Above The Sky

Chapter 240 Alien Giant Mushroom (23)

Below the giant mushroom is a swamp crocodile dragon as a carrier of action. At first glance, it looks a bit like a tortoise with a smaller tortoise shell, but the tortoise shell is a large mushroom.

This cave swamp crocodile dragon is different from their counterparts in the redwood forest. The tail is only more than three meters long, and the body is a little thin, but the scales on the body are made of metal, reflecting the spirit in Ian's eyes. Can shine, appear dark and ominous.

The cave crocodile dragon carrying the giant mushroom was extremely slow, and it was not as violent as its counterparts on land. After noticing that Ian and others did not make any offensive or warning moves, they continued to slowly approach the lake.

Ian didn't make a move. He took Isengard out of the way, and found that the other party did not care about them, but quietly came to the lake to drink water.

"It seems that the crocodile dragon is in a low temperature dormancy state... symbiotic or parasitic? It's a bit like Cordyceps sinensis... It's more like the Pylatx in the treasure x dream."

Ian is a little curious about the other's strange existence: but now is obviously not the time to study.

Avoiding the crocodile dragon, Ian and Ethan found a relatively dry place and put the old man down.

Master Gosse was well protected, and nothing happened, that is, Esengard was under too much anesthesia during the operation before, and he has not woken up yet.

Ian looked around the cave, then frowned.

Unlike the cave area, which is covered with psionic fluorescent light, there is no electric arc that flickers in the air from time to time to provide light. Although there is still a psionic field, it is biased towards the water type, so this place is cold and humid, almost invisible.

But there are a lot of cold light sources in the cave, which are the fluorescent light of some kind of creature. Ian didn't look at it seriously at first, but now, he found that the light source was a giant mushroom of different size.

These giant mushrooms are a kind of sublimation fungi. The largest giant mushrooms are even more than five meters high. There are obvious bumps on the umbrella cover, and those bumps are the sources of fluorescence, with glowing mucus flowing inside.

The peculiar scent that pervades the air is from these slimes, with a rather refreshing sweetness. .

"What kind of creature is this?"

He frowned slightly and leaned forward slightly, the boy's eyes lit up with silver brilliance.

Immediately, dense data flowed out.

[Obera Giant Golden Mushroom (Tara Alien Species)]

[First energy level, mature body, ordinary, symbiotic sub-intelligent creature, secondary low-intelligence creature in Obera star field, psionic network sub-strain]

【Body Material...Sublimated Mycelium...Metal-Based Life】

[Strength Level: Normal]

[Contained source quality: 22.2491 basic units]

[One of the main wild sublimation creatures of the third ecological planet of Obera, the ecological cycle of Obera star field must be a unit. The giant golden mushroom can move through the fusion and symbiosis method with other creatures, but after a period of time, it will use a special enzyme to gradually merge itself with the symbiote and become an immobile giant golden mushroom again]

[After the destruction of the Obera star field, after arriving in the Terra star field through the 'fire', it was transformed by local intelligent creatures, successfully adapted to the local ecology, and was retained as the experimental object of the 'metal-based ecosystem' and the 'psionic network' 】

[Now completely wild and localized]


"Teacher has really improved a lot... It's a pity that the regeneration potion cannot be used continuously, otherwise most of the teacher's injuries can be directly healed!"

At this moment, Isengard has completed the examination for Master Gosse - Ian's operation was successful. After all the lesions were excised and excavated, and after further killing by his blood, the parasites in the old man's body were basically completely eliminated.

Although Master Gosse hasn't woken up yet, he still can't help but want to report the good news to Ian who is in a daze beside the giant mushroom: "Ian... Ian?"

Then, he saw with some doubts that the white-haired boy who had been very calm along the way stared blankly at the giant mushroom in front of him, as if he was looking at something incredible.

After a while, he took a deep breath and whispered to himself, "What is it?"

- Alien creatures? !

at the same time.

The team in flames.

"...What do you mean, there is a Bai Zhimin who has been following us all the time, following in the footsteps of the vanguard, no one noticed, and suddenly shot when the vanguard was about to capture the young master of the Ellen family. The sneak attack collapsed the cave, then killed all of Gomonda and the others, and went deep into the cave at a speed that you couldn’t even track… ran away?”

Hearing the report of the scout, the captain took a deep breath, obviously wanting to get angry.

But he also knew very well that it was useless to get angry, so he forcibly suppressed his anger and said solemnly: "Okay. It seems that we still underestimate the group of Setar bastards."

He walked briskly along the cave, and the invisible gust of wind surrounded him.

The cave that blocked the footsteps of the Soldiers in the Flame Land was as if it did not exist in front of him. With the strong wind shaking and dust flying, a large hole in the shape of a human appeared in the middle of the stone pile - and the earth knight behind him hurried forward. , activating the source material to solidify this cave passage.

The captain came to the cave full of corpses. He looked around at the underground cave full of blood. Angrily, even the protruding organ on the forehead used to sense heat was shaking violently.

"very good."

He gritted his teeth and smashed the words one by one from the gap between his teeth: "I didn't expect to underestimate the white people - I thought it was just a wave chant and didn't need to care too much, but now it seems that he is actually the inheritance of the water demon, or Very high bloodline."

Turning around, he looked at the spiritual artifact church team that followed.

The captain of the squadron gave an order: "Find them."

The female cultivator shook her head and said, "This is not within the scope of cooperation."

"They have seriously threatened our exploration mission." The captain sneered: "I'm afraid you don't know that the white people are the new generation of sublimators that the local Viscount Grant has vigorously cultivated in recent years... I'm afraid it is his apprentice or illegitimate child or something. "

"He can get rid of our scouts so easily, which shows that he is very familiar with this place - the viscount in Harrison Harbor also has a part of the key in his hand, and he may have cracked some secrets of this group of ruins."

"Catch the white people and the young master of the Ellen family, and ask these secrets. This is definitely much faster than us wandering around in this cave area."

The female cultivator was silent for a while. She and the two watch knights who had been following her all looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"it is good."

Turning her head and looking at the brigade captain, the female cultivator continued to say in her synthetic voice, "We agree with your proposal. But we remind you that in the event of an emergency, our mission will be the priority."

"[Xenogeneic Ecosystem], [Ascension Test Site], [Tinder Prototype] or [Tinder Core Design Diagram]."

Saying this, the female monk's voice was once again filled with uncontrollable enthusiasm: "Everything related to these three things, please follow our orders first."

The captain took a few deep breaths.

"No problem." He calmed down and agreed, "So now?"

The friar nodded. So one of the watch knights behind her stepped forward and took off his helmet.

It was a strange head that had been completely mechanized, with only one huge crystal one-eyed on the entire head, which looked like a cyclops.

"Turn on the traceback mode."

The milky white and translucent crystal eye of the Watcher Knight released a strong light that shone into the cave—as soon as you could see it, a clearly visible footprint of light was derived from it, flying all the way to the depths of the cave.

[Human Juvenile Body] [Human Juvenile Body - Carrying Human Aged Body]

Click. The Cyclops-like Watcher knight put his airtight helmet back on.

And the female monk made a 'please' gesture to the captain.

"Let's go." Without any hesitation, the captain immediately led the team to keep up.

at the same time.

above the sea.

Elder Pude, who returned from Harrison Harbor in an etheric weapon, brought Viscount Grant a very bad news.

"Biwu Bishop entered the underground ruins alone?!"

Holding the four-color card key, the Viscount frowned and stared at the closed door of the ruins, as if he was thinking about a very serious question.

But the bad news brought by Elder Pude still made his head dizzy and felt unbelievable: "What's going on? This place is the secret mission of my family's guards, and it is also the four keys that I have collected! The late emperor personally gave us to us. A mission from the family!"

"Why do they all seem to know a lot about this underground ruins, but I don't know, I don't know anything?!"

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