Above The Sky

Chapter 229 The St1s Of The Ruins Can Talk (23)

"A bit like pudding?"

Stopping the bleeding from the wound on his wrist, Yin En lifted the golden blood jelly with great interest, feeling the texture of a q-bounce close to a decompression ball: "No, it's much stronger than pudding, most of which are made of soil-derived material. It is made of high-toughness material."

Looking away, Yoon Eun looked at the amber crystal nucleus on the other side.

The amber crystal is the essence of the Swamp Crocodile Dragon essence, and it is also a 'solid structure' that cannot be completely converted by the method of blood refining.

At the same time, it is also the raw material needed for the self-repair of the ‘Gulong Core’.

Of course, a complete repair is not possible, but at least part of the structure can be repaired.

And the golden blood jelly, which contains most of the potion material essence of the marsh crocodile dragon, is a mass of 'alchemy matrix' that has been processed.

Although the amber crystal is not incorporated into it, it cannot be used as the 'main material', but as a secondary material, it has been refined and is very good.

Yin En can distinguish the importance of the core. The repair of the ancient dragon's core is far more important than the main material of the second energy level. What's more, if he really wants to advance to the rock casting knight, he must also use the sand armor apprentice's. The fourth sublimation organ' has been cast.

It just so happened that the 'Golden Blood Frozen', as the hardened body of the swamp crocodile dragon, the main source material structure essence that controls the sand shield, seems to be the material for the fourth organ and semi-magic medicine of the sand armor apprentice.

Opening his mouth, Yin En swallowed the amber crystal nucleus and the golden blood jelly directly into his stomach and stored them in the 'second stomach'.

It felt a bit like swallowing a piece of iron, but overall it wasn't bad.

The ancient dragon core will slowly absorb the amber crystal core structure in the second stomach and repair itself without Yin En's trouble.

And the golden blood jelly can be stored for a long time without Yin En urging the stomach... In other words, as a sublimator of the same attribute, Yin En's body is originally the best fresh-keeping cabinet for preserving the earth-type source material.

In addition to the large amount of earth-attribute source substances extracted through the blood refining method that I just absorbed...

He closed his eyes for a while to digest, and when he opened them again, Yin En was in good spirits.

"Although some water and salt need to be added later, at least for a day, I don't need to eat any more food, and I can still maintain full physical strength."

The key value of the crystalline nucleus of the brain marrow of the marsh crocodile dragon should be absorbed and stored. Yin En has disposed of one of the most valuable trophies on his body and converted it into his own strength.

He raised his sword and stood up.

Then, activate the vision horizon and silver chip to find the 'breath of life'.

In fact, there is no breath of life, only various subtle features related to life activities judged by the reaction of the source substance and the flow of the surrounding air from the silver chip.

Soon, Yin En slightly noticed: "There is a slight sound fluctuation on the right, it may be the current of water, or it may be the echo generated by someone communicating in the distance."

"Look closer."

Hiding his breath, Yin En walked silently in the direction of the sound.

The corridor is long and secluded, with many branches and rooms. Yin En followed the guidance of the silver chip and went straight to the origin of the sound, without being misled.

After a while, he noticed a group of figures in the distance.


After slightly adjusting the focus of his eyes, Yin En looked at him with a sane look.

Dozens of people dressed in various colors look like ordinary sailors and merchants are exploring in a very orderly way along the wide cave tunnel.

A few people lead the battle, a few people supervise the sides, a few people pay attention to the rear, and a group of armored trainees holding alchemy firearms and shields in the middle of the team guarded the researchers and sublimators in the middle of the team. It is to always target a few areas with great risk.

Although well-trained at first glance, and even better equipped than the guards in Harrison Harbor, their clothing is indeed just ordinary merchants and fishermen.

If they didn't take out their weapons, put on their armor, and pick up their shields and muskets, they really were like ordinary people.

Even ordinary people would only see them as armed merchants from the Whalesong Cliff—although it was a little suspicious, it was not inexplicable.

However, Yoon Eun saw through their identities at a glance from the style of firearms in each other's hands.

"The man in flames?"

With huge doubts in his heart, Yin En frowned and looked serious: "Why are they here?"

"Even if the exploration team and rescue team organized by Viscount Grant didn't come in, why did they start exploring?"

Could it be that...their team has always been hidden in the surrounding waters, watching the battle between Patrick and Viscount Grant and the natives, and then was involved in the suddenly opened ruin door?

But neither. The opponent is so well equipped, but the number of people is not large - if it is to assist the natives to steal Harrison Harbor, then the number will be doubled, and if it is to sneak in to assist the native training, the number of people is a bit redundant, and the equipment is not right. , seems too professional.

"It seems... as if the existence of the ruins group was known from the beginning."

"If the great shaman told them to come for the indigenous holy land, it can be explained."

With great doubts, Yin En thought about it and opened the ring of silence.

Although the structure of the inscription on the Silent Sound Ring is somewhat unstable now, I am afraid it will not be used a few times, but this is the moment when it is needed to function.

After completely eliminating all his own voices, Yin En quietly followed the team.

Also, use a silver chip to eavesdrop on conversations in the opposing team.


From the eyes of the commander of the special operations team on the southeastern front of the Flying Flame Land, this deep underground cave is a little strangely silent.

As a former elite scout accustomed to lurking in the dark and forests, he didn't like this kind of overly eerie silence, which reminded the brigade captain of how he killed the group of shadows when he served in the Second Royal Legion of Abbasalom. The bloody killing field that Ye Mo experienced when he was alien.

The aliens, who could disguise themselves as trees, could pluck a well-trained sergeant's head by simply sliding the blade of a blade as the soldier passed by, causing blood to pour out of the trees and bushes.

In order to exterminate the alien monster's lair, the second royal legion and several comrades-in-arms legions lost nearly half of their manpower, not to mention the servant army.

Since then, the soldiers of the entire Abbasalom countries have been discolored by talking about the woods, and even some retired veterans have suffered from mental illnesses, and can no longer bear the branches and leaves of the trees shaking in the wind, and even occasionally become mad. Knives cut at the children who were playing beside the trees.

The brigadier survived that war and was not ill.

But he still doesn't like this weird silence, because the most deadly danger is lurking in the silent shadow, like a sharp blade hidden in the forest leaves, which can take off his head at any time.

Just like now.

An illusion of being spied on all the time, irritating his nerves all the time.

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