Above The Sky

Chapter 272 Central Control Area (13)

"It's so beautiful, with clouds and mist, and crystal light as the way, it's really like a fairyland."

Ian looked around the Crystal Creature Museum in front of him. He retracted his gaze, full of surprise and satisfaction: "These crystals have been meticulously carved and impurities removed, and the artistic level of the pre-epoch civilization is also very high!"


And with Andor's cultural level, he can only sigh with emotion: "He's really big!"

Ian didn't stop. Although the museum is good, he couldn't waste time. He just used silver chips to store all what he saw and heard for later appreciation when he had time.

However, on the way, he suddenly stopped.

A kind of familiarity, just like the illusion of six years ago.

"—Is it really coming? Visions during psychic progress..."

Ian was not surprised, he was even a little fortunate in his heart: "At least not when he was fighting Patrick."

In the flash of vision, Ian seemed to have seen many visions from ancient times.

He saw that in the ancient sea, huge waves were churning, and giant beasts that made the sea and sky sing were fighting each other. Giant eels were entangled in a huge giant whale. .

He saw that under the blue sky, among the yellow sand, ancient crocodiles were digging their nests in the depths of the sand. They built their own cities and traffic passages under the wet desert, and fought against the highly poisonous scorpion spiders and panthers. Crabs, and compete with prehistoric burrowers for dominance of the underground.

He also saw that the endless jellyfish groups in the sea were gathering, turning into a faint blue water cloud composed of fluorescent light, and thunder light was flowing between each individual, with a dazzling, dangerous but beautiful aura.

One by one, images from the "past" flooded into Ian's mind.

But today's youth are not the children of yesteryear.

He just closed his eyes, shook his body slightly, and then accepted all the visions.

"My psychic upgrade conditions, what I know so far is to see more things I don't know, but isn't the direction of this progress a prophecy?"

On the surface, Ian continued to walk forward like a normal person. Even Andor thought at best that the other party was shocked by such a magnificent sight. This is not a strange thing.

But he smelled something unusual.

His psionic power is an unquestionable prophetic system, capable of predicting future trends, knowing the trend of possibilities, and providing timely feedback and self-correction. Such psionic power is extremely rare even among prophets.

But just now, what he saw didn't seem to be a prophet?

Instead, it's... an image of the past.

"Can I gaze at the past, the future... and the present?"

"To, Mr. Guide..."

At this moment, Ian heard Andor's fearful voice: "Your eyes..."

"Huh?" The boy turned his head and looked at Andor, who wanted to remind him.

From the perspective of the pirate captain, in the eyes of the white-haired boy who is slightly lower than him, there are layers of water halos that are almost substantive, and they are extremely deep, just like two bottomless dark circles. Deep pool of light.

And in this clear but bottomless gaze, it seemed as if some behemoth was spinning - it was a gear, an endless ring.

The past and the future twirl...

At this moment, he even had the illusion that he was completely seen through, and that the past and the future were all reflected in the eyes of the other party.

Not even an illusion.

The moment Ian turned his head and looked at Andor, he already knew the past of the person in front of him.

The dark green long-haired elf stared blankly at the boy of Bai Zhimin in front of him, while the boy stared at the other party's eyes, but one by one, the other party's past almost appeared in his mind.

——The birth of a coastal fishing village, a quiet and peaceful childhood.

The father who was recruited by Canaan Moore and never returned; the mother who supported the family alone, but died with her sister in a plague.

Because the front line is moderate, the hometown with preferential policies has been lost; the villagers who are so poor that they can only go to the big cities to sell themselves.

He was looted while fishing, forced to become a pirate, and struggled to survive; he was able to eat by accident, and his friends who were honestly working in their hometown died of heavy taxation and exploitation.

And finally... Killing the previous captain, and becoming the captain himself, he faces the security.

"Damn it, I became a pirate and robbed merchant ships every day to oppose the Canaan Moore official, but I was recruited with a lot of money. My best friend listened to the federation and stayed in his hometown to fish peacefully, but in the end he could only live alive. Starved to death?! He is a fisherman, how could he be starved to death?!"

"Why, why is it that a vicious pirate like me can have enough to eat, and why can my father and mother who have been upright all their lives have to die inexplicably?!"

Ian could still hear the deepest emotion in Andor's heart, the unforgettable anger.

He didn't accept the recruiting, he still worked as his own pirate in the South China Sea, and occasionally took over the private affairs of federal parliamentarians and wealthy nobles - after that night's rage, he didn't bother to be angry anymore.

Anyway, he doesn't have other relatives or other children, he can live alone, and the others... don't bother to think.

This world is not worth angering, isn't it good to enjoy it more?

"...Looks like it's more than just an empire."

After withdrawing his eyes and ending the vision horizon, the psionic brilliance in Ian's eyes gradually dimmed, and he was able to roughly control his gradually improving psionic power.

The teenager shook his head slightly, quite helpless: "The entire Terra Continent seems to be generally bad."

"Just with the productivity of ordinary people in Terra and the abundance of resources, this can make people starve to death. Did Canaan Moore and Canaan King Court fight so fiercely at the beginning? Isn't it really that the front line is tight and the rear is tight?"

"Even if there is extraordinary power, human desires are still ordinary, and even magnified by power."

There is not much time to think about these aspects, because the long crystal passage has come to an end.

Ahead is another metal door.

Ian was still thinking about whether he needed to use the physical opening method again, but he never thought about it. A fluorescent light flashed and the metal door opened automatically.

A metallic silver light was reflected in the youth's water-colored eyes, and a slightly icy wind blew from the other side of the door, causing his long hair on the temples to fly.

The light from the crystal passage poured into the main hall at the entrance, illuminating it with transparency.

Bright colors trickle into the working instruments and screens, making everything look a little distorted, like an overexposed photo.

But it's real.


Taking a deep breath, Ian wondered if it was his psionic power or sheer luck that had guided him here.

But he did come.

Has come to the 'central control area'.

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