Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 989: What evil did you do

   opened his eyes, the brightness in front of them made Luffy a little uncomfortable!

   But soon, after narrowing his eyes, Luffy gradually adapted to the brightness!

   Then, he immediately began to check the surrounding situation!

   He is now on the floor in an office, trapped, with a handcuff on his hand, and weak.

   Well, this feeling of weakness is familiar to him, like the feeling of being submerged in sea water.

   Nami, Sauron, Sanji, Usopp, four of them are quite a few, two on his left and two on his right, all tied up.

   However, Sauron and Sanji are both **** with iron chains. Nami and Usopp use ordinary ropes, but they are all without handcuffs!

   Among them, Nami and Usopp are both awake, while Sauron and Sanji are asleep with swollen noses!

   "Where is this?"

   Luffy subconsciously thought after checking the surrounding situation!

   However, before he could understand, he noticed his sober Nami on the side, and immediately became excited and said, "Luffy, you are awake!"

Just now, when the three main combat forces on the ship were in a coma, Nami was a little panicked. After all, all she could rely on was kneeling, and she was left with a navigator who was only slightly better than ordinary people, and a useless navigator. A sniper can only be slaughtered!

   But now as Luffy becomes sober, the panic in her heart has diminished a bit!

   Although Luffy doesn't seem to have much combat power now, it gives her a feeling of relying on!

   "Nami, where is this?" Luffy couldn't help but asked.

   "I don't know, but after they knocked you out, they grabbed us and tied them together and left them here! It seems that someone wants to see us!" Nami shook her head and said.

   Listening to Nami's explanation, Luffy nodded and suddenly exerted force.


   While roaring, Luffy exhausted all his energy, but in the end he couldn't break free!

"Luffy doesn't need to try it. I just heard them say that the handcuffs seem to be specially used to lock the devil fruit ability. What is the name of the sea tower stone handcuffs, so that the ability can not use the ability!" Usopp said seriously. .

   Hearing this, even though Luffy was unwilling, he still gave up.

   After the three of them waited for a while, Sauron and Sanji also gradually became sober!

  Like Luffy, after they were sober, the two of them also chose to struggle, trying to break free of their restraints.

   But it's a pity that the person who bound them seemed to know them well, bound the two to death, and gave no chance to break free!

   Finally, after the five people stared at each other for a while, they could only choose to wait silently!

   In a while!


   With the sound of the door being pushed open, the five people locked their eyes on the door!

next moment!

A middle-aged man with a big back, scars on his face, wearing a cloak, and a cigar hanging from his mouth pushed open the door, walked in slowly, and walked to them under the gaze of the five people. Sit down at the desk in front of you!

   "Who are you?" Luffy asked impatiently.

   "Good question!"

   Krokdal's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "My name is Krokdal, the president of the Baroque Working Group, and one of the Seven Wuhais under the King!"

   "Seven Wuhai under the king?"

   Luffy, a few people are a little surprised!

   The president of the Baroque Work Club can understand it, but it is the first time that Wang Xiawuhai has heard of it!

"Qiwuhai under the king is recognized by the world government as the seven great sea pirates. They possess catastrophic destructive power and great combat power against the country!" Klockdal explained with a smile, "We have the special authority granted by the world government. Free looting, not wanted, just turn in a little bit of looted proceeds!"

   "What? There are such people?" Luffy said in shock.

   and several other people were shocked to varying degrees!

   Although Nami was also shocked, she forced her to calm down and asked, "Then why are you stealing Luffy's hat? Shouldn't you be a big pirate doing big things?"

   "Good question!"

After complimenting him, Klockdal explained, "First of all, it was not my intention to grab the hat. It was the peripheral members of the work club who wanted to do it on their own when they saw the money. Secondly...who told you that I am not doing big things now? of?"

   "After entering the Great Channel from Upside Down Mountain, there are seven safer sea routes to the so-called Ultimate Island, and Whiskey Peak is the first island in one of them!"

"Any pirates from all over the world have a one-seventh chance of coming here. That is to say, I stopped one-seventh of the pirates for the world and reduced one-seventh of the pirates for the world. This is not Do big things?"

   At the end, as if he believed it, Krokdal's face still had a sense of mission. It seemed that he was doing this for the good of this world!

  Of course, in fact, Krokdal knew very well in his heart that seven out of his words were false!

   For example, grabbing the hat is the intention of the peripheral members of the work agency to see the money, such as stopping one-seventh of the pirates!

In fact, he ordered the robbing of the hat. The reduced number of pirates will not have one-seventh of the world. The self-produced pirates on the great channel, the pirates who pass directly from the Whiskey Peak without logging in, if you count them all. , At most one tenth!

   The reason why Krokdal said this is because he knew in advance that this episode will be broadcast, so he cleaned himself up, exaggerated his own credit, and let others look at him and think he is a great person!

   And when Nami listened to Krokodahl's words, she couldn't help but stunned, and the thought of "Krokodahl is a great man" came out deep in her heart.

   But then she threw the idea out again!

  What am I thinking?

   The most important thing now is not whether Krokdal is a great person, but how to save himself!

  Furthermore, if Krokdal is really as good as he said, how can he tie us up?

   Thinking, Nami opened her mouth and was about to say something~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, Luffy and Usopp on the side made her dumbfounded!

   "I didn't expect that although you are fierce, but you are so responsible, you are really a great person!" Luffy sighed.

"Yeah, yeah." Usopp nodded and agreed, "You and Captain Usopp are the same, both are great people! Stop one-seventh of the pirates for the world...Listen It makes people feel a burst of enthusiasm!!!"


   Believe these two goods?

   Nami, who was a little broken, suddenly felt the darkness of her future!

   With this simple-minded captain, is there a future?

   But, it’s still behind her to break down!

   "I didn't expect you to be such a person. As a swordsman, I recognize you!" Sauron said sternly.

   "Although he looks fierce on the outside, he is actually a good person!" Sanji said seriously.


  What the **** is this?

   Why did people casually say that you two believed it?

   Nami's heart collapses infinitely!

   What kind of sin did the old lady have suffered? She actually met such a group of teammates! ! !

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