Above The Sky

Chapter 351 You Don't Understand The 5 Energy Level (23)

This is the result of Ian's thinking in the past few days, based on the experience taught by Hilliard and Master Gosse.

In the world of Terra, even pure knowledge, without using it, can generate enough power.

Wisdom itself is the seed of power that drives the birth of the soul.

"The dimensions of the nobles' thinking and the angle of viewing the world, in a sense, are tempering their spirits and making it easier for them to generate souls."

"That's why they are prone to second energy levels."

Having said this, Ian shared his experience with his two team members: "However, although it sounds simple, it is very difficult to do."

"Whether you finish reading a book or finish reading the words on the book, there is still a big difference."

"Whether you have learned the method of mastering knowledge, or just mastered a 'sacrificial ritual', it makes a world of difference."

"This is also the reason why there are not many sublimators among so many scholars."

"I see... No wonder Ian you keep asking me to read more..." Scott opened his eyes wide, and even the metal lines on his face were elongated.

He suddenly said: "I thought you were too smart to talk to stupid people... That's why I insisted on studying..."

It's hard for Ian to answer that kind of thing.

In contrast, Qing Chao was silent.

He was lost in thought.

"I see……"

The swordsman whispered to himself, "No wonder the school's tuition is so expensive... No wonder..."

"I understand."

Qingchao raised his head, the swordsman stood up earnestly and bowed to Ian: "I will study."

"Hope you can do what you say."

Nodding slightly, this is exactly what Ian wanted.

As all Terrans who are perfect transformations of the civilization of the previous era, even if the nobles have family blood, they may not be able to completely surpass ordinary Terra civilians in blood.

So, they choose to monopolize knowledge.

Monopoly the existence of souls.

To be honest, it was only when he knew this point that Ian could understand what kind of grand career the "universal education" that King Inaka II and his teachers were doing back then.

——What they want to break is the path to the second energy level controlled by the nobles.

They not only want to give everyone knowledge, but also give everyone soul!

Ian asked Ian and Scott to come over this time, mainly because he hoped that Qingchao could exercise Scott's fighting skills and physical fitness.

In contrast, it is also to let Scott take Qingchao to read together.

By the way, let the two people who will definitely cooperate frequently in the future get to know each other.

Qingchao said that there is no culture, but in fact, he can read and hyphenate words.

Otherwise, he would not be able to understand the sword skills catalogue his father left behind, and he would not write letters to his family to report safety on weekdays.

However, pure literacy, and knowing knowledge and cultivating a scientific and effective thinking mode are actually two different things.

Even in the earth in the previous life, Ian knew a large number of people who only regarded science and technology as a substitute for some kind of witchcraft religion, and did not have the corresponding thinking spirit.

Scott's progress is not too fast, but because of this, it is more suitable than Ian to start with Qingchao.

Because, in fact, the Iron People said something right.

Ian does not have the patience to do such an elementary introduction.

After that, Ian instructed some things, such as letting the two pay attention to the progress of the labyrinth exploration.

Next, Qingchao and Scott left the church in turn, and Ian also planned to leave.

He came here this time, in addition to meeting with Qingchao and Scott, he also agreed with Bishop Baiwu to let Ailan come to Huaiguang Church for training - starting from tomorrow, the little boy will become a Huaiguang apprentice .

This progress is even faster than Alan in the worm nest road.

After all, in the path of destiny, Elan became a disciple of Bishop Baiwu after the death of Elder Pude.

However, just before Ian left, a white-haired old man quietly appeared beside the boy.


Ian turned his head to the side, and he looked at the old man with some doubts: "Please ask me for anything? Or are there any details about Ellan's training program before..."

"Do not."

He answered decisively, but the old man thought for a while before continuing, "I'm just witnessing."

"Ian, I'm just representing Huaiguang Church, witnessing your growth, choice, action, and ultimately..."


"Witness? Ending?" The old man's tone was slow, but the young man couldn't understand the other party's words, so he was puzzled.

From the beginning, Bishop White Mist was by his side, Ian knew all this, and he never thought that he would be able to deceive him in the church.

Better than the rest of Port Harrison.

If it is said that Bishop White Mist is 'theoretically' impossible to tell Viscount Grant about this, then in other discussions, the possibility that Viscount Grant knows about this matter is 100%.

However, he did not expect that the other party is not indifferent.

Instead, they deliberately ‘witness’ their own choices and actions…


The boy frowned, and he felt inexplicably uneasy.

This uneasiness is not because I am being watched, or, in other words, being spied on, but from a more instinctive puzzle: "It's not necessary... Even though I am a disciple of Teacher Hilliard, but, Now it's just the first energy level..."


His eyes flickered, and Bishop Bai Wu replied earnestly, "Ian, are you really 'just' the first energy level, instead of 'deliberately suppressing' yourself at the first energy level?"

"You have already met all the conditions. If you just want to become the second energy level and have the ability to walk the continent, maybe you can obtain resources through various means and make yourself the second energy level."

"But you won't. Because you have bigger ambitions, you're not just content with the second level, your goal is the same 'fifth level' as the first knight."

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes lit up with a circle of white psychic fluorescence.

"Even higher," he said lightly.

"So stay here and find a way to a farther future."

"I just know that it is not beneficial to advance to the second energy level too early. Instead of rushing to reveal flaws, it is better to wait for the opportunity and follow the trend."

Ian raised his vigilance in his heart. He had already noticed that the state of Bishop Baiwu was not right - the other party could use a variety of psychic powers through the light of Embrace Light, and every time he used this white fluorescent-like psychic energy, Bishop Baiwu was in the wrong state. Your tone of voice, speaking style, and even thinking patterns will change.

But that's not because another soul uses Bishop Baiwu as an intermediary to communicate with himself... Ian feels that it is more like Bishop Baiwu showing a more real self.

More fundamentally, there is no desire or inclination at all, just simply abiding by certain rules as a way of doing things, the 'true Bishop of White Mist'.

So, he considered his words and said slowly: "So, why do you want to witness me? Can I know the reason?"

"As I told you before."

The old man replied quickly: "Because you can advance to the fifth energy level. You have potential, and it is very possible that you can advance to the fifth energy level, or even break through."

"Just like your teacher, you can open the way to the next level."

Ian was stunned for a moment: "...that's it?"

Bishop Bai Wu: "Isn't it enough?"

Ian pouted, to be honest, he never thought that he could not break through the fifth energy level - maybe he didn't show much on the surface, but in fact, when it comes to self-confidence, he will never lose to anyone.

Moreover, is the fifth energy level really strong? He vaguely remembered that his teacher had just demolished half of the imperial capital back then.

Although there is a reason for the epidemic poison of the ice prison robbery, no matter how exaggerated it is, it will not be too exaggerated, right?

"Your confidence does have a reason, and it's not an exaggeration."

Bishop Bai Wu could see Ian's unabashed attitude and confidence. He didn't deny it, but nodded seriously: "It's just that you may still not understand."

"I really don't understand." The boy said calmly, "But what exactly do I understand?"

"Ian, you don't understand what the fifth level represents."

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