Above The Sky

Chapter 201 Cloud Shaper (24)

Shelling from afar covered the area, quickly putting the exploration ship in a dire situation.

The captain immediately steered the ship, and the others returned to their posts as soon as possible.

Ian stood around Isengard, his brows slightly wrinkled - the armored living wooden ship was still a long way from the low beam, but the gunboats of the pirate fleet seemed to have found the low beam.

This speed is really abnormal, and there are definitely spies on the low beam signal.

However, when he was appraising, he had already seen the information of all the crew members with the vision of precognition - they did not have any malicious intentions, although a few were full of life, but this is also the crisis of this normal operation.

"Perhaps not people, but manipulations on ships and instruments."

Guessing this can't change anything, because on the other side of the wind and rain, the shadow of the pirate fleet's gunboat has vaguely emerged on the other side of the sea.

No warning, no willingness to communicate.

They continued to fire.

In the deep rain curtain, the flames of the artillery on the gunship were like thunder on the sea, and the high-explosive shells whizzed past the clouds and mists, rubbing the low beam and landing in the surrounding waters.

The cannonballs didn't just rub off, but the power of Master Gosse deflected them.

The pale white gust of wind was like a sharp blade, and some of the shells were chopped up in mid-air by invisible sharp knives before they approached—and those that were not very accurate, the old man pushed them farther away.

At the same time, the crew of the Low Light also pushed out the alchemy cannons and aimed the deep muzzles into the distance.

In this stormy environment, it is almost impossible to hit the target, but what if you hit it?

The gunner skillfully activated the inscription formation road, and the lightning stopped the eruption, causing the cannonballs to blast through the atmospheric rain curtain and exploded in the sea in front of the enemy, causing the waves to spread in layers in all directions.

There are four alchemy cannons on the left and right sides of the low beam, which have a far longer range and greater power. Even the firepower density of the two gunboats is much higher than that of the low beam, but they cannot reach this distance. Gun against the exploration ship.

Not to mention that Master Gosse is in town, the low beam seems to have a 100% evasion buff, and only it can attack unilaterally, and the shells of other ships don't want to get close.

But here's the problem - after sensing the strength of the enemy, the pirate gunship simply gave up firing close to the gun, but swayed far away from the limit fire range of the low beam and followed, while harassing with artillery shells, guided the rear. The big fleet is approaching.

This time it was everyone's turn to take the pirates and there was no way... Even though Master Gosse had overwhelming force, he couldn't leave the ship, he could only defend.

The low beam is slowly adjusting its direction, and the sea area ahead is close to the starting point of the great storm that year, where the deep sea area and mountains are located.

Most people believe that there is an active volcano in the deep sea there, or a lava channel opened up by the civilization of the pre-epoch. The labyrinth and ruins are all based on that submarine volcano.

This statement is not wrong. In short, the source of the mutation happened there. The endless lightning is densely intertwined there, and even piled up into a vortex shape like a bird's nest. The natural psychic field visible to the naked eye is in the heaven and earth. Howling and flickering.

The continuous lightning strikes even made the entire sea bright as day for a long period of time.

Even if there is Master Gosser, no ship dares to sail towards the center of this abnormal area like this. The captain is controlling the direction with a serious face. He controls the boat to turn around in the flood, avoiding The largest waves, weaving sideways into the weaker areas of the storm.

The gunships are being thrown away - although they also have sublimators to help resist the wind and waves, but the level is far less than Master Gosser.

If the strength of the enemy is only this, then the pirates are quickly thrown away by the exploration ship. It doesn't take long for the pirate's sublime to be exhausted in the increasingly violent wind and waves, and must retreat.

But no one thinks the enemy is so easy to deal with.

Sure enough, due to the restraint of the gunboat, the slow-moving prospector of the exploration ship sent a warning: there is a large ship without a flag in the northeast, and there is a statue of shelter at the bow that can calm the wind and waves. Fang Zhi went straight into the forward route of the low beam.

"Sure enough, it is the elf pirates from Canaan Moore, or a large fleet."

Master Gosse narrowed his eyes. His prosthetic eye seemed to have the function of a telescope. Before Ian could see clearly, he had already observed the approach of the pirate fleet.

"Ian, tell the captain." The old man said solemnly: "That ship is a large frigate of Canaan Moore, which can be refitted to carry fourteen or even eighteen guns - let him pay attention, although I can stop it, but I can't let the opponent use artillery to consume my stamina!"

The swamp crocodile dragon at the peak of the second energy level can rely on the terrain and mud hard top to be bombarded by more than 20 alchemy cannons and only suffer minor injuries. Naturally, Master Gosse can do the same thing, and can even do better.


Standing on the deck, the hunchbacked old man raised his crutches and made a virtual circle in mid-air, and then another circle. Immediately, a mighty gust of wind that seemed to be running endlessly rushed out from these two circles. , and even formed two tornadoes surging sideways around the low beam.

The two tornadoes swept across the surrounding waters with an unstoppable momentum, and a dozen or so shells were swept up by these tornadoes, and then burst into them—gold-red flames in the white cracks It shone and faded away, and the surrounding waves were also blown away by this force.

The old man's hunchback was blown by the strong wind, and a rigid metal outline was faintly exposed under the robe... It was not just a simple hunchback, but some kind of structure that had not been fully unfolded.

The violent storm has now become a part of his power, and Master Gosse is not affected by the slightest environment. Instead, he is the ruler of this storm.

The Cloud Shaper... is to shape the wind and the cloud, the master of the storm.

Compared with the first energy level, the sublimator of the second energy level is a qualitative change and sublimation - in addition to being able to control the source quality in their bodies, they can also release the source quality of themselves, and easily affect the entire external world.

Although this effect is only limited to a small part of their body... But this is a world of difference compared to the first energy level that can only control themselves and a little bit of nature around them.

Just as a crocodile dragon can absorb half a city's mud to forge a shield for itself, and Ian may have to carry his own gravel, so Master Gosse can manipulate the wind in a storm to his advantage, making it stronger.

However, the old man's physical strength and quantity of source substances can't compare with the giant monsters like Crocodile Dragon. He has to save his physical strength to prepare for the next possible battle of the strong, and it is impossible to spend all of it on blocking shells.

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