Above The Sky

Chapter 332 Patrick's Relic (23)

The middle-aged nobleman let out an exclamation, and he stood up abruptly, his face became quite ugly: "How can this be possible?!"

Not jealous.

To be honest, Viscount Grant thinks that the Lord of the Labyrinth is a little bit better than the average adventurer.

This group of people or monsters, although they have great jurisdiction over the labyrinth, if they cannot complete the care of the labyrinth, it will be quite painful.

From mental stimulation, to withdrawal reactions, and even sleepwalking control may occur.

The larger the labyrinth, the greater the bondage to the lord of the labyrinth.

In some cases, the monsters and adventurers who became the masters of the labyrinth were completely brainwashed by the labyrinth itself and turned into self-defense devices of the labyrinth.

At that time, rather than being the so-called master of the labyrinth, it was better to be a servant of the labyrinth, just like the worker bees of the hive, using all their strength and life to maintain the hive itself.

But there are at least a lot of worker bees in the hive, the master of the maze has only one maze!

From the perspective of the South China Sea Labyrinth, if Ian does not have the second energy level, I am afraid that even his own will cannot be preserved.

Fortunately, they rushed out of the maze under the protection of Bishop Baiwu, otherwise, the result would be unimaginable.

However, the most important thing is the Lord of the Labyrinth.

"How come, I thought that the death of the crystal dragon was a good thing. Now, if someone from the imperial capital comes and asks Ian, the master of the labyrinth, to cooperate with them in researching the labyrinth, what reason should I think of to refuse?"

At this moment, the Viscount's face was very gloomy and solemn.

The exposure of the South China Sea Labyrinth has become a foregone conclusion. Next, professional appraisers from the Imperial Labyrinth Management Department will arrive at Harrison Port, responsible for appraising the labyrinth, and then dispatching full-time explorers to explore.

Professional explorers are different from ordinary adventurers. All they need to do is to simply identify the resources and wealth within the maze, and add them to the statistical system as a 'strategic resource assessment report'.

Ordinary adventurers are just hired employees who have dug out the resources hidden in the maze by officials and folks.

Although adventurers can harvest a lot of wealth, they also have to pay taxes and consume. If they really want to make money, the most convenient way for them is to sell the resources in the maze to official channels - and the official pays The price of the mine is definitely controlled, including taxes and deposits, it is a little more expensive than the official opening of a special mining organization.

However, there is no need to pay pensions, and there is no need to guarantee the safety of adventurers. On weekdays, you can still run the insurance business and make a fortune!

Not to mention the various exploration tool stores opened by local lords.

A maze can indeed drive the industrial development of a region, and the addition of adventurers can bring all the gains to the fore.

This kind of thing is to prevent local lords from excavating privately, concealing the actual situation of the labyrinth, secretly accumulating wealth and force, etc.

Of course, the viscount wanted to dig out privately, conceal the actual situation of the labyrinth, and secretly accumulate wealth and power—so from the very beginning, he did not intend to attract the attention of the imperial capital, but planned to use his connections to bribe the chief of the labyrinth management department to make them evaluate the South China Sea labyrinth as a ' Small to Medium Maze' and apply for an official 'Proxy Maze Excavation License'.

In this way, he can continue to explore the large ruins without attracting attention.

However, because of the changes brought by the natives and Patrick, the South China Sea Labyrinth has become a definite fact.

The Labyrinth Management Department would not dare to accept bribes of this level.

That being the case, the Viscount has other ways—the work of a full-time prospector and adventurer also takes time. He has a way to make the labyrinth extremely complicated and difficult to explore. Whether it is logistical or other factors, he is a local lord. Make it hard for everyone to move.

Ten or twenty years is no problem, as long as he wants, he can even mobilize his own hands to explore the ruins while accompanying this group of full-time workers.

However, if it became known that Ian was Lord of the Labyrinth, things would not be so good.

The labyrinth management department asked Ian to assist in the exploration, and no one could refuse. He Ayers did not intend to rebel.

"It has to be concealed."

With a wave of his hand, Ian's report turned into pulp, the fine mist completely destroyed the structure of the paper, and Viscount Grant's tired body instantly regained his spirits.

He frowned and looked out the window: "Biwu Bishop, Master Gosser, and Isengard... If you want to hide from the imperial capital, these people must be persuaded together."

"Except for Bishop White Mist, it shouldn't be difficult for others - but just in case, Ian can't stay in Port Harrison, whether it's being eroded by the labyrinth or being identified by people in the imperial capital, I can't accept it."

"Sure enough, he has to be awarded a knighthood. Going outside early will be good for him and also for me."

With such determination, the Viscount slowly returned to his seat.

Leaning on the back of the chair and staring up at the ceiling, he couldn't help sighing, then gritted his teeth and said, "Hey... Pat, you are so easy to die, and you have left me so much trouble."

"I really wish I could kill you with a sword with my own hands."

Thinking of this, the Viscount noticed that someone was approaching outside the door.

It was the familiar footsteps.

"Dear, what's the matter?"

He turned his head and looked at the door, and when he heard the voice of the owner of the room, the red-haired financial officer opened the door.

Lamar's expression was a little confused, but he still walked to the Viscount very politely and reported to the Viscount: "My lord, Mr. Patrick has something to show you."

"He has a box left in the platinum-iridium workshop. Mr. Patrick and the workshop staff said that if the Originium pattern on the surface of the box flickers, he will send the box to the Viscount's House for you to see for yourself."

"Although Mr. Patrick fought with you a few days ago, I think you should want to see it, so after testing it and there is no danger, I asked the guard to take the box."

"Do you want to see it?"

Lamar asked.

"Of course... as expected, you still understand me. What the hell did that bastard leave for me? Are you embarrassed to leave it for me?"

Taking a deep breath, the Viscount stood up, with a hint of grief in his tone in addition to resentment.

Lamar raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man who was not young but lost an old friend.

Compared to more than ten years ago, when the other party rescued himself and his clansmen from the natives and protected himself behind him, he was in high spirits... Viscount Grant is indeed old.

The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, as well as his tired look, all illustrate this point.

He couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart, and then said calmly.

"Then let me bring it back for you, my lord."

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