Above The Sky

Chapter 102 Monitoring Psionics (110)

Ellen was in his room, carefully observing the few small potted plants.

different from ordinary people. If ordinary people look at plants and trees, they can only see the most outward appearance of flowers, leaves and branches, then the boy can see a kind of slowly blooming vitality.

Perhaps it is talent, or it may be the characteristics of elves, the young child with purple eyes can clearly perceive those slight pulsations, the trickle of vitality, and the subtle connection between them and the world.

Every time the root draws water, every time the leaf breathes air, every time the leaf grows and stretches, it is a whisper of life overflowing, a long song sung in a low voice.


Singing along the 'rhythm' that he heard, Ellen's tune was unexpectedly audible, with a wonderful charm.

Perhaps this gift of hearing the rhythm of life is why there are so many bards and artists in the elves.

And Ian stood silently behind Ellan, frowning and thinking about some questions.

Just now, he used the vision horizon to see the blood-colored mist flowing from his younger brother.

Just like two years ago, every time they encountered danger.

"The blood-colored fog is not too thick, but it is dangerous enough, only shallower than the indigenous invasion of Port Harrison."

That said, but Ian is also very clear that Ellen is not as big now as he was two years ago, and is almost completely bound to his own destiny.

What's more, even if he was completely bound, he would still be fine, but his brother had an accident, just like the indigenous shaman who stole his home.

However, with the protection of him and Mr. Hilliard, there was such a thick blood-colored mist on Elan's body, which was enough to show the seriousness of the matter.

And, most importantly, that purple mist...

Ian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully observed the dense breath above Ellen's head.

Everyone's fog is different.

The speed of the fog's rotation, the diffuse shape, and the lines that appear and disappear on it can all represent different characteristics of a person.

Purple mist, Ian has only seen three, one is Viscount Grant, one is Swamp Crocodile Dragon, and the third is Bishop of Huaiguang Lorison - of course, the ether weapon 'Zhenglan' is also purple, but that is The purple equipment is subtly different from the fog on the human body.

Ordinary people can't see the breath of humans and equipment, but he can recognize it at a glance, so it is not included in it.

And the misty traces that appeared above Elan's head, like handprints, were obviously left over from a brand-new purple biological object.

And judging by its color depth and composure...

"Better than Viscount Grant and the Great Shaman, and on par with His Excellency the Bishop - isn't this the peak of the second energy level!"

While it may sound corny, it is what it is.

The gap between each equal energy level is also very different. A sublimator who is proficient in mastering all his sublimation organs and abilities is naturally different from an ordinary sublimator who has just advanced.

After all, the energy level only describes the characteristics of each stage of the sublime. The second energy level is a tank, which can crush the cavalry of the first energy level, but it does not mean that there are no advantages and disadvantages between tanks!

Viscount Grant may be very capable of fighting, and he has been hiding for many years, which does not mean that he has not worked hard, but in general, it is impossible to surpass the ascetic Bishop Lorisson who has been ascetic for decades.

Without the use of ether weapons, it was almost impossible for Viscount Grant to defeat the opponent.

And the purple mist that appeared above Elan's head was such a level.

"It's not so much that I didn't break through to the third energy level, it is better to say that I took the initiative to keep myself at the second energy level... Or I was stuck in the inheritance, and there was no way to break through."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Ian was really distressed.

Obviously, he has seen that the unknown powerhouse has been in contact with his younger brother.

If he asked his brother directly, he would undoubtedly have some clues. After all, Elan never concealed anything from him, and his memory was quite good.

But here is the problem.

"This purple mist is a kind of spiritual energy."

From the beginning to the end, without trying to touch and expel the trace of psionic energy, Ian narrowed his eyes and restrained the aura in his eyes: "According to observation, this psychic trace will only work when there is a sound."

"When Ellen hummed his own little tune, it fluctuated all the time, and when Ellen kept his mouth shut and watched the grass carefully, it was silent."

"This is a kind of long-range reconnaissance, the psionic power of monitoring—perhaps with a little monitoring ability? But that shouldn't be the case. The difficulty gap between monitoring and monitoring is too great, and the possibility is small."

"Definitely not aboriginal, but who? and why?"

Ian is not arrogant, nor does he feel like he is the center of the universe.

But if he thinks that this monitoring power is not aimed at him or Mr. Hilliard, then he is really retarded.

This psionic energy is not bad for Elan, it is just a simple microphone, so Ian is not in a hurry, but thinks that he can make a fuss about it: "When the teacher comes home, I have to talk to him, this situation is not right, we have to Pretend to be normal... at least pretend to be a normal family."

"The other party doesn't know that I already know about his snooping, and that's where it can be used."

Ian's psionic power, in the eyes of most people in Harrison, including Viscount Grant, is a strange vision of observation and identification.

Ian can easily see those seemingly ordinary extraordinary things, and also has a certain degree of general night vision and see-through ability.

This kind of ability is very popular, even Viscount Grant and the pharmacy occasionally come with some minerals and medicines that they are not sure about, I hope Ian can help identify the pros and cons.

And Ian will agree, and show the ability within their cognizance.

This is already powerful enough - even, Viscount Grant, wants to support Ian to open an identification shop, he can provide houses and preliminary resources for free, and all Ian needs to do is to help him identify some confidential things for free.

Of course, this is just an assumption, after all, Ian is only ten years old now.

Everyone felt that Ian's psionic power was already strong, and even exaggerated.

They were right.

Ian's psionic power is indeed not as strong as they thought.

——Because Ian's psionic power is much stronger than they thought!

Not to mention them, even Hilliard and Ian themselves don't know the limit of the ability to predict the horizon itself, but anyway, it is much stronger than everyone knows, and the prophets of the major churches can't compare.

This poor information is the key to Ian's search for the truth.


With a long sigh in his heart, Ian's expression gradually calmed down: "It's always something to face."

He knows that a peaceful life in this world is a complete luxury. He has enjoyed a stable time for nearly two years, but now he is just facing the reality of this world again.

In the face of danger, he is not worried, but has some expectations.

It's just now... we need to solve a few hidden dangers and apply a few patches.


After thinking about it, Ian said: "Today, my uncle went out to eat with friends, and it is estimated that he will be back very late, just the two of us."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Want to eat, berry stew!"

Hearing the food, Ellen's eyes lit up when he turned around and cheered, "Brother, it's good!"

"Don't use reduplicated words."

With a straight face, Ian stretched out his hand to hold Ellan's head, otherwise he would definitely hit him again - a little boy of this age is really unbelievably energetic: "Also, remember to wash your hands later, don't use play All day long the ant's hand eats."

"Mmm Good!"

The other side.

The coast of Port Harrison, the uninhabited coast.

The knight in black armor closed his eyes, he sat on the reef, put one hand on the side of his ear, and listened quietly to the sounds coming from all directions.

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