomable impression of [Cosmic Elder Council].


   For this kind of force infiltrating the [Prehistoric World].

   He was inevitably wary.

   raised a little hostility to it.

   However, I have to say that the other party's proposal and sincerity really moved him...

  If you want [Information Electronic Heavenly Dao] to completely come to this era, he really has more than his heart but is not enough...

  Especially under the premise that there is [Tao Dao] on the top to specifically target it, and there are forces from all sides to forcibly disrupt it, even more so!

   in such a situation.

   Although an ally who is not very reliable and makes people doubt the real target, there is certainly a big problem.

   However, as long as the opponent is strong enough, then it's not impossible to take it down...

  It's a big deal, after taking advantage of it, I try to kick the opponent away...

   As for who took advantage of the other party, it's hard to say.

   can only rely on their abilities.

   Fifty-three years later.

   In the hinterland of the [Golden God].

   The dark red thunder continued to descend from the depths of the sky.

   their existence.

   At this moment, it seemed to be some kind of rainstorm, which directly covered the entire area.

   And, the affected area is still expanding continuously...

   It's as if the whole [world] is angry for some reason!

   made countless people watching it, and subconsciously felt frightened.

   That kind of feeling, just like the [Thunder Tribulation] may fall on the top of my head at any time.

  Look at the past.

   The power of each thunder is enough to make an ordinary fairy die on the spot.

   Even the elite members of the [God of Fine Gold] group may not be able to stop him.

   And in the strong bombardment of many Thunder.

   Not too long ago.

  【God of Adamantium】This tribe's protection formation was declared broken.

   A large number of [Adamantine Gods] can only be led by [Mechanical Guards].

  Rely on the strength to resist the thunder that seems like the wrath of the sky, and is getting stronger and stronger.

   In the first moment.

  There is [God of Pure Gold] completely fallen.

   All kinds of metal fragments, which are fragments of the opponent's body, fall like raindrops...

   As the supreme commander [Mechanical Supreme], he never showed up.

  Only, in the hinterland of the ethnic group.

   A strange wave is getting stronger and stronger...

   Accompanying it is the thunder at the top of the sky, becoming more and more violent...

   Let more and more [Golden Gods] fall one after another.

   Even the [Mechanical Guard] has gradually suffered casualties...

   in this case.

  【Mechanical Supreme】Although it is very clear.

   But there is no way to speak.

   can only be desperate to continue his behavior.

I do not know how long it has been.


   in huge shaking.

   A golden beam of light soaring into the sky flew straight out from the hinterland of the [God of Fine Gold] group.

   was also at that moment.

   At the very top of the sky, a huge vibration suddenly exploded!

   That kind of feeling, as if the [World] itself was uttering an extreme roar!

   Then countless thunders gathered together like an ant colony.

   In an instant, he hit the golden beam of light that shot up into the sky...


   That moment.

  The indescribable brilliance seems to be the scene when the world is destroyed.

   burst out abruptly.

   Countless watchers, of course, were immediately blinded.

   However, at the last moment when the sight was destroyed, they saw the most beautiful scenery in their lives...

   There are also some [Qi Refiners], in that brief moment.

   I feel that I have realized the [Heaven and Earth Zhili], and my realm has skyrocketed...

   is also the point in time when the shock is about to spread further.

  The six figures simultaneously tore apart the space, arrived in front of the [Mechanical Supreme] who was seriously injured due to the [special ceremony], and shot at him at the same time.

   And those six figures are not other existences, but his [isotypes]!

   "Although we don't want to interrupt you."

   "However, your summoning target is not the [Information Electronic Heavenly Dao] to which we belong..."

   "So, you'd better die..."

   However, in the face of their rhetoric and attacks.

  The [Mechanical Supreme] who has been waiting for a long time is unparalleled happiness.

   He understands that relying solely on his own strength, he cannot summon [Information Electronic Heavenly Dao] in the blockade of [Heavenly Dao].

   For this reason, even though he knew that the [Cosmic Elder Council] had hidden evil intentions, he could only cooperate with it.

   Exchanging a lot of desired technology from each other.

   And these [identical bodies] that are homologous to him are, in a sense, the last step that he lacks...

   at this critical moment.

   There are no extra moves.

   He directly paid for it with his own life.

   started his final backhand.

   Next moment.

  Invisible waves began to spread.

   In an instinctive sense of crisis, the [peers] tried to escape.

   However, [Mechanical Supreme] has long blocked the way, forcibly decomposed all existences including himself into pure energy, and instilled it in the golden beam of light...

   With the addition of the new force.

  The golden beam of light that is entangled with the thunder.

   also immediately emitted a more intense radiance…

   Ultimately, in the invisible tides of time and space.

   A huge and incomparable metal palm tore apart the barriers of time and space.

   From a certain period of time in the [future], success came to the [now]…

   (end of this chapter)

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