Above The Sky

Chapter 352 Both Disaster And Hope (33)

Looking at the boy's puzzled eyes, the old man with white fluorescence flashing in his eyes slowly said: "The first and second energy levels are the energy levels that often appear in the human world. The third and fourth energy levels are among the extraordinary. Heroes and leaders."

"They often fight and often appear in the eyes of everyone. Even the powerhouses of the fourth energy level will appear in the army formation, commanding their own troops or nests, and commanding their own land and power."

"But, have you ever seen a fifth-level powerhouse fight?"

"...No." Ian shook his head slowly, he recalled carefully, and found that apart from Hilliard and Inaiga II, he did not have any familiar 'fifth energy level'.

Even, few even know the name.

Even Hilliard rarely mentioned this information to Ian. Except for the few enemies he had fought against, the teacher only told Ian the inheritance names of the powerhouses he knew, but did not say much about the specific details. .

"Of course."

Bishop Baiwu, whose eyes lit up with a white psionic halo, said indifferently: "Because since five hundred years ago, there will never be a fifth-level powerhouse fighting each other with all their might-they are at most each other. Learn from each other, confront each other, and use conspiracy and tricks to plot against each other.”

"If you really want to fight, you will also go to the outer void above the sky."

"They will never show up on the earth and fight on the earth, because it is not only themselves and the other party that will be destroyed, but the world itself."

The old man paused, and then said, "Ian, do you think the unnaturally vast and unnaturally mountainless plains in the Central Empire came about naturally?"

The boy narrowed his eyes.

"Ian, do you think Huaiguang Holy Mountain really existed before?"

The young man shook his head slightly.

"Ian, don't you think that the strange semicircular coastline of the Eternal Quiet Ocean in the south of Canaan Moor was formed by a meteorite?"

Ian was silent.

He somewhat understood what Bishop Baiwu meant.

These strange-looking surface environments, these strange landscapes that don't seem to conform to the laws of nature... It turns out that they are all 'powerful landscapes' caused by the battle of the fifth-level sublimators long ago in history? !

But... how can the fifth energy level be so strong?

"Yes." Ian suddenly understood: "Indeed, Bishop Baiwu is right."

"Indeed, I don't understand."

Mr. Hilliard, once talked to him about some similar topics.

Mainly when Ian ridiculed that the immovable fortified city is essentially a big enough rock, the old man would laugh and say something.

——Then why do you think that the main word to describe our inheritance is 'city' instead of other words such as 'mountain', 'rock' and 'earth'?

-My disciple, why do you think the word 'movement' is used as the 'expression' of our heritage?

Ian doesn't quite understand why it's a 'city' now. To be honest, the 'Apostle Chongshan' of the fourth energy level sounds a little more powerful, because in any case, the city is just a thin layer of human habitation covering the surface, and the mountains are really rooted in the earth. Giants at the place.

That's what he said back then, and the old man would always tell him in a slightly mysterious way.

-Because you haven't seen it, child.

——You have not seen the towering sky-seeking sanctuary of the Republic of Gantrygum, nor the World Tree of the Canaan Moore Federation. You have never seen a mobile royal court roaring on the star-chasing plain, nor have you seen the capital of knowledge standing at the top of the spectacle of cloudscape.

- You have never seen it. Child, you haven't even seen the imperial capital... but as long as you have seen it, you will know and understand.

——Understand what an eternal 'fortified city' is.

"A fortified city that doesn't move... if it doesn't move, it's forever."

As if to know what Ian was thinking, Bishop White Mist said calmly: "And you hold the key to this inheritance, and you also have the potential to complete it - it is not that we pay attention to you, but we pay attention to all those who may reach the fifth energy level. The presence."

"Your existence itself is the beginning of turmoil and the source of disaster. Each fifth energy level represents a kind of doomsday, natural disaster and the possibility of destroying everything."

"As long as one fifth energy level is willing, and there is no other fifth energy level blocking them, they can destroy the whole world... just like any apocalypse disaster."

"Similarly, the fifth energy level is also one of the few remaining in this world, representing the possibility of hope."

Saying so, the old man lowered his gaze, and the white light in his eyes dissipated.

Bishop Bai Wu said softly: "The Light of Huaiguang will watch you. Until disaster comes. Until hope comes."

"Please continue to act, we will witness your choice and the future of mankind."

Under the gaze of Bishop Baiwu, Ian left Huaiguang Church with a confused heart.

He was still puzzled when he came to the crystal cave in the depths of the South China Sea and saw the shark with a half-dead jellyfish in his mouth excitedly, and even the very difficult ghostly jellyfish that was flashing with fluorescent light.

It's not just the teenager who noticed that there seems to be a problem with his cognition of the fifth energy level.

He even found that he seemed to have a superficial understanding of the continent of Terra.

Indeed—he didn't even know what the imperial capital looked like, so why did he arrogantly think that the 'removing half of the imperial capital' in his teacher's mouth was the ordinary tearing down of half the human metropolis?

When Hilliard said this, was it a boastful show, or a mediocre description?

Ian really didn't know.

"In the final analysis, Huaiguang Church is too strange."

Using the high resistance of the sand armor apprentice to ignore the poisonous corrosive body fluid of the beast, Ian used a silver knife to decompose the 'regeneration core' in the ghost jellyfish, and complained to the shark who kept nodding and flashing: "They do Always telling the truth, so it’s hard to understand.”

——Fighting against disasters, waiting for hope, the eternal light of cherishing light, witnessing the choice and future of mankind.

Unlike the Spiritual Artifact Church, which is easier to understand, there are too many secrets in the Huaiguang Church. Even if he is a prophet, he cannot rely on foreknowledge to know the secrets behind it.

After catalyzing the fusion and catalysis of the already carried half-potion base 'overactive biological solution' and the 'Yu Ying regeneration core', Ian soon got another bottle of half-potion.

A bottle of light blue gelatin that is constantly moving, expanding and contracting as if alive.

It's almost like blueberry-flavored jelly, or a dollop of slime.

And in the center of this colloid, a milky white core beat like a heart.

The regeneration nucleus of the ghostly jellyfish can stimulate the glands of the brain, so that the flesh and blood can continuously secrete the 'healing glue' that can heal wounds and accelerate the regeneration of flesh and blood.

Even if the body is torn, the healing glue can temporarily stick the messy flesh and bones, maintaining the activity of the flesh, while preventing bleeding and infection, and strengthening immunity and anti-toxicity.

However, this is not the end.

Ian threw the second-level fairy material 'Fairy's Streamer' into this bottle of potion and soaked it for a while. After the half-potion was full of fairy breath, he took out the 'Flower' and saved it again.

Immediately afterwards, he drank the half-magic potion that was still wriggling in one gulp, and circulated the source material in his body, condensing it at the junction of the back of his head and the cervical spine.

The lines of the silver chips began to converge.

The structure of the 'Ye Ying Regeneration Core' was branded on the back of his neck, and a clear sense of context spread.

The seventh sublimation organ of Ian's double inheritance is completely completed.

But even after drinking this half-potion and fulfilling his plan, Ian's confusion... and his burning curiosity could not be eased.

"Sure enough, shark shark."

On Crystal Island, the boy stood up.

Ian closed his eyes tightly and said to the shark that was constantly swimming beside him: "Although I have suppressed myself for six years, I really can't bear it any longer."

When he opened his eyes, there was a clear water halo in his eyes.

The eyes of the young man were full of pure curiosity and longing: "Imperial Capital, World Tree, Heaven-Seeking Sanctuary... Terra Continent, and all the wonders in this world that I have never seen before - I want to see them all. "

Turning his head, he looked at the stunned shark, and encouraged: "You must improve quickly, otherwise, you will not be able to keep up with me in the future, nor will you continue to bump into people with me!"

"Oh? Ooh!" (What? Okay!)"

Shark also made a sound of consternation and awe, as if to promise that he would work hard to eat and hunt hard, lest he would not be able to collide with the boss in the future!

And Ian smiled.

From the heart, he smiled expectantly.

Time just went by.

Soon, Terra 773, May 20.

Ian's knighthood, along with his 'armor' and 'saber', arrived in Port Harrison.

The long-awaited day has finally arrived.

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