Above The Sky

Chapter 397 Children's Prophecy (13)

"Is it necessary for you to tell me?" Using iron-soled boots to crush the broken skull under his feet, Ian shook his head slightly: "What kind of organization is the Gnostic Institute, Mr. Hilliard told me long ago? ."

The House of Truth and the House of Gnosticism are the two major departments of the empire responsible for managing the ascendants. Their influence extends to all aspects of the empire, and almost every ascendant has more or less connections with them.

For example, after Ian was inherited by the Wanderers and became an ascendant, his name was sent to the imperial capital by Viscount Grant and registered in the ''List of Legal Ascenders of the Empire organized and integrated by the House of Truth'.

The Lingzhi Institute under the Lingzhi Institute is one of the highest universities in the empire. Many prestigious universities and outstanding scientific researchers have emerged among them, and many cutting-edge technologies in the empire have been nurtured here.

But just as there is light, there is shadow, under the lofty status on the surface, the ugliness in the dark is thrilling.

It doesn't even need to be said by others, such as ""Bioalchemy is a group of lunatics who do human experiments", "Psykers are all monsters that can read minds and distort other people's spirits and""Don't go near the alchemist's laboratory, There will be stereotypes such as explosions/spread of toxins/curses/takes away lifespan and other weird events. Basically...all are the results of the Gnostic Institute. And most of these stereotypes are not wrong. One_one they really did it Over these things." Black Armor, it should be the special operations team of the Lingzhi Academy. After slaughtering the other party, Ian has the intention to seriously observe the other party's situation.

The man who claimed to be the deputy section chief of the Gnosis Academy was about 1.9 meters tall, but his body was thin, and he should have some kind of special bloodline.

He was wearing a black and smooth carapace-shaped full-body armor, the joints of which imitated the structure of some arthropod, without showing a trace of skin, while the full-coverage helmet similar to a motorcycle helmet rolled aside, reflecting the thunder in the sky.

The special operations team of the Lingzhi Institute has always been secretive, but as long as they are keen enough to penetrate into the deepest dark side of various places, they will be found everywhere. No one knows what exactly these guys are going to do.

Many times, when the special operations team's plan is over, the locals don't even know they've been there, and they've even been tested as experiments.

But by chance encountering the lucky ones who didn't die, a faint line could be vaguely sensed from the actions of these guys. Their actions in various places all have perfect plans. Layer upon layer, intertwined. Just like the plan that happened in Ryan Land.

Mixed with the experiment of the resurrection of the candidate '' '' '!' 'The artificial spirituality "memory manipulating the flesh and blood distortion" prophet carrier' 'and other projects such as various projects. The sacrifice of the Mad Baron for his beloved son.

"If it wasn't for me, even if Sister Yingguang found out about Baron Ryan's plan, Baron Ryan would only bear all the charges, but they could easily get out."

Clenching his fists and raising his head, Ian looked around at the broken valley as a battlefield, exhaled slowly, and calmed the emotions in his heart: "And I remember that Elder Pude seemed to have told me that we, the Cehalorvo family," The action of exploring the labyrinth back then was also supported by the Academy of Gnosis." "It's really everywhere." Not only that, Ian also remembered that his half-brother, the crazy Wiggs, seemed to have been killed by Hillia back then. Teacher De was rescued from the Gnosis Institute. It is impossible to say not to hate the man Weggs.

No matter what the reason or the state of mind, Weggs made Hilliard leave him early, and it is impossible for Ian to have the slightest kindness towards him. But not to mention, Weggs has been killed by him. It's just that he must have been a victim in the past when it comes to the Gnostic Academy.

The experience of Gnosis Academy definitely had a huge impact on Weggs.

And this influence has something in common with the characteristics of psionic children...

"Can't tell the difference between love and pain... Ian turned his head sideways, he looked at Guangsun next to Baron Ryan's body

Of those psionic children, one or the other has a very serious deficiency in this area—a condition that is very similar to depression, bipolar disorder. Ian speculates that this is a pathological disorder of the soul.

This will cause the whole person to completely lose the normal emotional perception ability, causing the psionicist to continuously slide into the abyss of pain and emptiness. In other words, the forced awakening of spiritual energy itself is a kind of disease?

Only the psionic power of the Chosen One is the real perfect psionic power? These guesses are not necessarily correct, or, in other words, it is the category that the Gnostic Institute wants to find out in this research.

I have to say that the mental state of Ira and other children and Weggs is indeed a wake-up call for Ian.

He also really felt that because of the prophet's spiritual power, he always looked at some things too calmly, and it was difficult for him to have very violent mood swings. After all, if the trend of many things has been known for a long time, what surprises are there in the world?

Plan your future as a matter of course, like a spider weaving a perfect web, without the excitement of hunting,

Just crawl in the net and quietly wait for the arrival of the target.

This time, if it wasn't for the excitement in Lean's Castle, and Sister Yingguang's anger revealed by Sister Yingguang, Ian also thought that he would still calmly keep the deputy chief of the Gnosis Institute. After preparing all kinds of measures, press the question and try to obtain some information. Can't say it's bad - rather, take the Prophet

From the point of view, this is definitely the best choice, with low risk and relatively large returns. "But just because you're a prophet, you have to occasionally choose options that aren't the best." "

Patting his head, Ian sighed: "Otherwise, I would definitely be the same as other psionicists, because my extreme emotions induce psionics'', and then I am involved in the power of ''psionics''. , more and more extreme."

"Let me recall..." Brows furrowed, Ian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, the boy opened his eyes and his brows stretched out.

He smiled and nodded, with a nostalgic smile: "It's okay. I recall the past, although there is pain and sadness, but I can still recall studying with the teacher, taking care of my brother and the beauty of life, and can clearly distinguish between pain and pain. The difference in love."

"I still love the world of Terra - well, psykers do tend to go to extremes, fortunately my mental state is very healthy." Whether this is true is doubtful, after all he is not a psychiatrist himself, but at least Ian himself thinks I am healthy.

In a sense, this is enough. Confirming this, he walked towards the spots of light. "everything is over."

Taking off his helmet, Ian calmly said to the remaining souls: "What do you want to say to me? You can't survive if you want to, even though I don't think you want to survive either." [Wow, big brother, you are so beautiful , than before in the castle

It looks even better when it's time! 】

Ira's still cheerful voice sounded, although it was much weaker than before, but his emotions were still high. This child, the closer he gets to death, the happier he is: [Ah, I forgot, I wanted to say just now that we blocked one of his summons!]''...Thank you"

Ian raised his eyebrows. He did think that in the face of such a powerful and unknown enemy as himself, he would definitely ask for help directly, so he planned to clear away the clues present and then spread it away immediately. Unexpectedly, these children still have the power to intercept the summons.

In that case, there will be a lot of time to finish, and he can completely handle the scene in a way that everyone can't analyze. Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "I thought you guys wanted me to ask me to rip him to pieces." "After all, there is a high probability that the Baron's parents and children were killed by them.

Killed, and you psionic children are also deliberately created by them. "[Big brother guessed right. His soul wanted to escape just now] This is just a rant, but Linda replied seriously to Ian's question: [But now, he is in our hands] At this moment, with the flickering of light , you can see that a group of gray-white aura suddenly appeared in the center of the blue light group. This group of aura was constantly torn and smashed by the light group, and its debris temporarily maintained the existence of the blue light group.

The soul of the second-level ascender of the Lingzhi Institute was caught and shattered by these children unknowingly. "Good job. But you're more dangerous." He smiled, then returned to seriousness.

Ian stared at this scene, then raised his eyes and looked at the biggest resentful light group: "So, besides that, is there anything else?" "Want me to give you a relaxing ride? I won't do it. "He slowed down

Slowly said: "So many ordinary people killed by you want you to die in pain." "I am no exception." [Of course, of course pain!] They cheered in unison: [But at the end of this, we I want to tell your big brother a prophecy] [a prophecy that does not have you, but should be related to you]

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