Above The Sky

Chapter 331 How Come I Don't Know Anything? (13)

"Stomach cancer?"

Elder Pude didn't think this was a whimsical idea, but he was afraid that Ian would be disappointed, so he reminded: "I will visit Bishop White Mist later, thank him for taking care of you in the labyrinth and along the way, and by the way, I will Illness and what Elam learned."

The next morning, in the elder's office.

Then, his eyes widened in astonishment: "Ian?"

With the return of Master Gosse and Isengard, the fleets of other forces also know that they have no chance or excuse to try to break into the labyrinth.

If it goes on, without any other excuse, what will happen is a genuine regional war.

A group of native fishermen claiming to have been robbed by the Imperials, wanting an explanation, came to Port Harrison to protest.

There is no meaning of disbelief in Ian, mainly because Elder Pude did not expect that he had already suffered from such a serious disease.

Carrying out such an action without the instructions of a higher level is the most serious way to go alone. Even if you really win, the fate of the fleet chief officer is not destined to be good.

"Oh, right."

"And it's just right. Ask Bishop Bai Wu if he is willing to accept apprentices. It's really not good. You can also help teach Elan's sublimation skills."

"Why is this labyrinth explored, and I don't know anything?!"

He squinted, reading the report Ian had written.

But Elder Purd died of stomach cancer in the future of the worm nest. Ian felt that this must not be a simple cancer problem.

Unless the sublimator himself has signs of distortion, otherwise, a healthy sublimator, even if he accidentally encounters a lot of radiation, or takes various highly toxic and carcinogenic substances, causes various problems in the body, and at most only needs to rest. It will recover in two to three years.

But in terms of loyalty, Maureen didn't pass the test.

Then came the report written by Ian.

After the four sides faced off all night, the fleet on the high seas disappeared silently, taking advantage of the tidal surge caused by a gust of wind.

It is generally difficult for sublimators to suffer from diseases that ordinary people have. Not to mention, their body temperature can exceed 50 degrees when they are running essentia, and the sublimators of the fire element can even briefly exceed Baidu at the first energy level. It raises its own source material to a higher temperature, and can even burn the enemy into coke.

Because the ships seized by Qingchao and others are tribal ships that cooperate closely with Harrison Harbor on weekdays, Viscount Grant took them out without much effort. By the way, he also announced in the Sequoia Forest that the fleet of Flying Flames had been destroyed. Expulsion, those natives who cooperated with Blazing Land can forgive the past if they confessed now.

"If the other party agrees, that's not a problem."

It was the Qingchao exploration fleet and the elf pirates.

What really made him tired was that his coastal guards noticed that there was another change in the Aboriginal Tenglang Department.

Most bacterial viruses and parasites in the general sense cannot withstand this level of high temperature. Even special new parasites such as brain-eating worms will quickly lose their activity under the scouring of the source material.

Planning the next major event in his heart, the Viscount continued to read the report.

"How can he become the master of the labyrinth?!"

"Well, female worms, parasites, will of the worm's nest... It seems that this is the monster that Mo Lin was anxious to exterminate back then, and it is no wonder that the bishop will actively collect information to go to the ruins... Well, after all, why do you have to Tell Bai Wu right away that you are my knight after all, not a church knight."

In the final analysis, the Viscount is also close to seventy years old, he sighed, and then carefully read the report handed in by Ian: "Ha, I knew that the old guy Pude was never honest, and actually let Ian cultivate the blood of the goblin? ? The background of the Cieharorvo family is indeed deeper than I imagined."

"He said he dreamed that he became a dragon." Ian thought for a while, then said the truth: "I must be hungry."

"The remains of the escort team... Yes, the big storm will never appear again, and it is time to hold a funeral for them, for all the dead who died in the big storm."

"It's time to grow your body." Elder Pude doubted that he had him.

Soon, they found a group of imperial and Canaan Moor elves who robbed the native fisherman's boat and are now facing off against the Tenglan natives along the coast of the Sequoia Forest.

It has to be said that Qingchao and others are indeed lucky.

"You decide."

However, because of the attack by the native shaman a few days ago, all the Tenglan natives who came to protest were imprisoned, but Knight Yam sensed something wrong from the mouths of these people, and asked them in detail.

The sublimator closed his eyes, activated the Origin Seed's inner vision, and sensed it: "Well, there is no abnormality... My stomach is quite normal, wait, is there a small polyp here?"

"Getting you out as a knight and giving you a mission to travel abroad for a few years will be his only choice."

"According to Ailes' character and the current situation, you will never be allowed to stay in Port Harrison."

Sitting across from the elder's desk, Ian said calmly, he was currently writing a labyrinth report to be handed over to Viscount Grant, but he didn't stop: "My suggestion, go to Bishop Baiwu and ask about the situation, Gosey. There should also be related potions in the master, I will go to them and ask later."

If that's all, it won't make the Viscount so tired...

The old man looked sideways at the young man and said solemnly, "If you really become the so-called master of the labyrinth... If you want to show the 'identity' to the viscount and us, the 'identity' is the master of the labyrinth."

Elder Pude, who was going to talk to Ian about what he saw in the labyrinth, frowned: "The prophet can even see this. Did he predict my death?"

After doing these things, he returned to his mansion exhausted.

"Biwu Bishop? If you did help him, it's not a problem to help him with his sublimation skills. It's just that they look at talent and affinities abnormally. If it's not suitable, teaching is useless."

"It's better for Ian to take it easy, he knows what to do without me urging him... It'd be nice if other people could be so smart."

"Indeed." Ian nodded slightly, he got up, and was about to leave the elder's hall: "By the way, elder, I will go to Master Gosser and Isengard to talk about related matters at noon, and I won't be back for dinner at noon."

He watched the old man read these 'information he could know' carefully, and then said slowly: "After all, elder, you know that after this mission is over, I may not be able to stay in Port Harrison for a while."

The old man raised his head and looked at Ian who was about to leave: "What's the matter with Ian, how can I sleep with you, there are tooth marks all over the quilt?"

Putting down the pen, Ian glanced at the report in his hand, then nodded with satisfaction, and handed it to Elder Pude.

After a while.

"As for the rest...that's true."

As an old man, it is still a bit taboo to say how much of your death, but it is better to know the reason than not to know it is coming.

They robbed the natives' boats and drove all the way back to the coast, but they were not noticed by the fleets of Flying Flameland and other areas. Even if they did, they probably thought they were natives and didn't care too much. The high seas standoff will continue for another week or two.

Viscount Grant, who smelled of gunpowder, returned to his mansion wearily.

Elder Pude touched his beard. He was still thinking about why his stomach had a tendency to be deformed, and his brows were wrinkled: "Strange thing, I eat three meals a day regularly, and my work and rest are very healthy, how can I have stomach problems..."

"This should be related to some kind of aberration. It should not be taken lightly. With your lifespan, you have at least twenty or thirty years to live."

He even took good care of Maureen's children, and as a lord, he fulfilled his duties.

Cancer is no exception.

Thinking of that year, the Viscount couldn't help shaking his head slightly. He didn't regret Mo Lin's death that year until now. He single-handedly turned the tailor's son into the captain of the guard, and he made the poor Mo Lin family rich. It was also he who brought Maureen into contact with the world of sublimators. If there is a chance, he may become a real knight.

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