Above The Sky

Chapter 278 Shark Mouth Wide Open (13)

The words are divided into two parts, and Isengard is actually quite calm here.

After receiving Ian's prompt, Isengard, who decisively went to the reinforcements, did not think that Ian simply wanted to let him leave so that he could exchange some secret information with Patrick.

After he returned to the team, he immediately discussed with Master Gosey how to deal with his uncle.

A second-level powerhouse, even if he can't use the breeding equipment, is a threat to everyone - but this team really wants to block, and it's not unstoppable, so don't panic too much.

After all, even if Master Gosser's strength is declining now, he still has some backup means, plus the team has alchemy artillery, defending the narrow area is not a problem.

On the contrary, the pirates have to deal with their former bosses after fighting the bugs and ape beasts, which is a bit too fast for daily changes... But they are also used to the boss defaulting on their bills or wanting to deal with their black gloves. Not bad.

After that, the two assembled a team and sent scouts to observe the situation ahead.

Isengard did not choose to stay in the mural passage, but chose a narrow fork that is easy to defend and difficult to attack to set up positions and alchemy artillery, ready to deal with his uncle's next attack.

Compared with Isengard's anxiety, Master Gosse has full confidence in Ian. He does not think that Ian can defeat Patrick, but he also does not think that Patrick can do anything to Ian. The fight between the two sides will definitely last for some time. , and Ian wants to go, Patrick must not be able to stay.

As an older generation who had seen the battle of the First Knight, Master Gosse had such confidence in Hilliard's disciple.

However, the information sent back by the scouts made the people who were waiting in the array bewildered.

They did see the traces of the battle, but they also found traces of the giant beast passing by in the sacrificial ground... The two people who were fighting before seemed to be taken away by the giant beast.

It may not be taken away, but actively changed the battlefield.

Either way, they lost their chance to track Ian and Patrick.

In order to prepare for the possible impact of huge monsters, Isengard had to lead the entire team to a cave with two entrances, one large and one small, to be repaired.

The rock formation of this cave is very hard, and there is an underground lake in the center. It looks wide, but it is actually very shallow. If the giant monster wants to enter and attack the place from the big hole, it will be very severely bound, and the group Can be evacuated from small holes.

But after waiting for a long time, they did not wait for any possible attack.

There are many pure white blind fish without eyes in the underground lake. The texture is quite hard. When you grab it, there is a small layer of enamel calcium armor on the body, which is like a fish-shaped jade pendant.

After being identified by Master Gosser, he determined that this blind fish should have a fairly close relationship with the more common 'stone armored fish' in the South China Sea, and the enamel scales on its surface are very similar to the iron-bone swordfish. resemblance.

Because everyone was hungry for a long time, after confirming that the blind fish was not poisonous, they immediately started to light the fire.

After peeling off the rock carapace, the meat of the blind fish is very strong. After being roasted, it has a chewy texture. Although it has no taste, it has a very obvious sweetness after chewing for a long time.

Everyone had a full meal, but Esengard was still not used to eating this kind of 'real food', so he still took a bottle of physical strength medicine.

"Without Ian, it would be really hard for us to find our way to the outside world."

On the side of the temporary camp, the blond boy talked to his teacher, his expression was a little urgent: "And no matter how strong Ian is, he can't really beat his uncle - we have to find him as soon as possible, and we can only work together. A chance to defeat your uncle!"

His speculation is not wrong, even Ian himself will not deny that Patrick is indeed not an opponent that can be easily defeated.

"Still in a hurry, Ethan."

Master Gosse stroked his beard, and he pondered: "Ian came to this ruins, obviously with a purpose, and this purpose he doesn't want us to know... Or rather, he doesn't want us who are 'out of control' people know."

"Kid, I know you're worried about Ian's safety, but have you ever thought that it would be more dangerous for him to be with us and take care of the safety of such a large group of people?"

Raising his head, the old man patted the ignorant young man's head, and he smiled and said, "According to my guess... Ian can find us at any time if he wants to. Otherwise, he can't."

"He is such a person who likes to take the initiative in his own hands. If you really want to help the other party, you don't have to make any excuses that are good for the team, just keep yourself safe."

Master Gosse's confidence in Ian originated from Hilliard.

He believes that Hilliard must know the situation of the South China Sea Relics Group, so he also believes that Ian knows, which can also explain why Ian has been able to choose the right path along the way.

It's definitely not just luck... It should be the information left by the late emperor and the first knight.

And the purpose that the other party doesn't want them to know may be the mission inherited from Ian.

Of course, that's not the case, but the results are surprisingly relevant.

At this moment, there was a commotion from the outer team.

"Wait, everyone, get up! Look at these fish!"

When the prospectors and pirates heard the warning from the guards ahead, they all finished their repairs, and looked nervously in the direction of the warning, but saw an incredible scene.

In the underground lake that originally had a large number of blind white fish, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared. The dense black strange fish rushed down the river, and its momentum was so great that it was like an army.

This strange fish has a long bulge on its head, which seems to be a metal spear, and in the face of the intruder, the white blind fish immediately began to form a formation to hedge against the group of black strange fish.

Don't look at the fact that these white blind fish did not cause any trouble when they were caught before. After all, both prospectors and pirates are veterans living in the sea all year round. They have caught fish that are several times fiercer than them, so they are naturally fearless.

But when faced with other similar species, these blind white fish are surprisingly strong. When forming a fish array, the enamel carapace of the fish even lights up with dots of white fluorescence, making their scales even harder.

The black horned fish did not give in too much. After they formed a fish formation, the metal horns above their heads also shone with the halo of Originium.

For a time, the black and white fish array lit up at the same time, making the small underground lake in the dim cave seem to become a dazzling galaxy, with countless stars circulating.

And in this breath-taking spectacle, the two schools of fish started to fight like no one else.

Everyone, including Essengard and Master Gossey, held their breaths, watching this unimaginable scene—two schools of fish that could form a formation, allowing the group to temporarily use the body's essentia to collide with each other. The black horned fish penetrated the scales of the white blind fish, and sometimes the white blind fish bit the scales of the black horned fish.

Blood overflowed the lake, and the pale yellow fish blood filled the originally clear underground lake, exuding a strong iron smell.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed people discovered that the shoal of fish was changing.

In the group of fish, after eating the flesh of each other, some of the strong big fish gradually turned their bodies into gray-white that intersected black and white, and their original carapaces began to fall off gradually, revealing strange flesh and blood that glowed with dots of fluorescence at the bottom.

This kind of big fish is protected by the fish array at the very center, and when they end their transformation, the seemingly crystal clear, fluorescent flesh and blood is also completely hardened, turning into a layer of metal plating that emits silver light - silver The whole body of the big fish seems to be cast from some kind of high-quality alloy, which greatly increases its hardness and strength.

Whether it is black or white, the final transformation is exactly the same, a huge metal fish with a single silver horn.

"This is a monster!"

An elf pirate exclaimed: "Although not all of them are monsters, the fish king of this big silver fish is definitely a monster that can reach the first energy level - it looks like a silver scale marlin, but It's more primitive, and it's much bigger than the average silver scale marlin..."

"Is this a labyrinth species?" Isengard also felt very magical. He had already seen that the black and white fish was essentially a differentiation of fish, each with different abilities, but they were not complete, only each other. Only after eating each other's flesh and blood can they wake up the originally silent bloodlines of both parties, and finally transform into the silver scale marlin they saw.

Perhaps, the silver scale marlin is the descendant of this big silver fish, but in a long time, there is a branch mutation, which can awaken the blood without swallowing the flesh and blood of each other, but such blood has not completed the process of transformation, so the body shape is also different. It will be smaller than this silver-scaled big fish.

The black and white fish arrays have become sparser a lot. Under the confrontation between the big silver fishes that have transformed from both sides, the black fish group reluctantly retreated—they did not capture this underground lake, and could only continue to let the white fish shoal. Occupy this excellent breeding ground.

"The competition in nature is cruel."

The blond boy wanted to feel this way, but he was actually a little depressed, because the scene of cannibalism reminded him of the internal battle between himself and the imperial nobles... But soon, this gloomy thought was dispelled .

Because of a familiar voice, it sounded at the entrance of the cave.

"Huh? Silver scale fish? There is still food delivered to the door."

The voice sounded quite surprised, and he said with a smile: "Shark, go eat, these fish are great supplements for you."

"After eating these fish, your injury can not only recover, but also greatly help you to advance to the second energy level in the future."

After the words were finished, there was a very exciting 'Ooh! ’ sound, a huge shadow that also flashed silver light all over the body, just like this galloping from the river!

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