Above The Sky

Chapter 123 The Poison Of Death (24)

Dangdangdangdang - Ian Weggs's swords intersected, and the sound of bone and iron collision was continuous, and the apprentice and the knight were fighting fiercely.

One side kept retreating and defending, while the other side kept advancing and attacking, which actually maintained a considerable balance of power.

"Is he running out of strength?"

The enemy's sword is heavier than the sword, and it is far more powerful than ordinary monsters. The boy already feels his palms and arms are numb, and the extreme pain is spreading to the whole body: "Swing the sword with one hand can make the sword in both hands. I can't stand it!"

After not seeing the enemy's physical exhaustion for a long time, the young man couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "After fighting with the teacher for a long time, an arm and part of the internal organs were cut off, and then he was bombarded by lightning, and after consuming a lot of Originium to condense the armor, he was still able to fight against me with the sword. Such a long time!"

Are the sublimators of the earth genus really so tenacious? !

But even more shocked, it was Weggs.

"What monster?! Even if I am seriously injured, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary first-level energy level to catch my sword!"

Even if his eyes were destroyed, the knight still remembered the other party's appearance - a boy of the white people of about ten years old, even a talented wizard who completed the training of the sand armor apprentice before puberty, but there is absolutely no possibility of this. Abundant physical strength and skills, able to block his continuous sword.

"Could it be that he is not only talented in sublimation cultivation, but also has great potential in martial arts?"

In addition to his unbelievable feeling at the moment, there is also an incomparably complex emotion composed of admiration, jealousy, and suddenness: "No wonder... No wonder the teacher who is approaching the deadline ignores his own body and wants to accept him as a disciple..."

"No wonder the mentor... was willing to give his life for him."


I can do this too!

In the hollow of the eye sockets on the head of the bone armor, two faint white fires ignited, and the viscous black-red body fluid flowed out like blood and tears.

At this moment, the water-colored brilliance in Ian's eyes, which was also activating the psionic energy, trembled slightly. He saw that Weggs was stabbing at his chest with another sword, and he raised his sword to block.

But at this moment, he sensed an extreme sense of danger.

Weggs' jab was just a feint. After he was blocked by Ian's sword, he opened an arc, bypassed the defensive range of the long sword, and stabbed towards the boy's open heart.

This is impossible, because if Ian hadn't planned to stop the defense just now, he could have slashed across it, slashed at the weakest right shoulder of Weggs' armor, and then tore his ribs and lungs to pieces.

gamble? how is this possible……

This is, mind reading!

"Weggs can hear his heart!"

I was shocked to think that Ian knew this for a long time, but he didn't expect that the accuracy of this mind reading was so high that his subconscious could grasp it - he didn't even think about it just now, he just blocked it according to his instinct!

But it was too late to deal with anything now. The knight's stabbing sword had already reached his chest, and there was only a thin layer of clothing from the heart, the flesh and blood of the human body and the bones that were not yet fully developed.

But the bone blade did not pierce that layer of clothing.


As if hitting something extremely tough, Ian's body flew upside down, and then rolled around on the ground in embarrassment for several times - he still held the no-blade epee in his hand, and after the unloading was completed, the first Time to get up and set up the confrontation driving again.

"I'm not dead?"

The young man thought in a stunned sense that he felt that he would at least be stabbed to the core, and then picked up by Weggs to turn into a human-shaped meat skewer... Anyway, that's probably the end, the time was too tight, and he didn't have time to think about it.

He looked down at his chest, and the pain followed - the bones in his chest had been shattered, and the petrified flesh and skin of the sand armor apprentice had also been shattered. At this moment, there must be a bloody mess under his clothes. Bone scum sticks out.

But the heart was intact, but it was shaken a little, with a little ventricular ischemia and arrhythmia.

"Cough cough." Suddenly, Ian spat out a mouthful of blood, and was 'hit' by Weggs' sword just now, causing him to bite off a small piece of his tongue... But this pain and the warnings coming from all over his body, That kind of unspeakable sore numbness is incomparable.

Even if he didn't die, his body also reached its limit.

On the other side, Weggs, who was trembling all over because of his psionic backlash, was also dazedly sensing the touch from the bone blade of his left hand.

He felt that he would definitely be able to punch through that overly talented junior brother.


"Dragon skin..."

A hoarse, extremely dry voice sounded, and the knight raised his head in disbelief, 'looking' in Ian's direction, his tone was full of stunned and unbelievable: "The instructor took off his real steel dragon skin cloak... for you. make clothes?!"

envy? Or resentment? Not only that... More is a kind of unwillingness that is almost choked up.

and many more--

When his emotions were agitated, Weggs noticed that, in addition to the dragon skin, the flesh and bones on the chest of the white people were too hard.


The man just reacted.

That child... can already stimulate the sand armor, condensing three sublimation organs...

This is not something that can be piled up just by relying on talent and resources. That is something that can only be condensed and sublimated by sweat and tears, blood and soul.

Compared to these, he didn't get a shot and Ian didn't die, it was the little things of the little things.

"What a genius...what a hard work. You are really strong."

The man's tone is no longer jealous or lost, but a kind of sudden realization, a kind of comprehension.

He finally understood something.

In Ian's eyes, the fog that represented threat and danger on Weggs's body became thicker and thicker. It was like a lightning fog that wrapped his whole body and painted the white armor into a dead black and red.

Both for him and for himself.

The other party has also reached the limit.

- The final battle is coming.

The young man is also very aware of his current physical condition at this moment.

The arm muscles were torn, the sternum was smashed, the heart was trembling, the body was almost exhausted, and the legs were almost unsteady. The backlash brought by the psionic energy made the young man dizzy, and even some could not see the range of the knight in front of him. .

- has reached its limit.

Ian turned his head and looked in the direction of Hilliard. The old man was struggling to get up. He seemed to be saying these things. .

But how is it possible? Hilliard's physical condition is worse than his, and there is only a negligible gap left before his death.

He had to fight...for his teacher, for himself, and for Ellen in Port Harrison. No one can guarantee that Wiggs, who has long been almost insane, will spare a child of a few years old - he may, but why should he believe the enemy?

"Mind reading..."

Whispering to himself, by forcing himself to think, Ian forced himself to think about how to deal with the most difficult power of the enemy: "If it weren't for that mind-reading, I might be able to hold on until he exhausted his physical strength first..."

Obviously, because of the loss of both ears, eyes, and even the sense of smell and touch, Weggs's desire for the ultimate hearing made his psionic power explode further, and even Ian's instinctive reactions could be spied on.

This is already the ultimate, no matter how powerful the mind-reading is, it can't be stronger than this, it can only have other functions.

How to deal with this psionic and overwhelming force?

"Only... give up thinking completely."

With a clear understanding in his heart, Ian took out a seed from his bosom: "There is only a stronger, much stronger power than it is now."

The seeds of the soma tree were held tightly in the boy's palm.

After the Aboriginal War two years ago, Ian did not sell those Soma wine tree seeds to the pharmacy. He was not short of money, but lacked this special sublimation plant as research material.

After several failed alchemy refinements, five of the original six seeds were consumed, leaving only the last one.

Ian swallowed it and chewed it.

Seeds similar to almonds exude a long-standing, overly strong aroma in the mouth, and after chewing, it spreads out, turning into a peculiar taste that is mixed with bitterness and poison.

This is indeed poison - the indigenous berserkers are bloodthirsty beasts armed with this poison, and if swallowed, they can turn into ruthless war machines.

Then die.

Ian has always been very sensible, this is a necessary choice, he neither hesitates nor regrets, not to mention that he is a sublime, not a native of ordinary people.

"If you can't win, you will die. If you eat it, you will probably die. It's too easy to choose."

So he swallowed the poison called death and let the mellow fragrance that was enough to drown his soul spread in his body.

So he raised his sword again.

Stand in front of the enemy.

Stand in front of your loved ones.

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