Above The Sky

Chapter 457 The Alchemy Train And The Legend Of The Black King (13)

【Void's Choice】【Container of Desire】【Brilliance of Ascension】【Condensation of All Things】

laugh at such a person? Ian was really angry, he drew his sword and cut two people, I'm afraid the local mayor would bow down to apologize to Ian.

"Yes, I said, with the power of the alchemy furnace, it is enough to push a rocket, even if it is a simple version, it is not easy to pull a train, at least there must be some money... This speed is quite fast, and the track technology is also very good. it is good."

But in psionic energy, it can only be said that it is a stumbling exploration, let alone systematically learning related knowledge.

But this statement is really absurd.

It's not because of his good quality, but because the air-wrapped armor and steel-grained sword on Ian's body looks like ten percent of the knights of the past, and the sublime of iron.

On both sides of the road, there were already some businessmen or residents nearby who laughed softly after seeing Ian staring at the train, but there was not much malice mixed in.

But ordinary people love to hear this set of the emperor's golden pole.

Ian, who had just entered the city, opened his eyes slightly, and his heart was shocked - there is no doubt that the vehicle in front of him does exist, and it is very mature.

"The growth of spiritual energy, especially the growth of your awakened spiritual energy, is mostly to satisfy your own desires. No one can help you in this regard."

Accompanied by a low humming of the alchemy furnace, a slender train made of steel, along with a steel track, with its long carriage, came from a distance at a relatively fast speed, and slowly settled at the station. middle.


Ian can't learn unless he reaches the third energy level.

This is what Ian got from Birch Dark, about the knowledge of fairies' research on psionics.

According to the current description of the Black King, Inaga II ordered the construction of such huge alchemy creations for the convenience of transporting materials in order to gather wealth from all parts of the empire faster. There is even a secret rumor in the imperial capital.

Creation and end, origin and reincarnation, just by listening to the name, you can vaguely feel the huge tides behind this kind of psionic energy, and their impetus to the entire universe.

Hua An is not surprised by this, and Ian's performance is not so much surprised by Terra's skills, but more like a "country bumpkin" in the eyes of the locals.

During the reign of the Black King, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to build alchemy train tracks in the entire imperial capital, and successively eliminated several train models. until the shower train of the Alchemy Furnace'.

It's a really hot picture.

The alchemy train is a giant alchemy creation popularized during the reign of the Black King Inaga II. Before the Black King, only the city circle around the imperial capital was established.

Or on the contrary, unload the goods from here, wait for the arrival of the freight train, and send those rare treasures and rare materials from various places to the imperial capital.

Barth Station is located on the north side of the Dihurricane Bridge, a distance from the Great Rift Valley. It is the end of the Imperial Capital Territory, and further north is close to the Quinor Plain around the Imperial Capital.

The specific nature of the first four psychic powers may not have been studied clearly, but the correspondence and requirements are very clear. Hua An is also very clear about the relevant content, but the fifth psychic power, the fairy girl only knows a very coaxing name , Ian didn't even understand why the Dream Academy (the Fairy's Psionic Research Institute) was called that, which made Ian feel a little regretful.

It's hard for emperors to eat this. It's even more nonsense. If the emperor wants to eat it, he will fly over and finish it. It will take less than an hour to catch a fish and come back. What kind of emperor's golden pole.jpg

From a distance, the station looks like a small town. The center of the town is a horseshoe-shaped platform with a height of about three stories and dozens or even hundreds of branches of chambers of commerce.

Ian also saw a rather luxurious sublimation material shop on the side of the station town street, and its signboard was the round shape of the honey crystal fruit.

Watching the arrival of a train and the departure of another train into the distance, Ian roughly understood the distribution and origin of alchemy trains under Hua An's explanation.

The young man understood at that time, he blinked his eyes, and asked Hua An for help in a very soft tone, which greatly satisfied Hua An's strange feeling of being "needed".

"[Origin of Creation] and [Reincarnation of the End]... It's an unexpected title and essence. I never thought that the future of psionics would have such a picture."

It's more hustle and bustle here than in Nauman City, where lines of caravans leave, fill up, and leave.

Due to the thick fog caused by the large number of motorcades and trains, the entire station town was covered in a dense layer of dust mist, and the luminous signs of the Chamber of Commerce and the lights of the station were like fireflies, fluctuating in this fog.

However, in addition to these five categories, Hua An also explained the characteristics and training methods of many different psionics in detail. When she knew that Ian was still using the most basic meditation, she hummed and laughed.

They chatted happily in this way. After passing the Dihurricane Bridge, after another day or so of trekking, they came to the vicinity of the 'Bart Station'.

Ian sighed in his heart.

In this way, except for the necessary moments, Ian still looks alone to outsiders... Of course, it is still necessary to buy tickets at the station, and fairies are quite law-abiding, at least on the surface.

Knowing that Inaga II was the young man who was plotted against by the queen and his eldest son, he couldn't help but sigh: "However, although the teacher has said a lot of deeds, what kind of person is Inaga II?"

"History and rumors... and the real truth are really far from..."

Not to mention that the speed of the alchemy train is not fast, there is no way to send the honey crystal fruit from the south to the imperial capital... Even if it is true, the Black King, a fifth-level emperor, sent a knight to help bring a honey crystal fruit. ? Some people want to get started.

In any case, if there is a train, he will soon arrive at the imperial capital.

Legend has it that the queen of the black king likes to eat a kind of 'honey crystal fruit' from the south, but this special sublimated plant fruit is extremely perishable, and it is difficult for the emperors of all dynasties to eat it. A whole set of alchemical trains and tracks were built on purpose.

It has to be said that it is very information beyond his common sense.

- It seems that I know almost nothing about psionics.

Helplessness was useless. With such curiosity and doubts, Ian walked towards the station after calming his mind.

The flight of the fairy uses natural psionic power. And to reduce the sense of existence, the use of life psionic energy, an application of covering the self-aura and the perception of others.

The entire Butte Station is not so much a large-scale post station as he originally imagined, but a rather modern and fairly high-level rental and trade post station and a 'train station'.

At first, the young man was still corresponding to his own understanding in his heart, but at the end, apart from nodding blankly, he could only order 'Silver chip, record it for me! ’.

In addition, there are alchemy workshops and small and medium-sized forgings in the town. The humming of the source material caused by the operation of the alchemy furnace makes Ian turn his head frequently. He can see the fire and the source material burning in those tall buildings. Halo, I heard the sound of a huge impact hammer and the clanging sound of steel forging coming from the forging field.

"It's called the alchemy train - but there's nothing wrong with the train, after all, the alchemy furnace needs a fire."

Because of their innate use of this composite psionic power, they are acutely aware of the truth that the four psionic powers are essentially one.

This is a very strange situation.

And, the last [Origin of Creation] and [End of Reincarnation]

Obviously, this is a fabricated rumor, just to discredit Inaga II's achievements in building the train network.

According to Hua An, the goblin's psionic energy is essentially a mixture of 'life psionics' and 'natural psionics'.

The goblin lady promised to reassure Ian that when she arrived in the imperial capital, she would help Ian find the psionic training methods used by the goblins.

"But how to sharpen the sensitivity of psionic energy, how to make the startup speed faster, and reduce the load on the body in terms of basic operation, there is still a set of effective meditation methods that can assist you in your practice!"

But the boy was not angry, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

In particular, the domineering demeanor of the Black King was not even regarded as negative publicity, but was regarded as evidence that although the Black King was a tyrant, he was very good to the people next to him.

At this time, Frost Butterfly also learned the simple psionic usage of 'reducing the sense of existence'.

But Frost Butterfly learned very quickly, and the flight speed was even faster.

It's just that it's too late for Ian to understand why Butte Grand Station is called a station, and it still needs time to 'buy a ticket'.

No way, he is still proficient in alchemy and inscriptions, and his sublimation skills and swordsmanship can also be regarded as a genius due to six years of hard practice.

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