Above The Sky

Chapter 385 An Angry Heart (33)

Yes, some people may not be able to understand that there is no forest or prey along the way to escape, so how can it be reduced to the point where it needs to eat people? But the so-called forest and prey on Terra Continent...... It's really not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even the great redwood forests that have settled in Nanling for hundreds of years, facing the lush jungle after declining, can hardly get enough prey from them, and they can only eat people when they are extremely hungry. What's more, these refugees who have no tools or skills?

Ian knew very well that in ancient Earth, once this kind of escape occurred, there would often be a tragic result of only one living in twenty families.

All the way to train wide. There are strong capital and tigers and wolves to follow. Villages and towns along the way are used as big roses to guard against, even if there are cities that want to accept, how much can they accept?

Every inch of Nanling's land is soaked with the blood of pioneers. This is a romantic saying, but a more practical view is that every inch of the land here belongs to the owner. In the late autumn, it was the spoils of war that Baron Ryan got when he destroyed a settlement of exiles.

An unrecognizable child whose legs and right hand had been eaten, and his left arm was also chopped off.

According to Fu Xu, it was the parents of the child who took the initiative to donate Late Autumn in exchange for other people's food, but they were eaten by the exiles first because of the large amount of meat.

Mo Qiu saw with his own eyes that his parents who abandoned him were eaten, and his limbs were cut off alive, and he was almost thrown into a pot to make soup... If the baron hadn't arrived at the last moment, Mo Qiu would have been If you don't eat it, you will also die from bleeding.

"Moqiu Shaoda's injury is very difficult to treat in Taiwan. Lao Da is not short of Taqin, he bought a lot of regeneration potions for Moqiu Shaoda. But in my word memory, these regrown hands and feet can only be used with Duan Qiu. It will fade away after time."

"I originally thought that this was because Young Master Mo Qiu had a peculiar ability. So the regeneration potion could not take effect."

"This result is indeed correct... In fact, the regeneration potion cannot take effect, because Young Master Mo Qiu and others really have psychic powers that affect the body, and the hands and feet that Young Master Mo Qiu once grew..."

Butler Moda came to the corner of the 11-outer, and in front of the plastic-painted door. The dust is used here. But the handwriting on the left hand that recognizes is written on the room in autumn. A strange, preservative smell is coming from the door. spilled out later. The old steward couldn't open the door, and he didn't dare to open the door.

And Ian took a step forward and stretched out his hand to forcefully infer the door that was already connected to the wall, pushing it open. The room behind the door is not so much a room as it is a specimen laboratory of a certain biological alchemy ten.

There is a dazzling array of them, all of which are soaked with preservatives or extremely expensive nourishing extracts. ''Human Limb Parts'' nourishing extracts are different from psychic nourishing extracts. You only need a plant with vitality. Or just mouth the biological fluid. But - still need ten doors. The price of a tower. But there are dozens of cans here. They are all soaked with all kinds of internal organs and limbs, and even Slices of the brain.

Among them, there are adults, the elderly, and naturally, there are also children.

Ian frowned, and he could tell that some of the baby specimens were fresher than a week old. He thought of the missing people in Jinye Town and the town next door, as well as the missing children... In an instant, a fire burned in his heart.

It seemed that Mo Qiu's ability was related to the limbs he lost, as well as the ''flesh'' itself.

"What the hell is Baron Steaming doing? Spirit, memory rewriting, body-related psionic power, and the bones of the prophet's echo. He won't revive his own child, will he?" The power of memory, the power to reshape the body, an unknown power, and a skull that can create echoes... In addition, the baron's own broken arm... It seems that the elements of resurrection have been gathered. !

Ian thought about it in his heart, but Sister Yingguang reminded: "Be careful, suppress your anger, don't crush the wall." "Manager Moda is an ordinary person and can't stand the aftermath of our power."

Aware of this, Ian turned his head sideways and looked at his right hand, which was pressed against the wall and covered in gauntlets. His fingers had sunk deep into the rock wall, scratching five deep potholes.

"..sorry, didn't notice."

Raising his hand, dust and debris flowed from the hole in the stone wall. Ian was silent for a while, then shook his head, and said softly, "It seems that the mind can calm down, but the body can still get angry." What about anger?

Whether it was the actions of Mo Qiu and Ira, or the people who made them look like they are now. Even said, the land itself.

Ian was deeply... angry about it. "Come on, there's nothing to see here."

Taking a few deep breaths, Ian glanced at Steward Moda, whose body was already shaky.

He knew that this shock was too great for an old housekeeper who always thought he was taking care of three lovely children.

He and Sister Yingguang looked at each other, and they both nodded, then Yidao: I know where Linda's room is, so I don't need Moda to lead you and take a rest. "For ordinary people, these scenes are too exciting. In the game terms of the previous life, the san value is about to fall. If you continue, it will really kill people.

"Do not.

But the old steward still raised his head, his eyes were a little hazy at the moment, as if the flesh and blood in the late autumn room were still shaking in his brain.

But he still supported himself, forced himself to laugh and said, "I actually imagined where did the bones and human skin in Master Yila come from? I thought about it just now... . . .

"As for Miss Linda.... In fact, I don't need to go." Standing up straight, the old butler shook his head, he said softly, "Because Miss Linda was not the one who took the initiative to look for it."

"Miss Linda... It was sent by a group of black people in black robes who couldn't see any identity."

"Just three years ago, Miss Linda who was sent over couldn't even speak, she was almost an empty shell. One is that the master taught Miss Linda to speak little by little... One's." "That's it!" "It's them!"

Ian and Yingguang spoke at the same time, their eyes met, and they immediately understood that this was the real key.

The first two children can only say that Ian and Yingguang know what is the source of the series of strange things that happened around Laian Land, and it was Huai who did these things.

Then, the man in black who appeared here in Linda is the source that really led to the loss of his wife and children, Baron Zhanan, who stepped into the darkness step by step and fell into the source of the abyss! Whether it is Ira or late autumn, or Linda after that .

These three children are all ''spiritual'', and even the baron's parent and son who turned into a ghost, I am afraid they are all created by these men in black! And their purpose... [Echo]

The word popped into Ian's mind. Only this is possible.

Those people in black are probably not the cult of the mountain people that Sister Yingguang followed, but they did do things that even the sects might not be able to do, and their true identities are very likely to be jealous of the emperor:

Of course, this is just speculation, and Ian can't be sure at all.

So he asked Sister Yingguang to take care of Mr. Moda, who was already unable to support him, and came to San by himself. Three, Linda's room.

As usual, after brute-forcing the door, Ian entered the pink-hued little girl's room alone.

Because I've seen it once before, Ian didn't see anything strange in this unremarkable girl's room. No flesh, no bones, and no fancy stuff. There was nothing but a note on the table. But that's what matters.

Ian stepped forward and picked up the note in awe. There are only girly handwritings on it. 【Who are you?】

【Why can't I see you?】

If it was an ordinary supernatural story, Ian should have been taken aback at this time. But unfortunately, he is a prophet.

So Ian just nodded and said, "Sure enough, are you the container of the prophet? Or, the prophet born from the skull?"

"I know, your other two brothers didn't come out. You are the only one who came out to see me alone. There must be something wrong with this young man - no wonder your family left as if speeding up after I left."

"Baron Ryan, I am afraid that I already know that I am a prophet, and at the very least suspect that I carry something similar to the Prophet's heritage." Lowering his blue eyes, Ian finally found that he had been missing all the way. What is anxiety.

This is the reason for his unease - one prophet met another prophet. Both sides discovered each other's Cantonese shares. Neither could see the future anymore. Even if one party is only the container of the prophet. only..…

This is not the most important reason.

The icy blue water season filled the room, and Ian's eyes looked through the window to the distant road leading to the mountains by Ryan: "I have to find you and stop you." Not because I am a prophet. More because I am human. If you can see it, change it. That's all.

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