Above The Sky

Chapter 277 Brain Devouring Mother Worm Nest (33, W Word Update!)

"Mr. Guide? Are you all right?"

"In addition, the furnace core has been partially dissolved, the cooling water is polluted, but no one has repaired it. The system is stuck, and it can neither be turned on, nor turned off, or even cooled!"

All in all, Andor has been staring at the boy's expression nervously.

Then, he opened his eyes and said calmly: "Let's go, find Shasha, my purpose has been completed."

"Just because, I also believe in the future."

"Check the heat dissipation of the power source and the cooling system of the base."

"Detailed self-check!"

Andor thought that Ian brought himself here to test how to connect this relic interaction system!

——The Prophet does not need actual operation, he can carry out the reverse sequence experiment and trial and error!

After giving this order, Ian waited for a while.

At this moment, Andor's voice sounded.

[Please grant the forced connection permission]

Thousands of years have flown by, no matter how big the turmoil stirred up here in the past, and how many people sacrificed impassively to fight against the unprecedented enemy, this relic will eventually return to silence, just like the ups and downs of the tide.

However, Ian is also very clear that this must be what the Great Elder did in the first place... He must have tampered with and destroyed the system, otherwise, this non-abnormal conclusion will not appear.

"Actually, for such a super-large unmanned base, the dissolution of several furnace cores does not affect the continued operation of other power units, and the polluted cooling water can still be cooled, anyway, no one... But the process is stuck, so that The heat continued to accumulate and even spread to other power groups, causing anomalies."


At this moment, this group of people is advancing little by little towards the central square, where the lower two floors are one of the main roads leading directly to the sacrificial land.

"It's time to go back and solve all problems completely."

[—Warning, warning! ——]

There are even legends that some powerful adventurers defeated the monsters and guardian puppets all the way, and finally reached the center of the labyrinth. The master of the labyrinth, guarding the labyrinth from generation to generation.

It is rare for Ian to be so malicious to a group of people, which is a novel experience.

This difference made him terrified - what was the ineffable thing he saw that made this strong and over-the-top genius of Bai Zhimin show such and such, even a hint of despair?

But then, he saw that Ian's expression gradually changed from excitement and anticipation to the expression that is now like ice.

It's like a prison in heaven.

The expedition team from Flying Flames retreated all the way since they failed to pursue Ian and others in the Giant Fungus Cave. They lost several soldiers and a monk from the Spiritual Artifact Church. Now the situation looks rather miserable.

Soon, Ian, who used the silver chip to record all the maps, found his current location 'the central control room' and the 'quick transfer channel' where Yisen and Master Gosey were before.

But this conjecture also has loopholes, because if something really wraps the entire star field from the Oort cloud, then the disappearance of the starry sky should be very regular and orderly, but this is not the case.

"I hope you don't die too fast, and have the power to realize your own rhetoric."

But this happens all the time!


"If this is the case, then the existence of the ability to create such a cosmic wonder can't be resisted by anyone and civilization?"

Leaving the previous glimmer of despair behind, Ian decided to stop thinking about it.

"The cooling system with a vacancy rate of 73% plus abnormal heat dissipation, what is normal? There is also this base full of parasites, which is basically a case full of cockroaches, and there is a dragon and a giant in your cooling warehouse. The corpse of the moth, is this still abnormal?!"

With such an order, Ian showed no mercy in his heart: "Prepare a passage for them directly to the water-cooled interchange area-since they are here to investigate the ruins, and they say they will destroy them if they can't... I will give you a chance to destroy the ruins nest. "

Then, sure enough.

Of course, it is also possible that two events happened at the same time... The entire Terra Star Region is being wrapped, and at the same time, the distant stars are also imprisoned by the Star Prison, which is why the current situation is caused.

Could it be that...they can no longer leave this ruin and go to the surface? !

Commanding the central control room, Ian quickly got the answers he needed.

In the eyes of the boy, there was a huge amount of data light flow up and down. Ian, who used the silver chip to record most of the valuable information in the Sequoia Base, closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, as if he was experiencing the feeling of gathering a lot of information. .

The pirate captain nodded yes, and Ian prepared to leave the control room.

He raised his head and his eyes flashed: "It's a worm nest!"

In fact, Ian has already done it, but in the future that predicts the future.

Basically, the main control center of Sequoia Base also controls the system of the entire relic cluster. Ian even saw that some sensing devices still exist, but the area that has been occupied by demon beasts is marked as 'third-level biochemical pollution'.

Otherwise, the spherical star map of the entire star field will not gradually dim at the same rhythm... But why is Terra in the center?

Soon, the results of the detailed self-examination will come out.

All one can do is to strengthen faith and face all this head-on.

"Base map!" Without any hesitation, Ian immediately called up the base map from the base system.

Metal-based life needs high heat... Brain-eating worms need running water to reproduce in large numbers... Sequoia Base is originally a research base for alien ecosystems dominated by metal-based life... The original body of the brain-eating worm is a symbiotic brain slug via The psionic life transformed by the elder Sequoia’s artificial reincarnation can communicate with and erode most living things through neural electrical signals and psionic energy…

Of course, this legend is too exaggerated. If nothing else, it is obviously impossible to live forever.

That's why Ian didn't deny that there might be some kind of barrier blocking the entire star field until the end.

The disappearance of the stars is the left one, and the other one. Obviously, the distant stars disappeared first, and then the light could not shine on Terra.

The original name of the sacrificial place, 'Temporary Transfer Center', was also displayed in Ian's eyes.

And now, it is just the wheel of the times, and it happens to be on him.

"and many more……"

【No abnormality】

And, to be honest, whether it is interstellar dust or cosmic natural disasters, there is actually a doubt... that is, according to their statement, Terra should be the center of this dust zone and destruction zone.

After speaking, the young man turned his head, his figure was hidden in the light of the crystal passage, and the door of the main control room behind him slowly closed.

It is because there is no danger and there are many benefits, so he will go on his own.

Because there are some problems that only people can handle.

Ian also saw a special red logo.

"This is the origin of the great storm, the anomaly of the ruins!"


"Grant mandatory connection permission to start the cooling process of the core energy furnace."

At the gate of the Crystal Road, Andor waited patiently for a long time.

He is on a new journey.

The most taboo thing for human beings is unprovoked arrogance. The destruction in the universe has never had anything to do with who is who. There must be a reason behind this.

Although Andor is a pirate, he is actually quite concerned about the information about the labyrinth. After all, in the Terra Continent, there are too many news that he has become a powerhouse because of the labyrinth, and he has become the sublimator of all informal inheritances. chance to fight.

As a maintenance engineer in his previous life, Ian knew that this is why there were many auxiliary maintenance AIs on colonial rockets back then, but he still needed an engineer who was not very important at all.

Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, whether the destruction in the starry sky is about to fall on Terra - no matter whether his guess is right or wrong, for the current self, all this is meaningless.

"The interaction port of the water-cooling layer is blocked, so the solid cladding, liquid cladding and other breeding structures cannot be cooled. Only emergency forced heat dissipation can be activated, instead of using heat to generate electricity, the heat is directly exposed to In the sea... this is the truth of the South China Sea storm."

[It is detected that the heat dissipation data does not match the cooling system operation data, and the system self-test is carried out... The test is successful! 】

------off topic-----

Ian also checked the base’s work log on the cooling system with the highest management authority. He did see that the Sequoia Base had been activated several times for emergency treatment, but it still failed to operate successfully – the facilities at the interactive interface And the lens has been completely destroyed, the slightest bit of the situation is invisible, and it is completely impossible to deal with.

If it is said that the old Sequoia elder, in order to allow the brain-devouring worm to have the ability to survive independently and maintain his immortality as low as possible, he used the technology of the Sequoia Base to carry out the relevant life form transformation on the brain-devouring worm...

Slowly thinking about the next action plan, Ian couldn't help but have a question in his mind: "The water in the water-cooling layer generally needs to be recycled. After all, there are too many impurities in seawater, so it cannot be used for direct power generation. To really use seawater, there must be another problem. A set of distillation purification process..."

With all the information coming together, Ian muttered: "I know what's blocking the water change..."

"I'll finish it off."

Shaking his head slightly, after satisfying his curiosity, Ian should also face the real problem.

[The cooling system cannot communicate with the furnace core for heat dissipation - Warning - the cooling system cannot communicate with the furnace core for heat dissipation]

Possibly, the automatic repair handling tool was also destroyed, making self-repair impossible at all.

Such a huge red letter warning flashed three times in front of Ian's eyes, but it made the boy heave a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, I said there was a problem."

In the past 1600 years, many passages and areas have changed, but as long as the original map exists, Ian can compare some of the ruins maps he has recorded so far to determine where to go and where to go.

Although the name carries Xiuxian, it is a real revolutionary story. It is a red Shuangwen that is completely different from other Shuangwen Shuangwen.

"Sure enough." The young man sighed: "I knew it wasn't that simple—if it really had to be that simple, the base automatic control system would have finished processing it long ago."

[Unknown intruder detected]

When the pirate captain saw that Ian dared to directly connect the data cable of the ruins, what flashed in his mind was, 'How dare he be so bold? ! ’ and ‘Hey, didn’t you arrest me for an experiment? ' Such a complex idea.

Recommend a friend's ending book! "Please Don't Disturb My Immortal Cultivation" by Shanchuan Buchan

Ian concentrated his energy, mobilized the information, observed the situation, and then understood: "It's the expedition team from the flying flames."

"Close the b-32 channel, open the h-17 entrance and exit, empty the water in the h-55 underwater channel, and float the pipeline."

Andor's voice woke Ian from his thoughts.

Ian suddenly thought of the artificial river surrounding the sacrifice ground...and the river of parasites that he saw when he entered the cave area.

In the legends that have been circulated among adventurers, there are many cases where sublimators thought they could master the labyrinth, but were killed by the self-discipline facility inside the labyrinth.

[The heat dissipation of the power source of the base: extremely dangerous! No. 1~7 furnace cores cannot dissipate heat normally, No. 11~15 furnace cores are on the verge of dissolving, and the fuel rods have been in contact with the cooling water! Please immediately clear all people and creatures in the surrounding waters, start the emergency natural heat dissipation process, and dispatch maintenance engineering equipment for emergency maintenance! 】

The mine-hunting jellyfish with the strongest neural signal is also one of the research results of the Sequoia Base...

Ian gave a stern order, and he was irritated by the word "no abnormality" - the most annoying thing for a maintenance engineer is to know that there are a lot of problems in the project itself, and then the system self-check tells you that there is no abnormality... This is a bit of a touch. Yes.

However, what is blocking the water cooling interface?

But in general, the sublime as the main body did not suffer much loss, so the core combat power was maintained.

He reacted, knowing that his previous expression revealed true emotions, and he could understand Andor's worries, so the boy sighed and replied, "It's nothing, don't worry."

"I just... feel that this ruin is too oppressive, too dark and dull."

[Abnormal Unicom - The water-cooling cladding interface of the second and third circuits of the 11~15 power group is blocked by an unknown structure! Forced connection cannot be made! 】


Until Ian gets up and unplugs the data cable from the back of his neck.

"Not to mention that the heart of the furnace is on the verge of dissolving, and the fuel rods are in contact with the cooling water. Isn't this the diffusion of polluting radioactive substances?! Why is this normal?!"

Ian thought about it and decided to show them a way.

Before leaving, the teenager turned his head and looked at the bones of the five elders behind him.

Ian blinked. He was sure that what he saw was normal and not a danger warning, and immediately wondered: "This is also normal? What are you kidding? How many reasons?"

[Condition of cooling system: good operation, vacancy rate 73%]

"It's the parent worm's nest of the brain-devouring worm!"

Ian spoke calmly, facing the phantom a thousand years ago, and also to himself: "Not for you, nor for myself."

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