Above The Sky

Chapter 362: Steel Ancient Dragon (23)

Because of Yin En's order, the caravan's food tonight was quite good. Apart from the fresh oiled pasta and broth, the caravan steward was happy and gave everyone a small piece of smoked cured meat.

This bacon is made from very large pieces of venison, first smeared with a layer of finer sea salt, then covered with cheap rock salt, left for half a month, then placed in a cool and dry cave, through a wild Bacteria fermented for two months.

During the fermentation, a kind of incense that was unique to the indigenous people is needed, so that the aroma penetrates into every part of the meat with the yeast, making the meat extremely tender and delicious.

Because it is a traditional food used in indigenous sacrifices, only shamans and chiefs can eat it, so it is also called "Shaman smoked cured meat" and also called "Southern cedar smoked meat".

Chefs in Port Harrison have refined the process and turned it into a local specialty. This bacon has a very long shelf life. Whether it is boiled in soup or sandwiched in dry food, it is very flavorful and delicious. It is very suitable for long-term adventurers and caravan reserves.

Yin En also likes the taste of this smoked cured meat very much. He even used it to hang soup. It always reminded him of ham and bacon in his hometown, but there is no such magical fermented bacteria and umami flowers on earth. , which is a unique food in the Terra Continent.

A full meal, everyone's face was full of oil, and the morale calmed by the heads brought back by Yoon En, the anxiety caused by the attack of the monsters was completely expelled.

It's actually quite uncomfortable to sleep in the carriage, because there are a lot of things in it, even a thin figure like Yoon En is a bit crowded. It's hard to imagine how tall guys like Qingchao and Scott can do it. tuck in.

But fortunately, Yin En can fall asleep standing up, and he is approaching the second energy level. The development of the brain has risen, and a dozen minutes of deep sleep can meet the needs of the day.

The next morning, the steward's nephew and third brother, together with their downcast wraiths, heads, and papers, rode back to Port Harrison on fast horses, and there was no doubt that they would be rewarded handsomely.

And Yoon Eun and the others moved on.

The clouds drifted, the rain came and went, the sun and the moon cycled for five days, and the caravan passed through several towns, including Sanhe City, the most important transit place for waterborne goods in Nanling.

Located on the banks of the Yin Walker River, where the Jet River and the Kilber River meet, and close to the sea, Sanhe City has no way to expand the urban area.

Because it is essentially a large village and town built on the only solid soil in the middle of the swamp, but the residents of Nanling built a 'city on the swamp' here with rocks and planks, as well as various canal bridges.

The caravan delivered a batch of goods here, and then placed a new batch of goods. Yin En also met with the person in charge of the Baishi Chamber of Commerce here.

The other party warmly entertained the young man, and respectfully asked Yin En to review the operation of the local chamber of commerce.

Yin En knew that the other party wanted to leave a good impression on himself. In the future, when he became an elder, there might be a chance for Gao Sheng to return to the headquarters of Harrison Port, so he also took a look around.

"Unfortunately, sir, you came a little early. In the middle of the rainy season, the water level in the Three Rivers Basin will be high."

The steward with a goatee looked at the dense number of merchant and fishing boats on Sanhe, and couldn't help feeling a little: "At that time, the most valuable goods in the entire Nanling colony and autonomous region would be brought into Sanhe City, and the price was compared to other It will always be cheaper.”

Yin En was also quite interested: "Oh? After that, there is time to really gain insight."

The Yin Walker River runs from the northeast to the south, the Jet River runs from the northwest to the southeast, and the Kilber River traverses the Baisen Mountains. This water transport trade route is the center of revitalizing Nanling's commerce and trade, and occasionally even produces second-level Warcraft. Materials, that is the most expensive harvest of the mountain people and the natives in a year, enough to exchange a lot of materials for the rapid development of the tribe here in the empire.

"By the way, if you have the following alchemy materials, you can buy a batch for me first. This is my alchemy coat of arms, and you can go to the public account at Harrison Port."

Since there is a low price period, it is natural to let it go. Yin En gave a batch of commodity lists, most of which are materials related to alchemy potions and inscriptions, and the steward naturally agreed.

The caravan stayed here for a day and set off at noon the next day.

Not long after leaving Sanhe City, they arrived at the last pass of Yin En and the caravan.

Indigo Mountain Gorge of Nanling Mountain People.

After that, there is the lively Nauman Plain.

Indigo Mountain, also known as Qianshan Mountain. A mountain that seems to be coated with metal, under the sunlight, radiates a strange blue-green light around it.

It is said that four hundred years ago, there was an ancient dragon 'Gangsteel Dragon' inhabiting this place. Its powerful force infested the surrounding mountains and changed the petrophysical properties of the place.

The local mountain people, no matter where they are in the mountains, respect this dragon as the 'Shanlong God'. Building houses and temples on the rocks, herding cattle and flocks for the Dragon God, offering sacrifices year after year.

Gu Long didn't seem to care about the actions of these villains. Although he did not use the mountain people as food or destroy their villages and towns, he never really sheltered them.

And this kind of rock infected with the power of ancient dragon is called 'steel stone', its surface is almost metal, but the inside becomes tough, becoming a special building material, which is used to build a level fortress. Because it is indestructible, even the power of the alchemy artillery is no different from the breeze blowing in front of the fortress made of steel.

Back then, the Nineteenth Legion of the Empire was ordered to open up the Dianshan Gorge and ran rampant all the way, but for the first time suffered a setback in front of the mountain people's strong fortress. If it wasn't for the Empire's Yalong Knights occupying the air and crossing the Gorge to cut off the supply line of the fortress, I am afraid that the Nineteenth Legion can only pay a great price to attack.

The steel dragon has disappeared now. According to the legend of the mountain people, the dragon god was awakened by a violent snowstorm. She shook off the abnormal frost disaster that even the Nanling Mountains were covered by plain white, causing the sun to wake up. reproduce.

The mountain people who were on the verge of extinction due to natural disasters were given a chance to breathe.

Then, she let out a filial piety that made the mountains tremble, flew into the high sky, and never returned.

According to scholars' speculation and analysis, the frost disaster that swept across the Farut Mountains, Nanling Mountains and the entire Baisen Mountains 400 years ago was the migration process of another ancient dragon 'Bingmenglong' inhabiting the Karan Mountains. , but the sudden interruption of this migration may have something to do with the blocking of the steel dragon.

Scholars believe that this is just a rare and lose-lose battle for the territory of the ancient dragon, but the mountain people firmly believe that the dragon god chose to fight to protect them, and they should always maintain the dragon god's lair, maintain sacrifices, and wait. her return.

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