Above The Sky

Chapter 361 Food War (13)

"Interesting, real biological warfare."

Reading this report, Yin En nodded with interest: "But the plants in this world are much tougher than the earth in the previous life, and ordinary viruses, bacteria and fungi are useless."

"Especially for sublimation plants, in addition to biomass, there is also a source material structure that can correct itself. If you want to succeed once, the possibility is extremely low."

At that time, the rice seven bananas on the earth were once extinct because of the banana-specific species of Fusarium oxysporum. This facultative parasitic fungus infects a wide variety of plants and can persist in the soil for many years, making it impossible to grow the original crops on the contaminated land.

However, it is for the self-replicating crop like banana. Although ordinary plants will suffer, it is not difficult to recover.

In Terra, the 'rot root fungus' developed by Flying Flames is indeed a more terrifying biological weapon than Fusarium oxysporum. With Yin En's biological alchemy level, you can see how terrifying this thing is at a glance. .

- Corrodes the root system, hinders the transport of nutrients, affects the development of leaves, can be spread by a variety of insects, birds and beasts... It can even secrete highly toxic toxins and corrupt the soil.

If it is placed on the earth, it will definitely be a regional ecological disaster.

But its opponents are also stronger Terra plants!

Yin En does not dare to underestimate the plants on this planet. If nothing else, who knows if there is something like Karin's Flower?

As far as the plants in Nanling are concerned, they can even transmit vaccines against many different diseases by psychic energy. As long as one plant is immune, all individuals in this area are immune!

As for the rotten soil, it is even more funny. It seems that Nanling does not eat poison or can remove poison, even if it is nuclear radiation, look at how prosperous the ecosystem of the South China Sea labyrinth is.

Therefore, the report of Flying Flames also mentioned that they cannot pollute the land in one place for a long time. They can only affect specific crops after long-term research and cultivation, and reduce the production in key areas during critical periods.

This requirement is much lower, and the effect is not necessarily bad.

As long as during the war, the production of food in Nanling was reduced in a wave, followed by a wave of blockade by Grand Duke Solin, the Nanling Legion had to surrender without a fight.

"Oh, it seems that this is Flying Flame Land's war strategy. They are not stupid enough to send troops to fight guerrilla warfare and security warfare in Nanling, so they directly fight food warfare."

Putting this report in his pocket, Yin En knew that he had a big harvest this time.

Not only can it reasonably predict the surrender of Archduke Sorin in advance, but it can also make the imperial capital begin to guard against the biological warfare in the land of flames.

However, why didn't I see these in the dream of the insect nest?

Yin En recalled it carefully, and then smiled - he had pushed the entire Grand Duchy of Sorin all the way through the worm nest, and the Empire and Flying Flames could not stop it. Of course, he didn't remember such trivial matters as biological warfare.

"However, Flying Flames can establish such a small biological data collection base within the empire, proving that they should have a large laboratory in the western part of the empire. Otherwise, they would not have been able to cultivate Nanling local bacteria so quickly. The haemorrhagic and rot fungus are biological weapons."

"Archduke Thorin, should have completely thrown himself into the land of flames."

Yin En searched other documents, most of which were local business data.

Looking at it now, they just want to confirm Nanling's grain self-production data and export data to ensure that the long-prepared crop production reduction will force the Nanling military and civilians to surrender.

This is not a big deal at first, no matter how idle the imperial bureaucracy is, this kind of thing can still be discovered.

But Yin En believed that since Flying Flameland could corrupt a Duke Thorin, he certainly wouldn't mind corrupting some officials in Nanling - it was their indifference and connivance that made the special forces so rampant.

Even, maybe they have made plans to hoard goods.

When the two countries fight, and this year's harvest is almost devastated by the scourge of flying flames, they can use the food they have accumulated over the past few years to sell a lot and reap the wealth.

"The head of this kind of person is also a merit. If you become a patrol knight, you can see which guys are buying food on the market recently. When the time comes, go check them one by one, and kill all the innocent ones. Killing someone who will definitely slip through the net."

Port Harrison almost ran out of food because of the war with the natives. If Viscount Grant hadn't used his own means to get a batch of aid, a large number of people might have starved to death.

But in the future war between the two countries, one of the Viscount's means is not to mention, Patrick is already dead, even if he still has it, it is estimated that there will not be much, and it will definitely not satisfy the greatly increased population of Port Harrison.

Yin En recorded the incident on the silver chip's 'notepad' and set key reminders.

And most importantly.

"Xiahui grass, isn't it my destination this time, a specialty of Anling?"

The teenager left the document storage place and looked at the things stored in other warehouses.

It is indeed some biological samples, most of which have been infected with various fungi and pests, various crops, and different characteristics.

Wheat with yellow and dry leaves; potato vines so bright that they look poisonous; fruit branches with various wormholes and gray veins...

One of them happened to be a sample of Xiahuicao marked as 'Important sample, handle with care'.

This is said to be a very beautiful psionic plant. It has been entangled with gray-white mycelium and cannot see its original shape. It is like the skeleton of a beautiful woman wrapped in layers of ropes. It is only decayed, and the original blue mist is already gray. .

【Xiahui grass (corrupted)】

The silver chip also flashed such a message.

Because Lai'anling's specialty is the psychic nourishing extract extracted from Xiahui grass, an excellent tonic for psionicists, it is regarded as a strategic target by Flying Flameland, and it is the first rot root fungus when it arrives. Experimental strike object.

This kind of blow will definitely not last long, and the biological alchemists of the empire are not vegetarians.

But the problem is that the main ingredient of Yin En's second-level potion has been prepared, and the secondary ingredient can be delivered as long as he gets there.

He has no time.

"Have to speed up."

Yoon Eun thought nonchalantly. Let's just kill all the members of the Flying Flames Special Forces on the way, just to join the patrol knights, it is estimated that some merit is required.

He turned his head and was ready to clean up the corpses of the Ascender from the Flames outside. Because he needed to borrow the heads of these people, he didn't hit the key points from the beginning.

When Yin En finished packing the heads of the three sublimators and hung them on his waist, and returned to the caravan, all the talents in the caravan had just started to cook.

The caravan steward wanted to go forward to show his hospitality, and when he asked Yin En, who was returning, if he forgot to bring something, he saw three heads hanging from his waist.

"Wait, my lord, don't tell me..."

He trembled a little, not with fear, but with excitement.

As a Bai Zhimin, he is extremely looking forward to the significance of Yin En's dispatch this time.


And Yin En nodded, he untied the three heads, took out the documents from his pocket, and handed them to the other party: "Tomorrow morning, send a few reliable people to bring the inner ghost and these heads, as well as these documents. Back to Port Harrison."

"Don't worry, I have killed everyone, there is no danger - a great achievement, send your confidant."

"Yes, sir, I will definitely do it!"

Hearing this, the steward swallowed his saliva, but his eyes shone brightly, nodding his head and quickly agreeing.

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