Above The Sky

Chapter 396 A Sword (33)

In Ye Snake's mind, this is not really a means. After all, it depends on the conflict between the Flying Flame Empire and the situation.

The perfect testing ground in his mind is to build a huge cloning base, which is equipped with several psionic memory modifiers like Ira, clone a related human if needed, and then implant false memories and courage into him. The tenacity of spirit and virtue, and then carry out various related experiments on him to see if these false memories can be used to stimulate ''real psionic power'.

If it can, it proves that psionic energy and soul are not inviolable things. It is an acquired existence that can be easily artificially created, and it does not even need to be catalyzed with a very low success rate like artificial psionicists. .

If that doesn't work, keep experimenting. And such an artificial person as an experimental object can better control the quality, just like

Those expensive experiments with mice are expensive, but they do make sense. This is the technology that can really benefit mankind! As for now, we can only barely use refugees. The life of the refugees, the night snake is not at peace. In other words, few Ascendants or Psykers care about these little things.

On the anti-I, they are ordinary people who don't care if they are not listed. The local police court won't record these boring disappearance cases, and they don't care about Ji; and the Baron family...

Hey, isn't the Chosen one dead yet?

Not to mention, the resurrection itself is also a very important experiment. Comparing the psionic fluctuations in front of the Chosen One, after death and after resurrection, it is an important first-hand research data! Baron Ann's feelings after successfully using the three test items to resurrect his child

The fact that the existence of resurrection represents the boundary between life and death is conquered by human beings, what a great achievement, and he is one step closer to the truth!

But now. The experimental body is gone. "what happened?"

Night Snake has no patience to continue to watch Sister Huaiguang say some outrageous speculations. He knows that Baron Ryan is definitely not near his territory. He must be abnormal. Otherwise, he will never let this little girl be in his own place. Nonsense on the territory.

Soon, he thought of a possibility. In the night sky, the man turned around with the wind and rain, and the Origin Quality replaced the original wing membrane of the Winged Serpent, causing him to quickly fly towards the surrounding of Lonely Flame Peak. If it is the dead-headed aristocrat of Baron Ryan...he can only be in one place at this time.

It was the dammed lake area where his wife and children died. Soon, he arrived at the third dammed lake around Lone Flame Peak.

What shocked the night was that in the process of approaching, he sensed that a huge battle was taking place in Yuan Fang. The two sublimators of the second energy level were violently killing each other, each of them doing their best. , to fight to the fullest of his potential.

In the end, the source quality fluctuation that the night was more familiar with, that is, Baron Lean's source quality fluctuation, was a little lost, and began to burn out quickly and dissipate.

How did Yi_yi die so fast? Did they fight so hard?

"Oops, who is intervening, and will the subjects make mistakes?!"

However, after such a fierce battle, no matter who wins, the state will not be very good, you can take advantage of the situation!

With such anger and anxiety, the night accelerated again and arrived at the periphery of the battlefield.

Quite unexpectedly, the person who fought against Baron Ryan was actually an imperial knight.

The silver alchemist armor is covered with a layer of ice,

A few scratches proved that he was not injured too much, and the full-coverage helmet covered his face, and only two silver-blue eyes flickered. One _ one psionicist?

Night Snake thought about it, in this case, the loss would not be too big. A second-level psionicist is also quite rare experimental material. Yuki is able to defeat Baron Ryan and his psionic child in a head-on battle, which is enough to prove that The strength of the opponent.

He could see that Baron Ryan's mouth fell into the mud beside him, and his neck was cut open by a sharp sword - but the sword of the Lianyu Master Cavalry Ten was also broken. The battle between the two sides was so fierce and evenly matched.


Night Snake looked at Baron Ryan's corpse and the souls that were dissipating beside him; "It's all good material, why waste it in private? It takes too much waste to recycle, and even the soul of the Chosen One is expected to suffer. Irreversible damage." "Fortunately, the plan is almost completed, and the final resurrection doesn't matter. The theory has been formed, and it's just the icing on the cake." Thinking so, he stepped forward and appeared in front of the alchemist knight, and the night snake took it for granted. : This knight. "

"I'm the Lingzhi Institute, the deputy head of the Reconstruction Section of the Psionic Energy Department, Solas, Zhongsai, thank you very much for taking the shadow step of this Fuwei Kong, a vicious and manageable nobleman, according to our tuning..."

He said these lies that were difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between true and false, and approached the ''very tired'' knight without a trace.

"Yeah, it's you.... Lingzhi Institute? Sure enough, the teacher was right in what he said back then. There is one Lingzhi Institute. They are all lunatics who chase knowledge and lose their humanity."

The knight seemed to be muttering something to himself, which should be caused by exhaustion.

Soon, soon to enter the attack range...  

Thinking of this, Ye Snake had already pulled out several bottles of alchemical toxins from his cuffs. With his own wind element, he could release them in an instant and turn them into highly poisonous corrosive wind columns. In the face of such toxins, the second energy level in its heyday will also be greatly affected, not to mention the exhausted second energy level? However, the night snake obviously made a lot of mistakes. Lots and lots of things. So, the moment he approached, the silver knight raised his left hand.

There, the broken sword with only the hilt left suddenly grew out of a sword body with slender eyes flashing with a dark golden edge. Boom! Boom! Boom!

Almost materialized earth-based essentia, crystallized in the ether

Under the urging, it burst out explosively. It was mixed with layers of water system source substances, and turned into a heavy but unstoppable sword intent like a tsunami and debris flow.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, he couldn't imagine why the knight in front of him still had such a solid source material, and why he could suddenly activate the source qualities of the ten water and two elements at the same time. One is that there are indeed dual or even multiple elements. The inheritance of quality, but before the complete body, at most one majored!

But he didn't have time to think about the corpse, so he could only roar and pull out the wound from his waist, then urge the poisonous alchemy bottle in the other hand, and control the explosion of the wind rod towards the silver cavalry ten lasing away. Unfortunately, useless.

The moment the long sword whose sharp edge was made of fine gold slashed to the Night Snake Sword, a huge shock wave was stirred up, and the surrounding air was instantly blasted away.

The aftermath spreads, and the surrounding soil, sand, gravel, wind, rain, frost, and frost were all blown away. Even the huge cultivation warehouses in the distance were shaken by the aftermath, and the poisonous gas was directly dissipated.

Bang! A huge fan-shaped shock wave trace was left on the ground, the ground shattered, the cracks visible to the naked eye tore the earth and rocks, and the night snake was smashed by the sword—_— instead of being cut off, the whole person was hit backwards Fly ten meters. "What, what monster?!"

At this moment, Ye Snake was extremely terrified, and he even screamed: "Why do you still have power?!" "Who are you?!"

Just now, if it wasn't for him, who was also at the second energy level, and the eye-to-air source quality was extremely controllable, and shifted a part of the attack power of the mouth terror just now, he would definitely be smashed into ten orders by the opponent's sword, and his head would be smashed. Smashed into the chest!

But the silver cavalry ten obviously didn't have any idea of ​​answering his question. Behind the helmet, a pair of silver-blue Shengguang were indifferent, and it could even be said to be cold.

In his eyes, the figure of Ye Snake turned around and wanted to die. Then the Hanhui skeleton behind him was working with all his strength.

One _ one plus the full strength of the ether crystal and the ancient dragon core. At that time, the hot and humid weather in the early summer of Nanling was stagnant, and all the rain disappeared at this moment. Immediately after that, the sky is full of frost! Boom...

In a burst of ice-blue arc light, the silver cavalry sword once again slashed towards the night snake that was running wildly. "What's the use of just brute force!"

Night Snake howled, he couldn't have imagined how such a change would occur when he was just looking for the trace of Baron Ryan.

The power of this suddenly appeared knight is like a monster, and even Baron Ryan after the charge is completed may not be able to resist it head-on! But even so, he still has the confidence to escape!

The wind element around him fluctuated rapidly, causing him to center on his vertebrae to generate a spiral sub-entity cyclone. From the outside, it looked like a small tornado. The cyclone formed by this high-pressure gas can perfectly absorb part of the power of the attack, and then transmit it to the surrounding air, turning it into a clearer wind, and he can use this wind to fly faster and is a real enemy. The stronger he is, the faster he can run for his escape skills! He is a scientific researcher, why should he fight this kind of monster? Run away immediately, and then contact the headquarters! And in the screaming sound, the sword edge of riding ten fell.

The incomparably thick earth-type source material was blessed on the sword front, breaking through the high-pressure cyclone of Ye Snake, but just as Ye Snake thought, the power of this sword was absorbed a little by the cyclone, making him faster.

However, soon, he was horrified, because the first time after the first wave of power was shifted a little, there was still a steady stream of power from the other side of the sword. The power of the other party was not an explosive blow, But like landslides and earthquakes, there is a steady stream of collapses and shocks!


The staunch shock source used the purest brute force to break through his protective whirl before Night Snake accelerated, and slashed on his pitch-black carapace. 1_1 This is an armor that imitates the carapace of the Earth Abyss Dragon Ant, and its defense is even higher than that of my Origin Essence

With this kind of thought in mind, Ye Snake didn't have time to think about it, and his face changed drastically, because he had already heard, or sensed the sound and vibration of the armor breaking and shattering with his own body, and being directly smashed by the sword.

Then, there was the sound of his own spine shattering and collapsing. Click, Night Snake's waist softened, and Ian continued indifferently

After this sword was cut, the scholar of the Lingzhi Academy who was trying to escape fell from the air, his whole body twisted and he lay crookedly on the ground.

"Stay, keep me alive, I'm very... useful..."

Bleeding from the nose and mouth, the strong vitality of the second energy level allows the night snake to maintain a strong enough vitality to speak after the entire waist, abdomen and spine are smashed by the blunt blow of the sword without sharp swords. His helmet had already rolled off, and a blond man with thin cheeks and a rather gloomy appearance begged for mercy: "What do you want, what do you want to know, what do I...", click.

With a wave of blood-colored air spreading in all directions, his head was smashed to pieces.

And the poisonous alchemy bottle tightly held in Ye Snake's hand also lost the chance to open it, and rolled to the side along the loose hand.

One sword, one kick, to solve the last hidden danger, Ian turned his head and looked at Baron Ryan's body. There, there is a faint blue spirit body that is dissipating, flashing light to himself.

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