Above The Sky

Chapter 122 The Blade Of Heart (14)

Thunder's prestige light connected to the world, instantly pierced through Weggs' body, and the raised iron sword became red in an instant, and then broke and bent.

But in the vision horizon, its color is still deep purple, and the sign of lightning strikes represents red. As long as it is thrown on the ground before the red completely covers the purple, it will not be struck by lightning.

But even so, so what?

Except for some special bloodlines, the second-order sublime cannot be reborn from a broken limb within half a year, and the metal sword cannot be used on the Tutan Cliff.

So he raised his sword without hesitation and stabbed it towards Weggs.

Lost the mouth, but there is a thread running through the hearts of both to transmit ideas.

No matter how you think about it, it's outrageous. Generally speaking, normal people don't think this plan may be successful, right?

"Young psyker...you really know the heart."

Ian suddenly felt horrified, because the pure white exoskeleton had pointed its head at himself.

- He is also a genius.

At this moment, the teenager has discovered that on both sides of Weggs's head, the original bone armor on the ears is not a single piece, but a fine structure that is similar to the scale of a fan, layer upon layer.

The aftermath of the thunder is rapidly fading away, and the base of the Takutan Cliff does not seem to be a simple rock, but a huge steel skeleton, and the electric light carrying the psychic field is rapidly being absorbed by it.

Small lightning bolts exploded all over Weggs' body. Although the white bone armor of the opponent was not blasted, the thunder that was so close at hand still made it difficult for the knight to move for a while, and he bent down in pain.

The black-red turbid fluid was slowly flowing out there, but it quickly stopped.

This left hand is now his only weapon.

Theoretically, today's knights have lost both ears, and their psionic perception is also disrupted by small pan-crystal sand bombs. They can neither see, hear, nor smell.

It was a one-armed knight covered in white armor. The electric current flowed from the outer layer of calcium to the ground, and then was absorbed by the cliff, unable to penetrate into the interior.

when! The bone blade touched the epee again, but this time, the power of the epee holder was not as strong as that of the previous owner. It was the bone blade that swung the epee away.

Soon, there was no more arc at the top of the entire Takutan Cliff... This may be the reason why there are endless terrifying thunderstorms here, but the terrain of the cliff has never been changed.

But Wiggs raised his head abruptly when he should have completely lost his senses, and looked in the direction of Ian.

A long bone knife.

At this moment, Weggs listened to the surrounding voices with his psychic imprint and judged the surrounding situation. He could hear that what was shaking in those jars was a kind of fine dust... Is it poison? Or mix up the powder?

Complex inscriptions will struggle to function here, but simple inscriptions will recharge automatically without the need for light ink.

——Just like the training I did in the rain.

Roaring silently, the one-armed knight raised his head slowly. He could no longer see, hear, or even make a sound, because all his external organs were destroyed by lightning.


How can the thunder and lightning of the mere natural world be worthy of killing a sublimator of the second energy level peak.

After being severely injured, Weggs's calming heart sound even had a hint of surprise: "On the way, I strengthened my sense of urgency through the exchange of words with my mentor, so that after I dealt with the wound, I hurried on the road, and I didn't have time to think more."

Ian's eyes widened, his wrists turned, and he quickly regained his stance. The horizontal sword blocked a diagonal slash from Weggs' pursuit. The physical enhancement brought by the sand armor apprentice allowed him to block this blow firmly. ', but was knocked back a few steps.

From his point of view, the long sword that should be called 'Alchemy Tungsten-Titanium Alloy Epee' would obviously also trigger lightning strikes.

And Ian responded by throwing a few fluffy jars.

Ian picked up Hilliard's Iron Sword from the ground.

To be honest, Ian didn't think that his plan had much chance of being realized - there would be people wearing metal armor and holding a metal sword to run to the top of a cliff more than 1,000 meters high during a thunderstorm, in a thunderstorm cloud. Fighting with a sword?

"You knew from the beginning that I could hear your voice, misdirect my actions and channel my emotions."

But soon, the explosion and concussion that followed made him feel a shudder in his brain as he was listening.

Wiggs was shaped like white lightning, he galloped in pursuit, the bone blade in his left hand brought arc afterimages in mid-air, and swept towards Ian's neck, chest, abdomen and calf with precision.

Even though his eyes have been burned, the pale white light that represents spiritual energy is still released from the dark eye sockets and bet on himself.

But even if it succeeded, he was also surprised. It felt like he had prepared a lot of traps for his uncle back then, but he didn't expect that the other party would be knocked down before he met the first one.

Because he saw that there was a figure in the Zhongxing where the thunder was falling.

This wave of three consecutive slashes can be launched continuously with the help of the enemy's blocking power. If the first goal is not achieved, it will turn to the next one. If you only want to block a sword, the result will be cut off in the middle, or your legs will be amputated.

But because of this, Ian frowned.

The surface of his original body had been turned into charcoal by the thunder, and the damaged armor fell off layer by layer, but the new exoskeleton from the inside of the flesh and blood was pure white as snow, only the area where the eyes were located had two deep depressions .

Ian thought silently that, after training, he could accurately catch all the sandbags Hilliard threw without relying on sight or hearing.

And it's morphing into a real weapon.

Ian took advantage of the momentum of being smashed back before, his pace was steady and steady, and the long sword in his hand flipped up and down, in the most simple and unpretentious way, forcibly relying on pre-judgment to block Weggs's three consecutive slashes.

With just a slight shake, the inscription is activated, then the flame burns, the high-heat gas expands, and then the crystalline sand sublimates, releasing a fiery plasma...

With such emotion, Weggs raised his only remaining left hand.

The vibration of the air and the direction the wind blows are all sensed by this 'ear vortex', and then transmitted to the nerve endings at the back of the brain, so that the knight can still hear the sound and identify the position, relying on the 'tactile', 'hearing' and 'source quality response' 'Keep fighting yourself.

The blasting plasma fire and impact caused Ian to be blown back several steps, and the continuous twitching in the air, the blue-blue arcs like water waves, is the performance of the Takutanya psychic field continuously absorbing the surrounding electrical energy. .

As a skill, Wiggs has reached the great knight, and even a sublime who has the potential to advance to the fourth energy level can naturally do it. He can even confront himself with the sword and even easily suppress himself when he can only hear a vague voice.

Now, Weggs turned this peculiar ability into a fighting skill.

The enamel scorpion spider does not spin silk, but its silk sac still exists. When its carapace is broken, this giant arthropod that usually lurks underground will release the colloid in its silk sac to cover the wounded area. And harden into an inorganic composite that is not inferior to steel in a short time.

In the small jar thrown by Ian, a small amount of gunpowder and crystallized sand were stored, and the bottom was inscribed with an inscription No. 12 for ignition. The original inscription needed to be filled with light ink to activate the power of natural psionic energy. , but Tantanya is a large-scale natural psionic field.

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