Absurd deduction game

Chapter 583 A social person with big flowery arms

Fortunately, Yu did not let the hungry ghost eat until it was full.

Stuffing the empty basket back into the cupboard, ignoring the tearful expression of anticipation on the hungry ghost's face, he mobilized his senses and controlled the hidden curse thread to sew the two halves of the hungry ghost's body together.

The curse tightly combined the two halves of the body into a complete body without any gaps. The hungry ghost touched his belly, feeling an extraordinary feeling that could not dissipate for a long time.

The way it looked at Yu Xing was like looking at a keeper who was covered in rice. Its giant mouth twitched twice, and a barely recognizable smile appeared.

The other ghosts hesitated for a while, and then they all gathered around.

Yu Xing was startled by the sudden approach of the ghosts. He looked around cautiously and found that each one of them was looking at him with a look or body movement that was more silent than sound at this time.

It looks like it's saying, 'We also want to eat...'

Believers are actually not living people, so the food that believers eat is originally of interest to ghosts.

Yu Xing raised his brows, knowing that his irresistible power had frightened them and made them dare not act without authorization.

He showed a surprised expression: What are you doing? Hungry ghosts don't have throats and you don't either, waiting for me to feed you?

What do you call a robber? You came in in the middle of the night. Why do you still need to be polite? Why are you standing there? Eat!

The human words were so loud that many ghosts turned their heads in shock and began to choose what they wanted to eat.

What a good man! The ghosts were thinking about it, not wanting to do anything to Yu Xing.

Yu Xing is also very grateful to them.

Look, how graceful the gesture of rummaging through the cabinets is, how completely the cabinets have been destroyed, ah... You can watch the fun tomorrow morning, thank you, what a ghost!

He was smiling, as happy as an old father seeing his children having enough to eat.

Only when he saw the mess made by the ghosts in the dining room with his own eyes did he slowly walk to the corner of the kitchen.

There is an old stove that is exactly the same as other stoves. The surface of the stove is stained with oil stains, and it feels sticky to the touch. It seems that it has been used for a long time.

But this illusion was no longer useful to Yu Xing. He squatted down, felt it with his hands, then spread his fingers like claws, inserted them into the wood with a bang, and pulled out hard, forcing the entire stove to The exterior planks were torn off.

Without the cover of the wooden board, the twisted and twisted branches inside the stove were suddenly exposed to Yu Xing's eyes.

These branches are covered with black lines, fresh, harsh, and growing wantonly.

The curse that enveloped the entire dining room originated from here.

Yu Xing had already discovered the specialness here when he just explored the kitchen. He just took care of the ghosts first before dealing with them. He licked his lips excitedly and held the branches with the hand with tree-shaped black lines.



It’s not that the underground city assimilated him, but that he started to assimilate the underground city from a small node!

He can definitely destroy this place.

The living branches twisted and retracted underground one after another, but they were tightly grasped by Yu Xing. The black lines on the branches swam all the way to the back of Yu Xing's hands, stretching out randomly at a loss.

After all, the branches were stronger. Yu Xing's palms were bruised and bloody by the rough bark, and bones could be seen in the deepest wounds, but they were still escaped by the branches.

A deep, long hole appeared in the stove, extending to the end of sight.

But enough is enough.

With a smile, Yu Xing opened his palms and let out two breathtaking laughs at the flesh and bones.

The next second, the wound squirmed and regrown visibly to the naked eye, and soon became as smooth as ever.

But the black lines actually increased. After a short period of adaptation, Yu Xing watched half-guided and half-indulgent as the black lines joined the roots of the tree-shaped lines. He rolled up the long sleeves of his black robe, and the black lines had extended to his waist. Shoulder.

Ah, a social person with big flowery arms. He raised his arms, I am also a person with tattoos.

The hungry ghost who was always beside him and refused to leave said: ...

I don't know why, the ghost pattern with its strong and strange beauty was compared to this human being with such a superficial metaphor.

Really... forget it, this human being can feed it, and whatever it says is right.

After admiring the Ghost Chenshu brand tattoo for a while, Yu Xing put down his arms and squatted there holding his chin in thought.

In fact, it wasn't the first time he saw the lines on his body. The first time he saw them was probably...

At the abyss of the tomb, when he jumped down to the bottom with supreme pleasure, he saw Yu Feng sinking.

The black lines on Yu Fengchen's body are just like this. Not only do they cover the entire body, they also fit more naturally, as if they were originally one body and were meant to be on Yu Fengchen's body.

The black lines on the other person's body are the real weird beauty, innate and stunning.

Thinking of Yu Fengchen, Yu Xing touched his chin.

He would become Gui Chenshu's target, but Yu Fengchen would not make sense. I just don't know whether Gui Chenshu would put Yu Fengchen here, or would find another way to absorb Yu Fengchen.

He had a feeling that looking at Yu Fengchen's appearance, he should have a deeper connection with Gui Chenshu and know more. If the two of them could see each other now, he could get a lot of information from Yu Fengchen. Information about Ghost Chenshu.

Perhaps there is also information about the witch. Yu Fengchen once brought his black cat to the witch. There will not be too much interaction between the two.

After pondering for a while, Yu Xing brought his attention back to the present.

He waved his hand to the hungry ghost: Come on, brother, do me a favor and leave a mark here.

The hungry ghost moved over step by step, followed the instructions, and pressed a fingerprint on the wooden board with his dirty little hands.

With this look, Yu Xing could logically blame the hungry ghost for destroying the stove.

He stood up, took one last look at the ghosts who were looting ingredients, said nothing, and left the dining room quietly.

The next target is the entertainment area.

What Yu Xing paid attention to here was nothing else but the rationality of its own existence.

These believers can only move outside the wooden house for twelve hours a day. They usually have to praise the wood god on the futon, complete tasks, eat and bathe, and seem to have to farm. Then they gather together at every turn to listen to the oracle. , welcome new people.

That’s it, do you need entertainment?

What can be found in the entertainment area? They can even conduct physical communication entertainment openly and openly outside, so they won't have to set up billiard rooms, casinos and the like.

Therefore, the existence of the entertainment area itself is very interesting. It just so happens that I have nothing to do tonight, so it would be a good idea to go to the entertainment area when no one is around.

As Yu Xing walked barefoot on the road, he would see a shaking ghost from time to time.

But those ghosts would pause for a while after seeing him, and then leave immediately.

After walking for a while, Yu Xing turned around and saw the big-headed hungry ghost following him from a distance.

I have a cold... and I can't stop crying.

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