Above The Sky

Chapter 290 Huaiguang Prophet (43, 1W1 Update!)

As Master Gosse said, the rock crust is about to collapse.

Ian looked up, and he saw dense cracks spreading through the crystalline rock above his head, like tree branches, making a disturbing creaking sound.

However, from behind the collapsed crystalline rock shell, a part of the steel giant structure and the fragile rock formations around the giant structure are exposed.

——The crystalline rock crust is an acquired structure... This place is not a completely natural rock formation!

"I see!"

The young man was stunned, and he finally figured out what was going on in this rift valley: "The entire rift valley area is a cooling interaction port! These dense rivers extending in all directions are the cooling pipes of the past!"

From the beginning, Ian felt that the terrain of this place was abnormal, not at all like a rift that had been eroded by the day after tomorrow.

Theoretically speaking, there should be only one purified channel for viewing the living water river, which is the channel that everyone in Flying Flame Land had walked through before, and the rest were cooling pipes.

But as a result, it was artificially widened and a huge worm nest was built.

The part where the worm nest was originally supposed to be a small purification device. After purifying a small part of the hot water, it was transmitted out as ornamental living water to surround the entire base, while most of the other hot water would follow the 'ψ' The '-shaped pipeline is transferred to the cooling area, which is where the relic ice abyss is located, and is then transmitted by the pipeline of the relic ice abyss to all the energy groups around the base as cooling water, and so on and so forth.

But as the relic system said, part of the power pack has been damaged, causing the cooling water to be polluted, and now it is absorbed by the female insects as an energy source... The Sequoia Base, which has no one now, doesn't care about this polluted water, it should be cooled Just go to cool down, AI should be able to make this judgment too.

But the system has been tampered with by the elders, and has never been able to respond to this event.

The worm nest dismantled the purification device, stuck the giant gate on the bottom, and then drew the energy and radiation from the cooling water.

And the stuck Sequoia base cooling valve has a bug, it should be in a special situation of "neither open nor connected", it cannot be controlled by the remote control system, and the process can only be continued manually.

But who can complete the process under the attack of the hive? The previous giant golden centipede should have been a maintainer, but it was still parasitized by the brain-devouring worm. It has been wandering in the ruins for many years. After the worm's nest was restored, it became a tool for the mother worm.

Therefore, the cooling system of the entire ruins is abnormal, just like the original intention of the bug-just a little bug, which makes the huge base unable to operate, and someone inside has modified it, so the entire system is shut down.

In essence, the rift is a cooling port that is not fully closed. The entire worm nest itself should also be an extremely important 'control device', a biological computer. Over the years, it has continued to 'hacking into the system', affecting the Sequoia Base. The judgment of the automatic control system on this place.

At this moment, Ian looked towards the direction where the giant beast was fighting.

Crystal dragons, giant eels, and female worms fought earth-shatteringly. Even if these giant beasts collided with each other here, they could have a certain impact on the geological structure, not to mention the artificially shaped area - both sides of the rift are already like dominoes. The dominoes were collapsing one after another, and the rock shell above the head continued to fall.

The collapse of the rock shell will not cause any damage to the cooling interaction valve and the insect nest, just like a handful of sand can only cover them at most.

But the problem is, in this way, there is no way to blast the worm nest, so that the interactive interface continues to operate!

After all, the female brain-devouring worm was re-bred decades ago due to various coincidences. This worm nest is not large, it is easy to be destroyed, and it is easy to be covered up.

Ian also understood why the White Mist Lord would attack all monsters and force them to retreat.

Because what he has to do is to avoid any impact on the bottom layer here, lest the worm nest be covered with many sandy rocks and be protected.

"I'm going to destroy the hive now."

Immediately got up, Ian knew that there was no time to hesitate, he picked up the explosive pack and carried it, and was ready to go to the nest immediately.

Anyway, the bishop of Baiwu and the crystal dragon are now entangled with the female worm, and the situation is still safe.

"it is good."

And Isengard did not hesitate. He gave Ian another bottle of his own blood. Although his face was pale, his expression was firm: "Be careful, we will use artillery to support you here..."

"Remember to drink the potion." Master Gosey is still debugging the alchemy module of the artillery, and at this critical moment, he has no nonsense: "I just thought that when using those explosives, you can use your 'that' inheritance to make A cone-shaped structure, the destructive force of explosives gathers energy, so it is more connected!"

That inheritance is naturally a sand armor apprentice, and Master Gosey naturally didn't tell him Ian's identity, which is not a good thing, but will harm the other party.

"Yeah." Ian nodded earnestly, of course he knew how the structure of an armor-piercing projectile shaped explosive power.

He set off and jumped down towards the bottom of the rift, urging the fairy's wings to move towards the worm nest like lightning.

But this action was also discovered by Patrick.

"You are actually here!"

Aware of his goal, the blond nobleman was stunned for a moment, but what followed was ecstasy—he thought he would definitely fail this mission, but he never thought that Ian and others were actually here.

He turned his head and also noticed Isengard and Master Gosse on the other side. The man's eyes were complicated, but he was determined.

Patrick naturally wanted to come to stop Ian and the others... No matter what the other party wanted to do, he would stop it.

Even if he is definitely unable to live, at least he must die together.

However, when Patrick was about to attack Ian and others, Bishop White Mist always stood in front of him, and Ian ran faster after seeing the blond nobleman's actions.

Even Master Gosse and Isengard began to take out various alchemy potions to take, and began to brush the buff in front of him.

"Don't stop me, old man!"

After being blocked by Bishop White Mist one after another, Patrick shouted angrily, but he was emotionally excited, but he showed fighting skills that he had never shown before.

In other words, he learned from his friend, Viscount Grant's skills to stop him.


Electricity flashed all over his body, and he charged in mid-air. The mithril rapier in his hand thundered towards Bishop Baiwu, making the old man have to avoid it—but this Bishop Huaiguang had extremely proficient fighting skills, and he was daring. , when he was dodging sideways, he still stretched out his hand and pressed it on Patrick's side waist.

In the next moment, the majestic life essence will form an explosion and repel Patrick. Although this will not hurt the opponent who is protected by Anhuazi, it is enough to give Ian a chance to continue his actions.

But what no one expected was that Bishop Bai Wu's slap punched out, which directly penetrated the black flesh-and-blood outfit.

- It's empty inside.

Until then, the old man showed a slightly stunned expression. He fixed a clear look and found that Patrick was moving so fast that he even formed a phantom and flew towards the other side.

The one he hit was indeed the Aether Armament, Anhua Zistrain, but it was only the Aether Armament, and the 'wearer' had detached from the side and flew towards Ian.

It's like a shelled worm.


After losing its wearer and entering an eroded form, Anhua wrapped around the right arm of Bishop White Mist and penetrated it. Although before it was ready to invade flesh and blood, the old man quickly isolated it from his body with his own source material. But he was indeed entangled.

Even because of phase issues, this aetherial sub-strain feels a little tougher than when Patrick was wearing it.

- Can't help? So decisive.

Bishop Baiwu didn't expect that someone would give up the aether armed, but he didn't know that Anhuazi could not threaten Ian and Isengard, so he had a high evaluation of Patrick's decisiveness: "If that's the case, then there's nothing you can do. ."

"Light of Huaiguang - apply for the use of psionic energy - [psychic power] and [psychic communication]."

In an instant, two concentric circles of light, one blue and one gold, lit up in his eyes.

The blue light flickered, and Patrick's body visibly froze, and invisible power bound his body.

At the same time, a faint old man's voice came from Ian's heart: [Ian, I am Bai Wu, the bishop of the Huaiguang Church in Harrison Harbor. The 'source of catastrophe' that caused a great crisis in the world, so we have been searching for a way to enter the ruins. 】

[After on-the-spot investigation, I am sure that the huge lair in front of you and me is where the 'source of heaven and earth disaster' in the church prophecy book. I sense that you want to destroy it too, but I must remind you that the real source of disaster is not the lair itself, but a will in this lair. 】

Because it is a communication of consciousness, everything is just a moment.

——The book of prophecy spoken by Bishop Baiwu? The church does have prophetic psionicists.

Ian sensed that someone was talking to him psychically. He was no stranger to this feeling. He had a conversation with Weggs back then, so he immediately replied: "Isn't the will the mother of insects?"

"What's more, if it is such a terrible source of disasters in the world, why not send more priests to destroy it?"

[No, the Insect Mother is just a tool of that will, a derivation of its maliciousness. Although I don’t know the reason, the news I received told me so. 】

And Bishop Baiwu replied calmly: [You must destroy that will to completely destroy the worm nest, otherwise, its echo will linger in the control system of the relic, and it will take a long time to dissipate. This ancient relic, will This cycle of creating natural disasters will continue. 】

[However, if we don't even destroy the worm nest and the worm mother, a terrible disaster will come to the Terra continent, which is a disaster for all living beings... Of course, it may not be so terrible. There are two possibilities, one harmless and one powerful enough to destroy the world, but we don't know why, which is rare and we've never encountered this before. 】

[As for why not send more priests, the answer is actually very simple. 】

[Because this world is full of various causes of destruction, this place is not the most important place. The apostles of Huaiguang are scattered all over the land, walking and staying, each with their own mission. 】

[The only certainty is that our current strength is enough to stop all this, as long as it is handled properly. 】

Bishop White Mist's voice carried a clear denial, and was unexpectedly confident - this inexplicable confidence Ian was very familiar with.

That is obvious, derived from the self-confidence of the prophets.

No need to guess, it was the prophecy psychic inheritor in the Huaiguang Church who foreshadowed the disaster in Nanling and informed Bishop Baiwu that today’s people can prevent future disasters.

As for why the other party cannot predict the reason, it may be because Ian is also a prophet, and he is involved in this matter... Prophet and prophet cannot predict each other, and even if they can, there will be many more vague elements that make the prophet You can't see the future through your own abilities.

Moreover, the prediction of Huaiguang Church is different from Ian's vision of precognition. It can directly reveal the source of the source of the disaster and the level of power required to solve it, but other than that, there is no extra information.

Every prophet has a different way of predicting and has different tendencies. Huaiguang’s side is obviously the kind that only has results but no process. Those who have awakened this kind of prediction ability simply want to know what the world will encounter in the future. what kind of disasters, and end them as soon as possible.

Therefore, Bishop Bai Wu can only use his own methods to collect clues and investigate the inside of the ruins to know the reason.

And the old man's words also made Ian ponder: "The female worm is just a tool of that will? Let me think about it, the brain-eating worm was originally a brain-attached slug... with a brain..."

"Could it be that?!"

Ian was startled, he looked at the insect nest, his eyes stunned: "The will of the elder is still alive?"

"No, it's impossible... his soul is dead!"

"However, if it is an echo... a creature with an echo of the Great Elder's memory!"

At this moment, the vision horizon swept across the entire nest.

Ian did indeed see a breath of life.

A dark blue mist, quietly located in the very center of the lair!

------off topic-----

Update 1w1 today

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