Above The Sky

Chapter 239 Blood Of The Innocent (13)

"You are stronger than I thought. I thought you were a stupid young master from a wealthy family, but I didn't expect you to have a little backbone."

Although the conditions were harsh, the vision of vision faithfully played its role, and Ian flew all the way, without the slightest pause, with the two of Essengosser on the 'correct' road.

"Be careful." He clenched the long sword around his waist: "Prepare to fight, there are protists here."

In addition, he is still using his vision of vision with all his strength to observe the changes in the mist on Isengard's body beside him, and decide how he should walk in the corridor.

There seemed to be something quite large in the darkness slowly creeping towards them.

It must have long feet.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow came out of the corner.

But these are all trivial things. Anyway, he is a genius. Although this kind of thing is unbelievable, it is not impossible, so Ian just smiled: "To be honest, I have never forgotten it since I was a child. The inscription of the first energy level can be seen at a glance. remember."

At the bottom of the algae colony in this ice pool, there is a triangular outlet. Ian flows into the crack along the flow of water, and is a little surprised to find that there is a straight water channel with obvious artificial traces in front.

"...not guilt."

Carrying such doubts and speculations, Ian carried Master Gosse on his back and walked lightly.

With such doubts, along the straight waterway, Ian soon took Master Gosey and Ethan to the end of the waterway - another huge cave shrouded in hazy fluorescent light one after another.

It was a giant mushroom that was as tall as a person!

The temperature in the cave was very low, and it was unusually humid, and the air was filled with a strange fragrance.

Although the old man behind him had a peculiar touch of steel on his chest and abdomen, and his weight was much heavier than the average old man, for him, it was no different from a piece of wood.

"By the way, Ian, a little presumptuous."

Psionic creatures exist in the continent of Terra. Although they are rare, they are not mysterious.

He said seriously: "You are also innocent and have done nothing wrong, but you are still involved in the conspiracy."

Of course, just a giant mushroom won't move on its own.

This sentence made the blond boy silent and lost in thought.

"No, I'm just familiar with the inscriptions, so I used the source material in my body to simulate and re-engrave it."

"Cough cough..." In the blond boy's coughing sound, Ian suddenly raised his hand to signal the other party not to make a sound.

"...Do you really want to go in? This is a deep underground river, if you're not careful, you'll be lost forever!"

And in just a few breaths, Ian rode the fairy wings, crossed a straight river channel, and entered a larger underground cavity.

And Isengard's words continued: "They didn't do anything wrong, they just died because we were involved in the conspiracy around me... They didn't want to! They didn't do anything wrong..."

The cavity has been filled with water. In the scanning of the silver chip, the whole is a huge pool with a length and width of 300 to 400 meters and a depth of more than 70 meters.

——Sure enough, I just thought it was strange, can ordinary underground waterways be so straight?

Clenching his fists, Ian heard it for the first time. He has always seemed a little silly, and even a somewhat optimistic Isengard, would have such an unwilling and sad mood.

After hurriedly following behind Ian, Isengard said in a low voice after being silent for a while: "These fishermen, businessmen, did nothing, but because of the infighting of our Ellen family, they were affected and fell into this place. Parasitized by monsters and died."

Because Ian led him to an underground river.

In fact, Ian didn't want to comfort him, he just told the truth objectively - it's better for everyone to tell the truth at this time.

Not far from the shore, Ian took the two ashore and looked around.

Ian and Isengard looked at the underside of the giant mushroom, but they were both stunned.

The water temperature here is much cooler than elsewhere, near zero, but there are still some strange bryophyte algae growing on the bottom of the pool.

"The difference between you and them is that you are not dead yet."

After recovering a little, Isengard now has the time and experience to recall the previous battle.

"I'm not guilty, I'm just...I'm just angry."

"That seems to be the inscription effect of Qingchao's long sword? Have you met him? Is he... okay?"

He is indeed very confident in Ian, but he should still be afraid: "Is it really impossible to get lost?"

Looking at the dark waterway, injecting water breathing medicine for himself and the old man, although Isengard knew that this was the only option, he still swallowed.

"I'm still alive...I have to figure out why...I have to figure out the truth!"

And while Ian said, he stretched out his hand and pulled Isengard into the water: "I will never forget it."

After the conversation, Ian noticed Isengard's wide-eyed, shocked expression, and he knew how outrageous what he had done.

Indeed, inscriptions are also the basis for various sublimation techniques.

"No wonder...no wonder those inscription masters say that their standards for accepting apprentices are absolutely impossible for normal people to meet."

Ian thought of this possibility just now when he was ruling out the disease for Master Gosey... Yes, if the brain-devouring worms and the natives are inextricably linked, the method of integrating the natives and totem masters is an alternative. Parasitic, does the will of the sea of ​​trees have another reappearance in the ruins?

And just as Ian spoke, the sound of squirming in the corner of the cave came to an abrupt end.

And the white-haired boy poured cold water again: "Don't get too excited now, our situation is still very dangerous, and we will talk about these things after we go out."

"You're sympathizing with yourself." Ian nodded, interrupting Isengard's indignant statement: "Because essentially, these are just like you."

"Well." Isengard really calmed down this time, and he even smiled again: "I understand what you mean, Ian, thank you for your comfort."

"Don't worry, didn't I tell you."

Isengard can swim, but the turbulent underground currents around the ruins of the pre-era civilization are obviously not his domain - he can only hold Ian's arm tightly and try not to be thrown away as much as possible.

He was not surprised by Ian's fighting ability, after all, he had long known that this peer was indeed far better than himself in this regard.

"Swamp Crocodile Dragon?"

After a long time, when Ian quickly chose a fork in the cave for the fourth time and entered without hesitation, he suddenly realized and said to himself: "Yeah..."

Just like fairies and ghosts, they are a special kind of psionic creatures - goblins needless to say, when a person with psionic talent dies tragically in the violent emotional fluctuations that can awaken him, it may disturb the surrounding psionic field and become a A ghost that lives in a certain area and wanders in a special place.

"If you really feel empathy for those ordinary people, if you are really angry at the death of innocent people."

Qingchao is the code name of the sea-dwelling cruiser, and the sea-dwelling sword in his hand is the elite inscription sword that Ian has re-engraved in the inscription group with silver chips.

He was mainly curious about the skills Ian showed: "I seem to see, you used a 'water blade'?"

Soon, he had no time to be curious.

——Could it be that this is also the scope of the pre-epoch civilization relics, and this place is a large reservoir?

It would be better to say that the technology that natives domesticated wild beasts into war beasts, and even elephant soldiers in batches, was really so easy to lose, and it was really just pure 'craftsmanship', not a special 'blood'. ?

Isengard likes the adventurous stories told by Qingchao and his experience as a mercenary - although the other party has been recruited by the Platinum Iridium Workshop, he needs a lot of money for his children to become sublimators, and he needs to keep going. It is only necessary to go out of the task, so I often pick up the work outside.

Seeing Isengard catching up with him, Ian commented with sincerity: "Don't feel too guilty, this parasite is very unusual, I even suspect that it is a kind of psionic creature - otherwise, there is no way to explain it can use such a Fast speed takes over the human body... It's not so much taking over the nerves as it is some kind of ghost possession."

——A place where you can hide temporarily and chase after soldiers in flames after getting rid of them.

The blond boy looked at Ian in awe, clearly misunderstanding something.

The special abilities of many sublimators are due to the fact that the source material has engraved some special inscription structures in the bones and flesh.

The water flowing out of the waterway is connected to the pools here, and it is continuously fed with living water.

But temporarily use memory to arrange the source material into an inscription and imprint it to motivate? It's as incredible as someone can carry a book upside down!

"Whether it's truth, indignation, self-blame or guilt, only those who survive can find it, and bear it."

For example, some kind of parasite swarm consciousness?

In addition, there are also some special creatures, such as the Great Sequoia Forest Sea of ​​Trees, which can naturally communicate with other similar species by virtue of the natural psionic field, thereby forming a clustered psychic body such as the Will of the Sea of ​​Trees.

The teenager frowned and looked at the corner of the cave not far away.

Isengard was stunned for a moment, and before he could check the situation for Master Gosser, he hurriedly got up, holding a knife in his hand and Ian on alert together.

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