Above The Sky

Chapter 200 Thunder Shelling (14)

"The pirate ship is approaching, very fast."

The exploration ship moving to the southwest was sailing in silence. The increasingly intense thunder light almost covered the noise of the waves. Even the two people in the cabin who wanted to chat face to face had to roar loudly so that the other party could hear them. own voice.

On the contrary, Ian, who holds the silence ring, can block the external sound after a slight adjustment, leaving only the voice of the people within its range.

At this moment, with the feedback brought by the silver chip, he has already noticed that the pirate fleet in the distance has begun to move.

The natives are estimated to be similar, at most a little slower.

Of course, sharks are also approaching.

It can be said that if it does not move, it is already amazing. The silence before gave him the illusion, and now everyone is shooting together, and immediately the situation in the South China Sea is turbulent.

Originally, he thought that Master Gosser's move ahead of schedule might really make Patrick and others a little bit chaotic, but now it seems that the encounter time will be delayed a little.

Actions by all parties are already underway.

At this time, there is no need to hide.

Ian reported directly to Gosse that there may be a large unknown fleet.

The reason was that he sensed an unusually rich smell of vegetation, which was very similar to the merchant ships that the elves used to come to Harrison Harbor, but they were slightly different.

This is not a lie, the living wooden boat is good for everything, but it is really unable to block the fluctuation of its own source quality.

This was originally a good thing. It could drive away some keen and powerful sea beasts, and it could also attract some small fish that were instinctively close to life. It was also a mobile seaweed farming plant, which allowed the captain of the boat to have supplies without returning to shore.

But it is really difficult for them to cover up their whereabouts, so whether it is early warning or tracking, the living wooden boat is always the one that suffers.

As for why it is a pirate who needs to cover his whereabouts, but uses a living wooden boat...

There are living wooden boats everywhere in Canaan Moore. The source quality fluctuates as complex as the old power grid connection lines that have not been repaired for 50 years. method of concealment.

It's just that on the coast of the Empire, living wooden boats are relatively rare, so Ian said that it is exaggerated to sense the other party's source quality breath, but it is not impossible.

"The pirates on Canaan Moore's side... tsk, such a big deal must be the financial resources and means of a few big men in the Ellen family!"

Master Gosse did not doubt Ian's judgment.

In fact, he had already guessed.

Fortunately, the storms in the South China Sea are very violent now, and even large ships cannot sail at full speed - but for the Low Beam with the Cloud Shaper, all this is not a problem, and its speed will not be reduced at all.


"We are entering the center of the anomalous psionic field."

The thunder above the head is getting denser and denser, and the thunder of this intensity can almost be called a thunderstorm.

Even Ian, who has lived in the South China Sea for so long, has seen lightning arcs of similar density in the dance of thunder-hunting jellyfish around Kutan Cliff.

Master Gosse apparently also noticed this, and he asked the captain to slow down and call all the Ascended to come to a meeting.

It would be a lie to say that these sublimators and crew were unaware of the risks. The Platinum Iridium Workshop has issued five times the salary and a death guarantee. Everyone knows that this trip to the sea is definitely not just a simple job like collecting a crystal shell - everyone is ready to fight the sea beasts, and even the indigenous people. Rush is also expected.

But the sea battle with the pirates in the storm... This kind of thing is still a bit unexpected.

"Can't we just call the local lord to come and wipe out the pirates?"

This is the captain's opinion, and his opinion has been affirmed by Ian: "I sent a signal just now, no accident, the Viscount has already set off."

"But it's a storm after all, and it may take a while for him to find us, and by then we've probably been fighting for a while."

It is common sense that official power will always be one step behind.

And the captain was worried: "The wind and waves are too strong, if there is no help from Master Gesai to block, our ship may not last long..."

This is indeed the concern of everyone, including Ian.

Outside the control range of Master Gesai, the outside wind and waves can already beat huge waves of seven or eight meters high. After all, the low beam is only a small and medium-sized frigate.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the low beam is very strong, it can drift with the wind and waves at most, but it will not overturn.

While others may be worried about the consequences of being overtaken by the enemy when the ship loses control of its movements, Ian worries about something else.

"The prelude to the mutation has begun."

In the precognition horizon, the natural psychic field of the entire South China Sea is changing slightly - the white fog in the sky is becoming more and more dense, and even at the top of the storm, the direction of the countless thunder clouds has appeared. Wisps of pale blue field arcs.

It was similar to the Takutan Cliff, but it was a field that was many times larger than the Takutan Cliff.

Today's storm is the fuse of the mutation.

This is within Ian's expectations.

Unexpectedly, the Zhanhai Crystal Dragon was the fuse of this unusual storm.

The storm is the fuse of mutation, and the crystal dragon is the fuse of the storm...

In a sense, this crystal dragon is the fuse of the labyrinth mutation, the core of the core!

"That Zhanhai crystal dragon...is so close to the maze?"

Because the point of concern has not been it, but a target with immediate threats like the native Patrick.

So until now, Ian found that he seemed to ignore this alien species bred in the labyrinth.

——The labyrinth will give birth to powerful beasts as their "guardians", which is common sense in the Terra continent.

But on the other hand, the labyrinth guard should also be able to influence, or in other words, catalyze the activation of the labyrinth power.


——Can the water dragon also attract the power of thunder?

Ian wanted to ask if their target was a water crystal dragon, but he saw Master Gosey's expression suddenly change.


He said hurriedly, and the hunchbacked old man quickly left the cabin and came to the deck with a sharp action not his age.

The winds surrounding the low beam became stronger and faster.

At the same time, a heavy roar followed the thunder—

Boom boom boom!

The waters around the low beam suddenly exploded with huge splashes. The terrifying explosion occurred in the shallow water area, and it blew up the surrounding waves for a while, causing the ship to shake.

After realizing this, not only Master Gosser, but everyone present changed their expressions.

"It's shelling!"

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