Above The Sky

Chapter 271 Crystal Dream (1110, 3W Word Update Today!)

"Oh, not bad."

Taking the crystal plate, Ian's eyes flashed with a silver halo.

He doesn't care about the evidence of guilt or not. Anyway, it is Isengard and the others who really need to care about these things, and it is estimated that he can get a lot of clues from it.

But for him, the young man discovered that in this crystal plate, there are a large number of inscription crystal structures with extremely precise structures... or, in other words, an integrated inscription group!

"This level of processing finesse is already very impressive..."

Closing his eyes, he scanned the overall structure of the communication crystal board in his mind, and when he opened his eyes again, Ian had already smiled: "It's a good thing, although it's a bit difficult to reproduce, but I already fully understand its principle."

"Speaking of which, Terra Continent should have no patents, right? Very good, it will be much more convenient in the future."

It is basically impossible for ordinary technicians to pick up other products and scan them to obtain their internal structure and design information, not to mention that some key components cannot be disassembled at all, they will self-disintegrate once disassembled. Grind and guess slowly, side by side.

The material is also a big problem. The formula of the alloy is unknown, and the ratio is not clear. Even knowing the design process and specific design drawings is meaningless.

It's a matter of hard power, and the accumulation of time.

But the silver chip is really a replicating tool. Not long after Ian took the communication crystal board, he already knew all the design ideas, the integrated inscription group and the material ratio. A detailed design drawing has appeared in In my mind, all that is left is step by step, really rubbing out the various industrial chains in front.

He can even try to optimize it.

It's not easy to say, but compared to normal development, Ian's speed can be said to be flying.

After taking the crystal plate, Ian ignored Andor and walked to the river.

The elf pirate realized that he could survive, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground.

In the river, the shark just woke up.


Although the injuries in the body are still the same, and the various overload consumption caused by being chased by the giant eel has squeezed almost every trace of energy in this giant beast, simple actions are still possible.

I can't expect Shasha to continue fighting, but it's fine for mere action.

"Well done, amazing."

Ian was still a little sorry for Shasha, thinking to himself, he didn't do anything for Shasha, but the other party almost sacrificed his life for his idea.

There is no need to say rhetoric and promises, he just quietly stroked the top of the shark's head, transported the source essence, and adjusted the somewhat disordered source essence circulation in the other party's body.

"Let's go."

When the shark seemed to calm down, he got up and threw a spine that Andor had picked up in the corpse pile before: "This is a crutch, follow me if you want, but I won't protect you. Live or die."

"Yes Yes!"

The pirate captain agreed with all his might. He is the inheritance of the ghost jellyfish, and the disability is not particularly concerned. The lack of a leg will always grow slowly, but the problem is that this ruin will definitely not give him time.

Being able to follow Ian, even if the other party won't protect him, is better than wandering around in this ancient ruins alone - maybe his brain will be eaten by parasites!

So Ian walked ahead, followed by sharks in the channel, and crippled elves limping along on the bank.

They came to the decayed metal door.

Before Andor noticed the Aberrant corpse on the ground, Ian glanced at the other side, and pressed his palm against the metal door.


The white and slender fingers actually pressed directly into the metal, forming a deep depression.

And just like this silently and vigorously, the metal door collapsed suddenly and fell back heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the bright crystal passage behind it was revealed!

Behind the metal gate, there is a group of bright crystals.

The light blue crystal ore layers are interlaced and overlapped, and bright fluorescence is released from an unknown place in the depths of the earth. Finally, after millions of times of refraction and convergence, it forms a long channel that seems to be composed of pure light. .

For a moment, even Ian was stunned for a moment, but soon, he stepped forward with anticipation.

It was already the limit when Shasha arrived around the maintenance hut, and there was no river going up, so the teenager comforted the other party to rest here, and the pirate Andor also chose to stay here.

"Some things I'd rather not know."

With a bitter face, the elf sighed for a long time. He was a mercenary who didn't intend to know too much, so he just completed his mission and was done with a knife - but now, some of the secret information inside the Ellen family has been known. If he doesn't give up all his delusions and follow Isengard's side, he will be silenced no matter what.

At least, Isengard's side still needs him as a witness, but everyone else wants him to die!

But Ian refused: "You have to come with me."

The little fairy, Frost Butterfly, is lying on top of his head most of the time, and can be used as a medium for prediction during battle, but if it is an exploration with many possibilities, it still needs a medium that can be thrown out at critical moments to maximize prediction. the power of.

So Ian took Andor, leaning on a bone crutch, and moved forward under the watchful eye of Shark.

The huge natural crystal vein even formed a super-giant crystal cavity several hundred meters long. After being trimmed by the civilization of the previous era, it became a flashing channel that seemed to be surrounded by gems.

On both sides of the passage, there are rows of fine inscriptions, which are structures that reinforce, maintain stability and emit light. Behind the crystal passage, there are various strange fossils and specimens of paleontology, which are displayed in the crystal in turn. Surrounded by light, it is lifelike, as if it has been stagnant here since ancient times, until now.

And Ian, even from these ancient creatures, found some prototypes of today's Warcraft!

[Elugal giant eel - 140 million years ago in prehistory, a super-giant predator that was active around the polar regions, is the common ancestor of today's three giant eel branches, and some of its descendants evolved to be able to live on land Sand sea snake eel in action in the sand sea]

[Ancient crocodiles - 200 million years ago in prehistoric times, reptiles that were active in the moist rain forests of all the swamp areas of the primitive continent. They were the earliest gregarious crocodiles that would dig holes in groups to build collective nests. The 'hard' bones on their skeletons The inscription is one of the origins of the ancient dwarf inscription literature. The largest known individual is twelve meters long, and the outer scales are expected to resist artillery attacks]

[Thousands of jellyfish - 450 million years ago in prehistory, jellyfish widely existed all over the world, because the structure is too simple, thousands of jellyfish can combine hundreds of thousands of individuals into a giant individual, with the original cluster life characteristics, Is an excellent cluster psionic research object]

Below the inscriptions on the wall, there are dense introductions and explanations, explaining the origin and origin of these lives, and why they were selected and placed here.

The body length of the giant eel was more than forty meters, and the ancient crocodile was also more than ten meters. The thousand jellyfish after that were so huge that Ian raised his head. With an ancient and wild atmosphere.

These specimens are so huge that when standing under this magnificent crystal museum, one really feels that people are as small as ants, and time is like flowing clouds, which does not detract from the majesty and solemnity of these giants.

In fact, it is indeed so - because the ecological research of the Sequoia Base, the giant eel, the marsh crocodile dragon and the mine-hunting jellyfish are evidence that these ancient creatures were reborn in this era.

Fantastic and magnificent.

------off topic-----

3w word update today! The Labyrinth of the South Sea Ruins is coming to an end

Not to mention asking for a monthly pass, I believe everyone will vote if they are happy to see it!

After staying up late to write here, I went to bed first.

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