Above The Sky

Chapter 228 Repairing The Ancient Dragon Core (13)

This is an icosahedral light golden crystal ball, the outer side is a relatively dull translucent crystal, and with the depth, the inner core gradually becomes a bit like an amber-like texture.

Yin En hasn't gotten to that point yet, and he must have some professional equipment to assist him.

After all, for the general first energy level, even Yin En's natural recovery and refining speed of the source quality are two or three times their speed, but the upper limit is so much, not really to the point of life and death, the gap between the two sides is not Not as big as expected.

"But the question is... how do I absorb the brain crystals? Is it really impossible to stutter?"

The only difficulty is that this technique is very complicated to control, requiring multitasking and adjusting the structure of the source material in order to exert a perfect effect.

However, although he is not a master alchemist, nor does he have instruments.

However, the core remained silent.

Although his teeth are indeed good enough to chew on metal... but this thing is so big that his stomach can't hold it at all.

For the past four years, the young man has been transferring the excess Origin Essence he extracted into the Gulong Core.

Seeing that the blood flow was too slow, Yin En frowned, cut another opening, and controlled the blood flow in the body.

However, it is too much to say that Yoon Eun has an organ that can store almost infinitely.

Now, the solution that Yin En mobilized from the silver chip is a technique called 'Blood Refinement'.

Not to mention, he is superior to ordinary people in this aspect.

The teenager frowned and looked down - the color of the brain crystals was actually a bit like maltose, but this thing was not real sugar, its hardness was comparable to metal.

With the help of the silver chip, Yin En manipulated his source material to transform his form to meet the requirements of 'blood refining'. His blood was like sulfuric acid, which easily 'corroded' the crystal and brought it up. Large swaths of golden mist.

This is also the way to maximize the advantages of his super high-quality source seeds.

When Yin En first saw the brain crystals, the first thing that came to his mind was Scott's eyes - the eyes of Captain Iron People are almost the color of this yellow amber, but obviously not as big as the crystals.

At this time, Yin En could sense that the Gulong core behind his heart began to gradually 'activate' when he came into close contact with the brain marrow crystals in a stable environment.

until now.

But Hilliard, relying on his own extremely superb ability to manipulate the source material, with the assistance of the silver chip, was abruptly suppressed the ice prison robbery before all the source material organs were swallowed, so that he not only did not have Being completely swallowed to death, on the contrary, it can maintain a certain combat effectiveness.

In the end, the skull-sized brain marrow crystals left only a mass of amber crystalline nuclei about two finger widths wide, and a mass of 'blood jelly' that had been converted to golden yellow.

Closing his eyes, Yin En scanned his body through the silver chip, although with his current strength, even with the silver chip, he couldn't get past the source material structure of the ancient dragon's core.

The core left by Mr. Hilliard is the sublimation organ of the fifth energy level 'authority level'.

Especially the descendants of the great nobles, the food they eat is incomparable to even Yin En, who has a vision of precognition. They are born to be many times more than ordinary sublimators in this aspect, and the utilization rate of source seeds is so high that dozens of percentage points are not enough. Can't catch up.

The Ice Prison Tribulation Ash has a high probability of being a mesoscopic pure energy state structure of the same level as the source material. It can even be said that it is a Von Neumann machine composed of a special source material. It is extremely strong and extremely targeted. The source material structure, so for the unsuspecting sublime, it is the most vicious poison that is close to killing.

It needs to be fixed.

The bonfire ignited by the brain-devouring insect proved that there were actually plants around the hall, and it was not much different from the surface. The flame burns more steadily with less smoke.

Only when he needs it can he be mobilized from the chip like a 'memory'.

"...This doesn't seem to be an alchemy method for humans, but rather an alchemy method for creatures with a lot of bodily fluids like sirens, water dragons, or slimes."

Immediately, more blood was poured on the brain marrow crystals.

But with the gradually activated core feedback, he can still roughly sense the current situation of this sublimated organ.

The taste is a little dense and sweet... but more of his own blood.

With the support of the source material from the apprentice of the sand armor, Yin En's nails are as sharp as a single silicon knife, and his wrist converges the source material, and the hardness is not too exaggerated.

The only way to use it is to use it as a warehouse to store the source material.

"It seems that Mr. Hilliard's core was somewhat damaged back then... When it was transferred to me, it was to prevent the overly powerful core from draining me in an instant, so the teacher suppressed my heart. The power of the nucleus makes its damage worse."

It is also the highest-grade and highest-quality sublimation organ that Yoon En has seen so far.

After pondering for a while, Yin En reviewed the skills delivered by the silver chip in his mind, and after keeping it firmly in his heart, he raised his hand with a frown, and cut a bloody opening toward his wrist with his nails.

At the same time, his blood was still flowing out continuously, 'corroding' the crystals to become smaller and smaller.

The database of Silver Chips is full of strange things, from the eleven methods of stir-frying meat with peppers and conch shells, to the local method of smelting nitrate and planting rice seedlings, but there is no encyclopedia for Yin En to search.

But even so, when the core was caught off guard, it also suffered a certain damage - the subsequent transfer aggravated this damage.

In theory, this shouldn't be... because Hilliard's remaining strength was only around the peak of the second energy level, and there may be a third at first. The source material of tens of thousands of basic units is enough to simply drive the core to perform its most basic functions.

Unable to think of a solution for a while, Yin En could only search for possible solutions in the silver chip... After all, a layman like Hilliard could use silver chips for unequipped alchemy. As an almost official title alchemist, maybe there is an easier way?

To put it simply, it is an offensive nanorobot in the source state.

With Yun En's current source quality, let alone using the core, it would be difficult to activate it.

Tick, tick. The blood with a little blue-gold luster dripped on the brain crystal.

This is the reason why Gu Longxin has been unable to respond to Yin En for four years.

But he has a silver chip and an ancient dragon core!

"Can the crystallization of the crocodile dragon's brain repair the core of the ancient dragon to a certain extent?"

Yin En sensed the activation of the core and the thirst for crystallization, and he had a clear understanding: "This is not difficult to choose, a second-level potion material, if you can repair part of the core, this Rather, it is its glory."

Blood refining, to put it simply, is to replace the original monster material with one's own blood, and store the source material structure, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of subsequent absorption.

Yin En noticed that these golden mists were the purest earth-attribute source material. He took a deep breath and inhaled the source material mist into his body and transferred it to the core for storage.

But the last thing Yoon Eun fears is the so-called complexity.

At this moment, in front of the bonfire, Yin En held up this huge crystal and thought about how he should deal with it so that it would be convenient to carry.

Up to now, Yin En has even stored all the source substances needed to shape the second-level sublimation organ, waiting for the formula and potion.

With the assistance of the silver chip, he can perfectly reproduce the best effect of blood refining.

However, even though Yin En had stored tens of thousands of basic unit essentia in the core in the past four years, the ancient dragon core did not react at all, just running warmly. The backing of quality time.

That is an alchemy technique that can use the creature's own body fluids to 'purify and compress' the materials of Warcraft.

If it is an alchemy master, with such a fire, it is enough for them to process most of the materials.

The results are there!

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