Above The Sky

Chapter 289 Bishop Bai Wu (33)

"Yes, that's it, continue, we attack the female insect, even if we attack the crystal dragon, it doesn't matter!"

As for the Special Forces of Flying Flames, they were even more trembling, not knowing what to do.

at the same time.

Thinking of this, Patrick's eyes narrowed, and the man covered by the black carapace suddenly flashed his sword, dashing towards the throat of the hazy figure in the smoke.

"The people of Huaiguang Church are a bunch of tough guys who accept death..."

In the vision horizon, the direction of the Flying Flame Special Forces was two dark blue mists leading a group of thick white mists to fight a dim light purple and a group of gray, white and blue mists.

"Ian, look, the rock crust is collapsing!"

Standing up again, although Patrick was not injured, he knew that the old man in front of him had a profound fighting skill and was far stronger than him.

For a time, including Patrick, all the second-level powerhouses present felt as if they were being suppressed by him alone... Of course, this is impossible. With the roar of the crystal dragon, a part of the power was forcibly divided against Bai Wu. After the bishop attacked, the giant eel and the female insect also controlled the water flow, emitting radiant flames and thunder, to suppress this sudden foreign enemy.

But he just stood there, and there was a visible life source that distorted the air around him, like a furnace, scorching everything around him with pure life heat, and even created translucent fluctuations.

"I came here not to serve Viscount Grant, but this place really needs the light of light to get rid of the evil, and there are indeed weak people who need my protection."

"The reverse is also the same. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to deal with Patrick first and then fight the demon?"

The two sides communicated briefly for a while, and the result of the exchange was obvious.

"Damn... What's wrong with Ailes, he didn't come in by himself, and you actually let you, Bishop Huaiguang, come to the ruins?!"

Although it is completely impossible to see what kind of attributes this old man has and what kind of bloodline he inherits, he can attack all the magical beasts at the same time by relying on pure physical skills and pure essentia burst.

Even with the strength of Bishop Baiwu, he must withdraw his strength to defend.

Before he finished speaking, Patrick turned around and accelerated, and flew towards the area of ​​the War of Warcraft like lightning.

Even Ian was stunned, and he was a little puzzled: "Why didn't Bishop Baiwu deal with the female worm first, and then deal with other beasts, but had to target the crystal dragon and the female worm at the same time, and even add Patrick ?"

"Not to admit death, but to obey the creed."

But not long after the exploration, Patrick met the White Mist Bishop who was also tracking the brain-devouring insects and even purifying them all the way.


The white-haired old man walked out of the smoke, his hands were covered with a pair of black metal gauntlets, and the old and indifferent voice echoed in the cave: "Information from all parties shows that the pre-era ruins in the South China Sea have a huge ecological threat that threatens the entire Nanhai South Ridge. , its threat level is even higher than the 'catastrophe' of the former Dawn City, approaching 'apocalypse'."

"Is it White Mist?"

But Ian suddenly opened his mouth to warn him. He had a premonition of extreme danger. The teenager turned his head to look in the direction of the people from the flames, and the alarm bell rang in his heart: "There... there are people coming over there! Very strong, very strong!"

The situation has not changed, it is still deadlocked, but the battle scene is more chaotic.

Ian's eyes widened, and Master Gosse and Isengard raised their heads with awe. The old man also sensed something was wrong in the distance, while the young man was just a simple bloodline warning that alerted him.

"and many more!"

However, Master Gesai noticed something. He raised his head and looked at the rock above his head. He couldn't help but lower his voice and said, "Biwu Bishop is suppressing the battlefield and leaving the rift here!"

And the mist that followed was mixed with blue and purple, it was obvious that the peak of the second energy level, the distance from the third energy level, was really a matter of a bottle of potion!

In the final analysis, his purpose is to find Yisen... Whether it is to abolish the potential of the opponent, so that the opponent can only stay in this Nanling town, or kill him, and then he is also killed by Ayers or Teacher Gosey Kill...he had to choose one to do.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is losing ground. After opening the Anhua sub-strain, Patrick can actually confront Bishop Baiwu head-on, and even suppress the opponent with the diversity of abilities, but he does not really I plan to die with the bishop Huaiguang in the underground ruins.

"More than one! It's two - who is Patrick fighting? He activated the Aether and was suppressed?!"

All in all, it's fairly evenly matched.

"But I'm still fighting you now..."

For Ian and others, the fact that Patrick and Bishop White Mist came to the battlefield really made things more complicated.

Master Gosse was in high spirits. Although the main target was the female worm, in fact, he knew very well that all the beasts were the enemies of their human beings-don't look at the fact that the crystal dragon came to attack the female worm temporarily to help them, but this It doesn't mean they are friends.

- Are you still fighting with me? Then I will stop playing!

"It's Bishop Baiwu!"

Ian was right, he had no choice but to look ahead because of half-hearted determination.

If I have to say, his inheritance potential is at least the fourth energy level.

Bishop Bai Wu could only pause, and he also punched the giant golden centipede on the way. The slight shock sank into the inside of the giant weapon, causing the ruined giant soldier to be paralyzed in place for several seconds before slowly getting up.

He seemed to be fighting someone, and he came all the way here, being suppressed and a little embarrassed.

The old man's height is not as high as Patrick's, not to mention that the other party is also wearing Anhuazi.

Bishop White Mist's tone was very flat, he didn't have any mood swings because of Patrick's remarks, but he still had a fearless aura: "You're right, among the beasts fighting in front of you, some One end should be the target of my operation, and when I see it, I will deal with it."

But just now, a dark purple fog suddenly appeared, and another dark purple fog overlapped with it... This is obviously Patrick and the Aether Armed Dark Flower.

Their appearance even made the crystal dragon, the giant eel and the brain-devouring worm, who were fighting fiercely, hesitate for a moment, but the result was quite surprising—the two integrated into the battlefield quite smoothly.

"It has nothing to do with Viscount Grant."

He was beaten and retreated.

The old man kept talking, and kept his hands. With a set of exquisite boxing techniques and hard hand armor, he forced Patrick, who was holding the sword, half a step back, and then knocked him flying: "Patrick, you are suspected of murdering your nephew. , I, as a member of the Setal Empire with law enforcement powers, should abide by local laws and bring you to justice."

The man said timidly: "The monsters over there are fighting fiercely. Are you sure you will not deal with those problems, but focus on making trouble for me?"

Fortunately, after the next recovery, the more ferocious giant golden centipede solved their problem.

It seems that Bishop Baiwu came here this time to exterminate the brain-devouring female worm and suppress the crystal dragon. He seems to have known about the existence of these two giant beasts. an extremely powerful creature.

After getting rid of the giant eel, the blond nobleman has been trying to trace the source of the brain-devouring worm.

Just as Ethangard could see that the Brain Eater was beneficial to the Light-Eating Dragon, he could also see that, so he planned to go to its mother's nest to see what had cultivated this wonderful and vicious creature. monster.

In a cloud of smoke, Patrick, who thought he would not be in too much danger and other opponents in the ruins, encountered an opponent who could completely suppress him.

But the figure just raised his hand, only to hear a metallic tremor of 'dang', and Patrick's rapier was actually shaken away.

"Do not!"

When the female worm is defeated, let's see if the crystal dragon will lift their ashes along the tail.

"This feeling..."

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