Above The Sky

Chapter 386 Let Hope Happen (13)

When Ian went to the third floor to check the clues in Linda's room and the alchemy laboratory. Sister Yingguang is taking notes for Butler Moda.

She nodded to the decadent and tired old steward: "The transcript is over, don't worry, the local inspector will not do anything to you." Thank you..."

Under normal circumstances, the Huaiguang Church would not take care of this kind of thing. Although they never care about local laws and have their own logic to face the world, most of them are neutral and watch everything, let alone interfere. Penal systems in other countries.

"They just said goodbye to their parents and relatives with a smile in the morning, set off to spend a beautiful day, toiled hard on the earth, and then disappeared from this world inexplicably, the family members cried in fear, and asked others where their children and their husbands and wives were located. When I was there, it became a broken specimen in this room. …" "Tragedies breed more tragedies, and I feel deeply saddened by them."

Because psionicists have such power...it's so terrifying. so. Some fear it, some desire it.

At least according to the Huaiguang Church's understanding, Steward Moda is just doing his best to complete all his duties, and this duty does not involve the life of any other person—he is just managing the castle for a criminal, because the psychic causes The memory modification, just take care of the master and the young master in his heart. "Probably so."

It sounds very strange—the first-level executor of the Huaiguang Church in the district, a nun who is not a formal priest in Huaiguang, how can she have the power to enforce the law, and do it for a witness of a major case or even a tainted witness. Recorded?

The old steward asked in a low voice, asking a question he already knew the answer to. Just avoid asking for a small hope.

If they dare.

"They are indeed pitiful and deplorable, but those who died without enjoyment, just in the handwriting I recorded along the way, there are hundreds of people who died."

Fourteen years ago, the chief justice of the local governor's court was killed by an ironclad shark, and the second one disappeared without waiting for him to take office. It is estimated that he was eaten by the natives. From this we can see the position of the Court of Governors within the Empire.

"Yes, we are Huaiguang." Yingguang responded earnestly, a red spark flickered in the eyes of the dragon girl, which was the flashing light of the fire element, representing the ups and downs of emotions in her heart.

The reason why Sister Yingguang did this was mainly to protect Steward Moda.

"We are the apostles of Huaiguang, we are the watchmen of the sun, our mission in the world is not to eradicate darkness, not to clean up sin..." We are...just to make hope happen. "Den, Deng, Deng. Footsteps came from the stairs.

The disappearance case in the Onyx Plain has alarmed the Huaiguang Church, but the local inspectorate did not deal with it.

Soldiers, but the adventurers and mercenaries who can survive without the black gloves of the nobles and make big troubles must be quite skilled. It's not their turn to take care of anything, so let them take care of it. What if I find something?

Don't say they can't manage it. Even if they can manage it, will the local nobles let them manage it? An example, Port Harrison.

Seeing Director Moda's eyes wide open and his eyes showing hope, the dragon girl slowly said: "But if it's too dangerous, we can't let these children continue to survive." "And according to your current situation, Director Moda. ...Ira's psionic energy is a high-level spiritual psionic energy belonging to the control level. Even if he does not resist accepting the acceptance at all, he will probably only be able to live in the Sanctuary Sanctuary around the Holy Mountain for the rest of his life.''

"The baron may be punished by the noble court, and the end may be to deprive the sublime and noble status, and then be sentenced to death as an ordinary person. If these children do well, they will be sent to the Huaiguang Church for reform."

But this is also because the empire has its own national conditions.

"The other children are no exception. Their abilities are suspected of artificial catalysis, and they are all extremely dangerous... As long as they resist, their chances of survival are close to zero." "But." As if hit by a heavy hammer, Moda The steward murmured, "Aren't you pregnant with light?"

One-by-one artificial psykers... The water behind this is too deep, and I don't know that the Templar Enforcer will not have time to arrive before Baron Ryan really makes a big mistake...

With this thought in mind, facing the head of Moda, who was silently bowing his head to him and weeping silently, Yingguang stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the other's head. The nun's fingertips shimmered, accepting the other's confession.

Huaiguang treats everyone equally, and will not think that whose life is more important just because who is more miserable. What's more, aren't those who died innocently miserable? This is the subtext that Sister Yingguang didn't say.

But now the matter is too big, so big that the executor of the temple will definitely kill the "evil" Baron Ryan, there will definitely be a bunch of imperial departments coming to the point of arguing, and the clues will be cut off. But ..someone has to do it.

"I understand... I know my thoughts are sinful and unfair...but. But..."

The usual kind of robbery, kidnapping and extortion, and ordinary people killing and fleeing, are all sent by the local city's supervisory court to hunt down and investigate, and bring the criminals to justice. But what to say.

The House of Truth and the House of Gnosticism, which are responsible for the management of the Ascended, are the two mountaintops among the many factions of the empire, and they are constantly fighting each other.

Moreover, at this time, there is very little space for local law enforcement officers to operate, and generally the case can only be closed according to the clues given by the Huaiguang Church. Unless they want to overturn the results reached by the Huaiguang Church.

This question has been asked by many people, including old people in ragged clothes, middle-aged people with desperate eyes, and their mothers kneeling down in grief and begging their mothers. They all have hope for Huaiguang. But Huaiguang is not hope. Never.

But if the Huaiguang Church really started to take action, and really found something...then those who should kneel down and apologize are those nobles and local tyrants. This is the stage now.

And to be honest, even if it is really manageable, in Terra, what major events will be involved, it must be related to the sublimator and the psionicist! But one thing, if it is related to the sublimated or the psionicist When it comes to relationships, you can accidentally follow a line and find a strong person or a local noble. Even if the other party is an ordinary wandering adventurer and servant

The naked eye can see that the much older butler slowly knelt down, he hugged his head and muttered to himself: "I just passed out once, why, the world has completely changed in an instant, and my past is like a fake joke. ..." Yingguang didn't answer the question.

Baron Ryan has obviously held a large number of vicious crimes such as "illegal human experimentation, "illegal use of psionic energy to interfere with the will of others" for unprovoked mass murder and hiding of corpses. ''And all kinds of crimes related to his property. As a person close to him, Moda's best end is to be implicated and beheaded, and the worst is that his family disappears. But he is not guilty.

The strong fighting spirit raised his head, and Steward Moda also knew that this time the matter must be a big one. It's a small matter for him to lose his job, but where should Ryan lead? The most important thing..."What will happen to the master and the young masters?"

Having said that, it will be very troublesome when it really arrives... I originally thought that Baron Ryan was at most a cover-up cultist, but this was within the scope of punishment that the Huaiguang Church could handle. The executor defeated the baron and escorted him. Just hand it over to the relevant department of the Empire.

Soothing the old man's spirit, Yingguang turned her head and saw the knight in the alchemist's armor walking down with a thick stack of documents in his hand.

"Not to mention, the two children who disappeared in Chenxia Town in recent weeks, as well as several deceased people who were captured by the Sharp Claw Tiger in Jinye Town, have no parents, no children, and no relatives. ?"

Although it is said that the empire has its own law enforcement agencies, the emperor alone supervises noble officials, and the agencies that obtain intelligence from other countries include patrolling knights, noble courts and "mirror sea guards", which are completely different from each other. Violence Department.

So, in the face of Steward Moda, she still said in a soft tone: "I know what you mean, Steward Moda. Personally, I am very sympathetic to Baron Ryan and his three adopted sons and daughters. There is no conflict between them committing great sins."

But there are relatively few people who are really responsible for dealing with civilian-related issues.

Then according to the usual practice, even if other law enforcement officers from Nauman City arrive later, they must wait for the Huaiguang Church to deal with the relevant issues before accepting the secondary scene and witnesses they dealt with.

And Sister Yingguang thought for a while and cruelly told the truth.

After asking almost all the details, Sister Yingguang took back the pen and paper.

She softly recited the ancient proverb: "The light of the sky does not penetrate the darkness of the heart, and the fire of the sun does not purify the evil in the world."

The three parts of ''criminal law'' 'jurisprudence', 'inspector'' are generally collectively referred to as ''supervisory court or court'', and the executor is called ''inspector'', which is regarded as the official name of the empire to deal with civilians Complaints, as well as various types of civilian criminal civil cases.

It was found out that the chief of the local supervisory court might have to run over to apologize. But Huaiguang Church is different.

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