Above The Sky

Chapter 103 Patrol Knight (210)

"--wife, I'm back--" "Damn, the child is still there!" "Hey, then wait for the evening, at night!"

"Boss, we really don't charge protection fees? With so much money, my eyes are hot..." "Idiot, those are workers hired by the Viscount himself. If you dare to do it, your neck will be hot!"

"Oh, the price of chicken has gone up again. Last year, the chicken farm was blown away. No amount of subsidies can be created out of nothing." "How about we also increase the price?" "How is it possible, the city hall said to stabilize prices... "Then let's get the subsidy!" "Silly woman, how can the subsidy be given to a small trader like us..."

"Today, my uncle went out to eat with friends, and it is estimated that he will be back very late. Just the two of us, what do you want to eat?" "Want to eat, berry stew! Brother, it's good!" "Don't use hyphenated words, and, wait. Remember to wash your hands and don't eat with the hands you've been playing with ants all day."

"It is almost impossible for this new type of alchemical artillery to be reproduced by our workshop in Port Harrison. Its main structure is a pressurized structure, and the strength of the core parts is close to that of polycrystalline black steel mithril-based alloy. , is a brand-new sublimation alloy, we can't reproduce it..." "Then reduce the power and try it with high carbon steel, it really doesn't work, I will apply to the Viscount for ten grams of fine gold."

"The natives are too stable recently..." "You still want to fight?" "That's not what you mean, I'm afraid they will do something new, and I'm not at ease." "Grow your sugar cane, this kind of thing, ah, It's not our farmer's turn to worry!"

kind of sound.

an idea.

Different positions, different ideas, different classes.

Different choices, different attitudes, different emotions.

Ordinary people can only hear one, insist on one, and think about one.

But the imperial inspector, the censor from the imperial capital, [Wiggs of the Flowing Voice], could hear everything.

"Well, Harrison Harbor has been confronted with the natives for many years. The Grant family's rule here is deeply rooted, authoritative, and very stable... and the natives have been defeated and defeated some time ago. It is estimated that it will be very peaceful within ten years."

"However, the basic materials of Port Harrison are insufficient, the abundance of food is also defective, and local officials have also experienced corruption and bribery. This is the norm in the border regions of the empire."

"You actually plan to copy the latest generation of the Empire's alchemical artillery? Although the hard power is definitely not enough, using high carbon steel, fine gold and heavy iron alloys is also a way out. It seems that the alchemy level of Harrison Port should not be underestimated."

"Starting to promote the cultivation of sugar cane ... well, the climate in Port Harrison is indeed quite suitable, and it is also an option."

The knight closed his eyes tightly, but it was faintly visible, and a faint light flashed in his eye sockets, as if it came from the depths of his head, body and even soul.

Continuing to listen to the resounding voices coming from the 'marks', Weggs whispered to himself: "Alan and Ian... these are the names of those two children? A very ordinary family, this white people's spirit The able person is very mature, and it seems that he is the head of the family, but the uncle who went out to drink without going home in the middle of the night seems to be eating and drinking."

"I heard that I used to smoke black mushrooms before, but I quit in the past two years... I guess I was afraid of my nephew, and I was ordered by the local elders not to affect my nephew."

"It's not surprising that the family environment of psionicists has always been bad."

The knight laughed at himself, and he continued to listen carefully, paying attention: "Oh? I'm teaching my brother math... I'm also reciting the inscriptions myself, so diligent."

"Well, life is very regular, very self-control, very smart... At least this is indeed an achievement. If the Viscount does not brag, then he really has a genius who can enter the Royal Alchemy Academy."

End of listening.

Weggs opened his eyes, and there was a pale white shimmer in the dark green eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's write the report like this, Port Harrison is considered qualified."

"The work is over... The next thing is business."

The knight stood up. He stood on the reef and looked at the sea in the distance. The psionic light in his eyes gradually dimmed, revealing those deep green eyes: "Teacher - you must have returned here."

He muttered to himself, "Where are you?"

late at night.

As Hilliard was about to return home, he saw a code sign at the door.

This is what he and Ian agreed to, a sign of vigilance.


Squinting his eyes, recalling the recent rumors in Port Harrison, the old knight already knew something.

He made his way quietly into the courtyard and found Ian sitting on a logging stake practising guided breathing.

"Teacher, the sublimator with the second energy level monitors us with psychic energy."

Noticing Hilliard's arrival, Ian stood up gently, motioned the old knight to bend his head and whisper in the other's ear: "He has the ability to monitor, teacher, you can disguise yourself as going out to drink and come back, find whatever you want. Just one reason is fine, we may need to play a show recently..."

Ian talked about some of his own handling methods and the script he had thought of before, and Hilliard nodded slightly: "Well, very good."

He patted Ian on the shoulder and agreed: "Very good, Ian, if it weren't for you, I might have been exposed today."


Ian was a little puzzled: "Exposure? At most, I think our family is a little strange. Teacher, will you go home late?"

"Osenna is not a family-friendly character, isn't he that particular?"

"Do not."

But Hilliard shook his head and said solemnly: "I think the person who used psychic power to monitor Elan this time should be an acquaintance of mine. If I don't act in advance, I'm afraid I will be exposed soon. "

"Imperial inspector...that was his dream, now that the dream has come true, I don't know if it's good or bad..."

The old knight was silent for a while, then sighed softly: "He came to Port Harrison, definitely not just to complete the work of the Empire - he came after me."

——Is it an acquaintance of the teacher in the past, and an enemy now...

Ian thought about it, but he wasn't surprised by that.

It would be better to say that, as his teacher, the most wanted criminal in the empire or something, it is strange that it took two years for someone to catch up with the smell.

Now it seems that the other party should just be suspicious. He collects information in his spare time and cannot be 100% sure that Hilliard is in Harrison Harbor. Wandering in the mountains.

Even if the other party has this kind of psychic ability to easily collect all kinds of information, it is impossible to quickly eliminate these doubts.

And this doubt will inflate over time until disappointment.

"In other words, it only needs to be delayed long enough, and when the work of the inspector is over, will he leave by himself?"

The young man muttered to himself.

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