Absurd deduction game

Chapter 584 Their entertainment

The hungry ghost didn't get too close and followed suit, but it stayed far behind, which had the same effect.

The ghosts on both sides were just about to attack Yu Xing when they were scared away by the aura of the hungry ghost. For the ghosts, following a person is equivalent to including this person in their prey range.

This made Yu Xing's journey a lot smoother, but also made it less fun.

The look Yu Xing gave the hungry ghost made the hungry ghost a little nervous and he immediately hid behind the house. Unfortunately, his head was too big and half of it was still exposed.


Yu Xing had no doubt that the other party wanted to use him as a long-term meal ticket, but he was afraid of getting too close because of his power.

Forget it, just leave it on like this.

The village... no, the city was very small. He arrived at the so-called entertainment area in a short while.

The entertainment area is different from the reception area and the residential area. Those two areas are surrounded by wooden fences, but the entertainment area is distinguished by distance——

There is a large area of ​​​​empty space around it, almost clearly distinguishable from other areas.

The entire entertainment area is shaped like a townhouse. Although it is much simpler than a villa, it can still be regarded as a luxurious area in the underground city.

Yu Xing looked around and saw that there was bare land between the townhouses and other areas, and even the stone roads were broken. It was night now. If it were daytime, would anyone want to enter the entertainment area...

It will be extremely conspicuous.

If you look this way casually, you can see the figures of others walking towards the townhouse, with no trace of them to hide.

What is this for? Monitor people entering?

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and took a few steps over with great interest, arriving in front of one of the doors of the townhouse.

Tick tock.

Before his hand touched the door panel, a drop of blood dripped from above with a faint fishy smell, and landed on the back of his raised hand.


Yu Xing suddenly had an ominous premonition at this moment. He took a step back as usual, then took another step back. When he reached the bottom of the steps, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the eaves of the house just now.

A pale and pale face was stuck above the eaves of the townhouse. The limbs were long and twisted, with reverse joints, clinging to the wooden man like a gecko.

The long tongue and eyes without whites made the white face look particularly penetrating. Those eyes stared at Yu Xing unblinkingly, and there was saliva flowing out from under the tongue.

Yu Xing tilted his head and looked at the ghost carefully for a while, but didn't see what it was.

But sure enough, although there were very few ghosts seen along the way in the entertainment area, there were still ghosts guarding it - to be able to push other ghosts away so far, this white ghost should be no weaker than the hungry ghost.

Now, it was blocking the door, preventing Yu Xing from entering.

Yu Xing subconsciously looked around, trying to find if there were any other ghosts he could use. He liked playing with ghosts the most.

Unfortunately, the white-faced ghost had completely driven away the nearby ghosts, and no ghosts could compete with it for the townhouse.

However, no matter how thorough the occupation is, the white-faced ghost will not be able to get in, that's for sure.

Yu Xing smiled and stepped forward again. This time, his curse power reached out and wrapped the white-faced ghost into a pupa before it could react.

He could tell the type of this ghost. It looked a bit like the human-limbed spider bound by chains in the secret room he encountered when he first landed on the island.

Although there are differences in most places, it still has four limbs and a human face. Maybe this is just the ancestor of the human-limbed spider on the ground?

The white-faced ghost wrapped in the curse fell to the ground with a clatter, and began to struggle and roll violently. Traces of blood continued to seep out of the pupa, staining one patch after another.

Sorry, I don't know what's inside. Maybe it's not convenient for you to go in and play. Yu Xingshi raised his leg and stepped over the white-faced ghost, and used the power of the same curse to open the door, You are... outside Stretch your muscles and bones, and wait for me to come out.

The white-faced ghost angrily made a bubbly sound like coconut milk. Hearing this sound, Yu Xing's brain felt stinging for a moment.

The overlapping sounds of Kayako began to echo in his mind, causing great mental pollution. Yu Xing shook his head to suppress this unavoidable mental fluctuation, and his smile faded a little.

Before he entered, he raised his legs...

He kicked the pupa-shaped ghost.

Suddenly, the chubby ghost was kicked away and rolled towards the hungry ghost.

The hungry ghost's eyes lit up. Although it still couldn't eat, its habit of killing and taking a bite of a fragrant ghost has not changed. This is almost its instinct.

Encountering the pupa ghost with its mouth, the hungry ghost immediately pounced on it. No matter how the ghost inside struggled, he bit the neck of the ghost inside the pupa first.

Seeing that the hungry ghost was so energetic, Yu Xing turned around with relief and walked into the wooden door.


Isolated from civilization in an underground city, with twisted and weird concepts, what will people who grow up in this atmosphere do for entertainment?

Before seeing the scene in the villa, even if Yu Xing had lived longer than other normal people, he would never have imagined it.

He actually saw a row of teeth.

The individual teeth seemed to have just been pulled from the gums. They were strung together with red silk ropes and hung on a high shelf, much like the bead curtains used in ancient times.

The teeth were not white and smooth, but rather uneven. Small twisted and painful faces were gathered on the surface of the teeth. The eyes on the faces were wide open, as if they were staring at Yu through the milky white glaze. Fortunately for this stranger.

There are countless such teeth on an entire wall, and there are also countless such faces.

When Yu Xing looked at them, he felt as if they were living people. The despair and pain in them were as real as they were. He could almost hear the screams.

What is this... he muttered rarely.

Such teeth occupied his entire sight. If every tooth had seen a soul, then how many lives did this entire wall of teeth mean?

Once you see a person's death too often, you will get used to it.

But large-scale death, like war and disaster, is always so frightening.

How could something like this appear in the Entertainment section? What do these people in the underground city think of as entertainment?

life? The pain of others?

Teeth are just one part of this room.

In the center of the room, there is a strange crystal ball.

The crystal ball was completely transparent, emitting a glistening pale golden light in the darkness. It was with this light that Yu Xing could clearly see the face on the teeth.

The light and shadow kept changing because the crystal ball was not static. Scenes that Yu Xing had never seen flashed through the transparent glass.

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