Above The Sky

Chapter 458 Travel By Train (23)

Regardless of the various stories and love-hate relationships between the Black King and the Alchemy Train, one thing is certain, that is, Nanling is really a rural place outside the core civilization of the Terra countries.

Although Nauman City does have huge iron-clad warships, and there is no shortage of sophisticated alchemy products in Harrison Harbor, it is difficult for Ian to find much of the splendid civilization in the idyllic scenery of Nanling.

"It's no wonder that Isengard, a gentle and polite person, can't help but say the word 'country' when he arrives in Port Harrison-the emotion is really not an arrogant demeanor of the imperial people, but a frank statement."

"Yeah, where there isn't even a train, you have to rely on camel beast convoys to travel long distances. No matter how difficult it is, you even have to walk on foot... Haha, it's really rural."

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help laughing from behind the helmet, and he was already in a hall at this moment.

There are a lot of people in the hall of Butte Grand Station, and it is still increasing. The main body of the horseshoe-shaped station has a total of eight and one entrance and exit. There are even some tame flying such as flying sublimators or griffins. The landing point of the monster.

Most of the passengers were businessmen, and there were also some well-dressed wealthy people who looked either rich or expensive. Of course, there were also some, like Ian, who wore armor and were obviously sublimated knights or adventurers.

People are looking up at the moment, looking at the translucent hanging board in the center of the hall, observing the various car numbers and time numbers that appear on it.

"The tickets for the three of them to go to the Imperial Capital are ten thalers. Hua An and Frost Butterfly together should have been twelve thalers, but I got a discount after seeing that I am an active knight."

Ian had just bought a ticket through the sublimator channel, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly when he thought of the ticket price.

A regular worker can earn fifty or sixty thalers a year. Of course, with some subsidies and bonuses, it may be a little more, but it will never exceed eighty thalers.

For a decent employee job, the annual salary is about 90 to 100 talers... Although it sounds like a small difference, the bonuses and various subsidies for employees, as well as the benefits of the unit are also quite a lot, and even more There are many hidden discounts, so you can already live well in the central bank around the imperial capital.

But a single ticket requires about a month's salary for a worker, and a ten-day salary for a decent person.

Of course, this is a long-distance fare... It is so expensive to go from Butte Grand Station to the Imperial Capital. If it is a closer place, such as going to the original Dingshan Fortress, it only takes one and a half talers.

But there is no doubt that the alchemy train is not mainly open to ordinary people. It is used as a tool for material transportation most of the time. Even passenger trains are faced with various businessmen, scholars, nobles, and various Kind of wealthy relatives.

After all, the average person doesn't need a short, long trip either.

In the current Terra Continent, it is normal for a person to stay away from his hometown all his life.

"In this land ravaged by monsters, railway maintenance is also very troublesome."

Thinking of this, Ian took the two fairies into the waiting room and waited for the arrival of the train.

He had just gone to the 'Boyin Workshop' branch at Butte Grand Station to inform Isengard that he was about to board the train to go to the imperial capital, and then instructed the local staff to let them take their hard work all the way. Take good care of the beast, he may continue to ride when he returns to Nanling.

"I really don't need a griffin, and I don't need you to arrange someone to pick me up, I just want to take the train..."

"It doesn't matter a few days later, and there is no time limit for my mission to go to the imperial capital... Well, okay, you should also pay attention to your health, and we will see you in the imperial capital."

After the call with Isengard, Ian instructed the local employees: "If there is a chance, let my camel beast and the caravan go back to Port Harrison together."

"Understood, my lord!"

But looking at the expressions of these staff, the boy understood that his camel beast would definitely be kept in place.

After all, if Ian, a guy who can actually talk directly with his immediate boss, suddenly thinks of his mount in the future, but finds that his mount died on the way back to Nanling - this is not a small probability event - he will be angry , Then do you and others still want to work?

Taking care of the camel animals doesn't even cost a few dollars.

While waiting for the train, nothing happened.

The car arrived at about five in the afternoon.

Accompanied by the clanging sound of the mechanical wheels turning, a peculiar oval-shaped locomotive, with the faint fluorescent light of the alchemy furnace running, kept approaching from afar. It followed the track drawn by the railroad tracks, galloping like a beast crawling on the ground. Like a flying star.

The shower alchemy furnace is just like its name. The source substance it releases is as huge as a rainstorm and fills the world, but most of it is scattered and cannot be gathered into a high-pressure water flow that can kill the enemy. This kind of alchemy furnace cannot be used on armor. In the end, it became the power source of various civilian large-scale alchemy equipment, and its relatively stable operation mode is an advantage.

The steel behemoth drove all the way from the southwest, and finally stopped slowly in the Bart Station. The steel guardrails on both sides of the station slowly lowered. This is a protective measure to prevent people from accidentally entering the track and being crushed by the train and splashed with blood. But it's really just an insurance measure.

Because when the alchemy locomotive of the still-running Rainstorm was slowly approaching, an invisible but obvious 'force' pushed everyone back—just five meters away.

This is the spontaneous shield generated by this giant alchemy furnace when it is running. Ordinary people can't resist or approach it at all. They can only approach it after the train stops at the station. If someone can really kill themselves in this situation, it can only mean that it is deliberate or deserved. The train will not be washed. When it is activated, the inflated shield will push all the blood and flesh. to the side.

Ready to get in the car. Ian looked up and looked around, he saw a lot of people boarding this train.

There are merchants and scholars, as well as Huaiguang clergy and nobles. He even saw a very neat line of soldiers around the back of the carriage, probably the private soldiers of a certain noble? Or is the Imperial Capital garrisoned in defense?

In addition, there are also some people wearing strange costumes and special robes... ordinary people may not be able to distinguish them, but Ian can see that they are people from the Spiritual Artifact Church.

"Strange thing, people from the Spiritual Artifact Church? But it's not very strange. After all, it's a train to the imperial capital. It's strange that there are no such people."

Ian didn't see that there were ascenders among the people of the Spiritual Artifact Church, so he didn't pay much attention.

Soon, he brought Shuangdie and Huaan to the car under the arrangement of the staff.

"Three...two lady fairies and you knight...your seats are on the left. Two, do you need extra cushion support?"

The service of the alchemy train is still very good. The train staff even prepared special cushions for fairies, so that they would not float on the seats so that they would not be blocked by the table - of course, there are also hollows for various demihuman tails. Seats, these are all parts that can be replaced at any time.

After all, it has been running for so many years, and all kinds of preparations are very sufficient.

And Ian was also sitting on the rather spacious seat of the train after a long time, while Frost Butterfly and Hua An were sitting on the side by the window.

Miss Leprechaun seems to take this kind of transportation often, she seems to be familiar with the way, and even ordered a hot drink on the train - of course Leprechaun can drink and eat, but it is purely a feeling of experience, not to satisfy hunger .

Frost Butterfly, like Ian, looked sideways at the scenery outside the transparent glass of the carriage.

It is obviously the road they have already traveled, and the scene they already know, but sitting in the car is completely different from the experience of walking by themselves.

"It's...a wonderful feeling."

The little goblin said softly, with a subtle feeling: "I feel so happy... This huge train, the behemoth of steel... The feeling of riding on it will make me happy."

"Like machinery, like things with an industrial-strength aesthetic?"

Ian smiled when he heard it. He reached out and touched Shuangdie's hair: "That should come from my 'aesthetics'."

Frost Butterfly shook her head comfortably, and the wings on her back spun a few times.

Hua An was enjoying a cup of hot nut cocoa—she didn't feel anything about these things. To her, a train was no different from a carriage, armor, or a very large but ugly goblin body.

This kind of sluggish means of transportation is so important to human beings.

However, one thing is the same.

That is one person and two goblins, both enjoying the feeling of traveling by train.

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